Subject: The product owner's painful lesson

Hello Friend,

Without affiliates you
ain't gonna sell squat.

You can have the best
product in the world but
it won't count for jack if
you don't have an army
of affiliates to tell the
world about it.

Trust me.

You can hope for "the
viral factor".

You can pray for your
"paid traffic experiment"
to work out.

Or you can do something
which actually works and
get tons of top affiliates
to mail your product out
to their lists.

The choice is clear.

What's not so clear is
how to go about it.

There's so much confusing
advice when it comes to
getting affiliates with everything
from bribes, brown-nosing and
Facebook group-spamming
doing the rounds right now.

It's all bunkum.

To get lots of affiliates
to mail for you, you need
the Affiliate Builder plugin.

Trust me.

If you are a product owner
you need this

Be sure to use Coupon Code
"10bucks" to get $10 off
the already low price.


You're also getting these
special Bonus Reports for
buying through my link;

* Affiliate Marketing Master Plan

* Easy Affiliate Marketing

* How to Find JV Partners

* How to Find The Best Affiliate
Products to Promote


* How to Build Effective
Sales Funnels

Here's the link you need.

To Your Success, 
Mrs B and Positively Practical Team

1309 W 139th St, Gardena, ca 90247, United States
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