Subject: [TODAY ONLY] Small list and big winners...

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Hello Friend,

Are you competitive? 

If you're in business for yourself, at some point you have to become very competitive... often in a good nature, fun way.

And profitable too we hope.

Recently, David Perdew (a pretty competitive guy) won a sales contest in a major software launch that included a $3000 first place prize. In addition, he did about $9000 in commissions.

And it was in just 5 days.

Now, you probably think that he's got a big list and was able to beat all these other major promoters because of that.

That would be wrong.

The total list he used for this promotion was about 10,000 people. And because his team segments so well, he mailed as few as 500 people on some days to make sales.

At one point, David was getting 41 percent conversions on the promotion funnel.

Whether any of that makes sense to you or not, to be in business and compete in any niche, you have to have a strategy, plan, and tactical approach to sales.
Most importantly, you have to adapt.

David documented the entire process, step-by-step, end-to-end and put it into a 40-page case study called 5 Days to $12K.

And then he made it really crazy by offering this life-changing case study for less than a medium pizza!

But only today, before midnight ET. Then, it goes back up to the normal price. 

This is part of the December Deals promotion and it's only available today.

Check it out here.

He provides great value in this case study, but this is ridiculous even by his standards. 

So get it now!

This is not some puff piece, but an actual experience in an easy-to-follow format that you can replicate.

In fact, the 5-star reviews are flooding in. Here's unsolicited comment he got in his support desk.

"Hi, I just purchased the case study. I have to say that it's one of the best info products that I have read in a long time. I really look forward to implementing them very soon. Plus, it's always good to see the nice guy win once in a while, although I think it will become regular and not just once in a while.
Kindest regards

Since writing this case study, and using these techniques, David and the NAMS team have won nearly $100k in affiliate contests… So, are you ready to implement these techniques?

Just follow his lead.

See it for yourself here.

You'll love this 40-page report. But hurry, or you'll miss it!

To your success,
Mrs B & the Positively Practical Team

PS: Of course, you should get today's special deal because this is an incredible value since it's so highly discounted, but take a look at the first upsell for the real deal, you'll get ALL the other 27 products in the December Deals including three brand new live training workshops this month and next. 

And then grab the first upsell too!

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Positively Practical Network Team
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