Subject: [TODAY ONLY] Do you want a push in the right direction?

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Hello Friend,

There are detours everywhere in our lives.

And every detour is an opportunity to miss your destination and to get what you really want.

Detours are Bright Shiny Objects, stutter steps, trial and error black holes, and more. Too many of those and you've lost your way and a lot of time.

You must have an internal GPS that guides your decisions.

That's why it's so important to have a good road map, GPS and compass. 

The road map is your step-by-step plan, the GPS shows you how to adjust when you get off-track, and the compass points the straightest line to your goal.

Where do you get these tools?

Today ONLY, we're giving you access to one of premier diy coaching programs called Camp Clarity at the lowest rate we've ever offered.

We've sold this with hands-on coaching for $1000 - and will again. But today, you can get it for much, much less.

As the featured deal today in December Deals, you'll get all the tools we use in the program for a song until midnight ET.

Then, it goes back to the normal price.

Check out Camp Clarity here.

Camp Clarity is a very special self-study course that helps people find their deepest desires in business, money, health, relationships and well-being.

The praise for it is high!

David Baer said:
"Camp Clarity will really help narrow your focus and get you articulating all of the above (plus more). What helped me the most was that I not only got to better define my message and audience, but also learned more about myself and my own priorities in the process."

To your success,
Mrs B & the Positively Practical Team

PS: Of course, you should get today's special deal because this is an incredible value since it's so highly discounted, but take a look at the first upsell for the real deal, you'll get ALL the other 27 products in the December Deals including three brand new live training workshops this month and next. 

And then grab the first upsell too!

© Copyright Positively Practical Network Team. All Rights Reserved.

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Positively Practical Network Team
1309 W 139th St, Gardena, ca 90247, United States
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