Subject: [TODAY ONLY] Funnels are everywhere - are you making money with yours?

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Hello Friend,

There's an old joke that goes:

Two fish are swimming along. One asks the other, "How's the water?" 

The second fish, looking extremely puzzled, says, "What is water?" 

The point is this: 

Like the fish, it's easy to forget everything that is around us because that's all we know. And we take it for granted.

When we talk about funnels, often people get a completely confused look on their faces. "What's a funnel?" you might ask.

You're living in a funnel.

Everything you buy is part of a funnel. Sometimes, they're really bad funnels. But they're funnels.

You go to the grocery with a basket full of goods and there are two people in front of you in line. 

What do you do? Pull a magazine out of the rack that just happens to be placed right there. And you start reading an article about - whatever. 

When you get to the cash register, chances are you drop the magazine on your conveyor so you can finish the article. That's another $5 for the grocery.

That's an upsell.

It's part of their impulse-buy-on-your-way-out-of-the-store funnel. (Ok, that's our name for it.)

But you've been funneled.

You stop to fill up the tank in your car, and while you're pumping, a video says press here to get a coupon for a buck off a cup of coffee inside. You think, "I'd love a cup of coffee," and you're on your way in to drop the coupon and another few dollars on other purchases.

You've been funneled again.

What about visitors to your website?

You offer them a special report "just so they get on your list" and you have a thank you page with where you deliver a product and make an offer. 

There’s that funnel again.

If you don’t have something like that set up in your business, well keep reading. 

You need funnels to make money.

David Perdew and the Team over at NAMS are expert funnel creators. We twisted David’s arm and he put together an amazing package that we can’t just believe!

NAMS has a 4 module workshop called Sales Funnel Leverage and it is a complete resource to understanding how to build highly converting funnels that perform in an automated way for your business.

And until the timer goes to zero on the December Deals page, you can get Sales Funnel Leverage at a highly discounted - like unprecedented rate. But today only!

Sign up for this workshop and discover why you need:

- strategic business funnels
- product sales funnels
- funnels that work for you 24/7
- automation + automation = more scalable and sustainable business

Jump in the water is fine.

To your success,
Mrs B & the Positively Practical Team

PS: Of course, you should get today's special deal because this is an incredible value since it's so highly discounted, but take a look at the first upsell for the real deal, you'll get ALL the other 27 products in the December Deals including three brand new live training workshops this month and next. 

And then grab the first upsell too!

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Positively Practical Network Team
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