Subject: [TODAY ONLY] Which do you prefer? $27 monthly or $19.99 one time?

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Hello Friend,

That's the first question you should ALWAYS ask when you see some overhyped promotion that's going to solve every issue you've ever had and then make you breakfast in bed.

Is it too good to be true?

If your inbox is like mine, you get a ton of these EVERY SINGLE DAY!

Who are these people fooling?

Apparently, a lot of people.

But not for long. Look at the refund rates on some of those massive launches for the next greatest thing... 

Some have refund rates reaching 40% or more.

That's crazy. 

And now, people are complaining about the Internet Marketing industry and how it's in a rapid decline.

Of course it is...

People aren't dumb.

But too many marketers continue to treat their customers like they are.

High prices, low value, missed promises...

Let's reverse that.

That’s why it’s important to find and support people like David Perdew and the NAMS team that delivers...

Low prices, high value and all promises.

Because of those beliefs, he and his daughter Jen Perdew-Houlk - the director of sales and operations at NAMS - have started doing monthly in-depth training for just a pittance.

It’s worth every nickel of the $27 monthly fee they charge, but today only until midnight ET, as part of the December Deals, it’s $19.99 one time.

Let me say that again!

Today only, until midnight ET, it’s a one-time payment of $19.99

Check it out here.

It’s called the 6-Figure Momentum Circle program.

The goal is to deliver real training with real value from the NAMS business experiences every month in a live online presentation.

Already, more than 1000 business owners have attended these trainings:

√ Simple Search Engine Optimization
√ 3 Mistakes To Avoid When Starting Your Business
√ How To Get Started With Affiliate Marketing
√ Up Your Marketing Game
√ How To Get More Done Without Spending More Time Doing It
√ How to build a simple, converting funnel
√ The 3 email campaigns every business needs and how to create them
√ Writing blog content that converts to sales and leads
√ The secrets to automation for 24/7 sales
√ Getting traffic on Facebook
√ How to select a solo ad provider and buy an ad
√ How to write a JV page for affiliate promotions
√ How to create a bridge page for your affiliate offers

You can get access here for a one-time fee to these past trainings and all future training today only before it goes back to a monthly membership tonight at midnight ET.

The members have been ecstatic...

“This is one of the BEST Webinars on Online Marketing I have ever seen. Seriously, the best overview of what really needs to be done... By the way, I love how you two always teach what needs to be taught, minus any hype!” ~ Jim L.

Check it out here.

To your success,
Mrs B & the Positively Practical Team

PS: Of course, you should get today's special deal because this is an incredible value since it's so highly discounted, but take a look at the first upsell for the real deal, you'll get ALL the other 27 products in the December Deals including three brand new live training workshops this month and next. 

And then grab the first upsell too!

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SUBSCRIPTION INFO: We hate spam and we never email you without permission. You agreed to our terms and conditions when you opted in or when you purchased a product from us. This includes permission to send you email updates about important product information, announcements, bonuses, promotions and other general communication. 

Positively Practical Network Team
1309 W 139th St, Gardena, ca 90247, United States
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