Subject: Friend, pedal video epic fail...

Hi Friend,

Hope you have had a great week! We had several crazy things going on,
but the wackiest of all is this video that the guys in the office put together…

We filmed a Dual Fusion video a month or two ago and during the course
of filming it we lost focus and I bet Travis I could throw a guitar around my
neck. Well, this just goes to show what happens when I make dumb decisions:

If nothing else, make sure you share that video… friends don't let friends
break guitars!

Also, a few weeks ago I sent you an email about your favorite guitars - we've
been COMPLETELY blow away by all the great gear our customers have!

We've had hundreds of entry's and here is the top ten. We've judged them
based on not only looking cool but most importantly their interesting back story.

It's quite simple, press "like" on the one you think is the coolest and the one
with the most likes when it closes (9am GMT+1 this Thursday) wins the
Velvet Fuzz!

Have a great weekend!

