Subject: [TODAY ONLY] Make more big money with webinars here 👇

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Hello Friend,

Why is your newsfeed and your inbox full of webinar invitations. 

Because done well, they are an incredible selling tool. 

If done correctly. 

We think people who have never done them or who have never had success with them tend to believe it's just not the right tool for their own business.

We're challenging you to change that thinking today - but only until midnight ET, because that's when this special deal on Webinar Profits goes away! 

The difference between webinars that tank and those that have generated well over $10,000 in one hour comes down to two things:

√ having a GREAT sales presentation
√ having a GREAT system in place

Every sales presentation is different, but the system - that is a matter of following step-by-step instructions.

That's where Webinar Profits come in.

Get the system in place using the 20 Pro Checklists and then you focus on the sales presentation to make sure you nail it.

Re-inventing the wheel to do something totally different seldom works. And you don't have to.

You see hosting a webinar really does have a pretty specific formula. 

If you stray from that formula, especially when you're new in the webinar game, things tend to go off the rails. 

Until tonight at midnight ET, you get the chance to pick up Webinar Profits with the biggest discount ever.

This will blow your mind.

But hurry or you'll miss it!

Grab it here.

To your success,
Mrs B & the Positively Practical Team

PS: Of course, you should get today's special deal because this is an incredible value since it's so highly discounted, but take a look at the first upsell for the real deal, you'll get ALL the other 27 products in the December Deals including three brand new live training workshops this month and next. 

And then grab the first upsell too!

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Positively Practical Network Team
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