Subject: [TODAY ONLY] Is your business lost on the road?

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Hello Friend,

Without a roadmap, you don't have a clear destination.
When you're running your own business, lack of clarity and focus is about the worst thing that can happen.

Every little crossroad on a muddy road map is a potential detour that will cause you to waste time and lose your way.

Without a complete road map, no matter how many things you do, how busy you are, how much "massive action" you take, you'll make very little progress.

Why? You have no idea where you're going. Or how to get there.

That's why we created Camp Clarity: To create a clear road map to show you the way and keep you on track.

These are the very same tools we've used in a $1000 coaching program of the same name. And they are the exact tools that we sell for $297.

Today only, though, you'll get this self-coaching program that has helped hundreds of people get clear on their business purpose. 

Camp Clarity has never been less. 

Grab it now Today Only as part of our December Deals opportunity. It goes away at Midnight ET tonight.

BTW, just to make sure you know this really works, here's what Dennis Lashua wrote after going through Camp Clarity...

"David is a great coach, and the work we did together provided me with the focus and yes, 'CLARITY' I needed for my business. Instead of pursuing every opportunity that popped up and wasting my time and resources on unproductive ventures, I focused on those that fit my core values that David and I had defined during the course.
By achieving that clarity, I landed our biggest client to date within a month of completing David’s course. I highly recommend not only his course, but also his continuing coaching and mentorship for anyone who wants to truly understand how to get focused on their business and their life."

To your success,
Mrs B & the Positively Practical Team

PS: Of course, you should get today's special deal because this is an incredible value since it's so highly discounted, but take a look at the first upsell for the real deal, you'll get ALL the other 27 products in the December Deals including three brand new live training workshops this month and next. 

And then grab the first upsell too!

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Positively Practical Network Team
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