Subject: Dude! This offer is ON FIRE right now.

Hello Friend,


We know a lot of our subscribers may be going out on the hunt for bargain prices at the retail chains today,


but before you go…

You need to grab this Black Friday Sale Package!


Omar & Melinda Martin have slashed the prices on 6 of my favorite products.


MY UNFAIR ADVANTAGE is a membership site with LIVE weekly coaching and it has over 400 episodes in the archives. You get access to their software and all their courses.


CONVERToolz is a software to create lead funnels, beautiful landing pages that connect with YOUR autoresponder and build YOUR LIST. Best part is that you get OVER 200 PRODUCTS DONE FOR YOU.


(Yes, seriously this is worth THOUSANDS)


COMMISSION MAGNETS is a software that creates amazing bonus pages which you can customize. The cool thing is that it includes the bonus products!


THE I.M. CLINIC is a brilliant training package that takes a deep dive into the 4 most important parts of your business. Traffic, List Building, Conversion & Scaling.


And the big one…


LAUNCH PAD - We have literally seen them sell this one on webinars for $2000 a pop and we were SHOCKED when we saw they included this!


Launchpad is the step-by-step course to create a digital product and membership PLUS LAUNCH IT! You will actually see Omar do this right in front of you to make 6 figures AND he gives you everything you need to do it yourself!


The BLACK FRIDAY SALES page has demo videos for each one of the software.


Click here to see!


This is an incredible deal so don’t let it slip through your fingers like last time.


To Your Success, 

Mrs B & The Positively Practical Team


P.S. - Remember that tomorrow begins the BLACK FRIDAY SALE CRUSH Campaign so you’re about to get a lot of emails about this.


P.P.S. - Don’t wait until the last minute to grab this incredible deal. You don’t want to miss out on these savings!

© Copyright Positively Practical Network Team. All Rights Reserved.

DISCLAIMER: Some of the links within this email or the links on pages it refers you to may be affiliate links. We receive a commission if you purchase products through these links which varies from product to product. In these cases, we only ever recommend a product that we fully stand behind.

You are receiving this message because you subscribed with your email to this list, on 21st of February, Friday.

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Positively Practical Network Team

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