Subject: 7 Affiliate Marketing Techniques

Hello Friend,


Do you use affiliate marketing as part of your business?  


The truth is it can be intimidating in the beginning, but don't let that stop you from adding this passive stream of income to your business. 


Affiliate marketing consists of several moving parts.  


Today, we want to share seven techniques the top affiliate marketers use in their businesses.  


The truth is, when you can learn from the most successful affiliate marketers out there, you can have confidence knowing that they have already gone through the process and have narrowed it down to a profitable system. 


Let me share seven techniques that successful affiliates use: 


  1. Review More Than One Item in the Same Post

  2. Show and Tell Technique 

  3. Select Your Product to Market Carefully

  4. Be Your Case Studies

  5. Be Clear About the Specific Niche You Operate

  6. Use Instagram and Pinterest for Your Affiliate Promotions 

  7. Create a Forum 


As you can see, there are many ideas for using affiliate marketing as a passive income stream.  


These are only the tip of the iceberg. There so many other ways and benefits beyond what we have shared here. Imagine what you can do by bringing a new income stream to your business.  


Are you curious about how to execute an affiliate program?  


Taking the 7 techniques, you will learn, in detail, how to implement them. 


Not sure where or how to start? No worries! 


Check out the “Affiliate Marketing for Good Guys” Profit Planner from David Perdew at MyNAMS.  


David Perdew is the CEO and founder of NAMS - the Novice to Advanced Marketing System. He’s a journalist, consultant, and serial entrepreneur who has built one of the most successful and fastest-growing business training systems online today called the MyNAMS Insiders Club. 


David knows affiliate marketing inside and out! He has created one of his Profit Planners about all about Affiliate Marketing. 


He has broken down affiliate marketing into simple, achievable steps that make it easier for you to become an affiliate marketer with integrity.  


Learn all about it by clicking the link below. 


Click Here! 


It comes with a textbook, workbook, idea generator, checklist, calendar, infographic, and a tools and resource guide to show you what MyNAMS uses in their business. You get all of it for FREE. 


Don’t miss this opportunity!  



To your success,  

Mrs B & the Positively Practical Team  



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