Subject: 3 Proven Tips to Bust Procrastination

Hello Friend,


We’ve all blown a deadline or ‘forgot’ to do something we said. It may be due to procrastination taking a grip over you.


Here are three tips to help you master procrastination so you can stop making excuses: 

  1. Set regular work hours and keep them. Knowing you will knock off at six o’clock, come hell or high water, can help you keep your attention on getting things done.

  2. Realize that the more tired you grow, the easier you’ll find it to procrastinate-another good reason for keeping reasonable set office hours.

  3. Recognize procrastination in all its forms. Be ruthlessly honest with yourself, and you may realize you procrastinate in other ways, too – like cleaning the bathroom instead of calling a challenging and negative client you plan to fire. 

People who procrastinate are also more likely to indulge in negative self-talk, so watch out for that and make sure you say only positive or realistic-objective things to yourself.


Procrastination and distraction also go together, and that’s all part and parcel of modern-day times.


Procrastination can be beaten.  Sometimes all it takes is one little hack.


I have the perfect process to help your identity, destroy, and rid yourself of having to make up excuses when you don’t do what you say.


It’s a Profit Planner from Melanie M. Davis from Excellence Business Academy (EBA) and it’s called “No More Excuses”.


It takes you through step by step how to stop procrastination and quit making lame excuses.


Right now, the price is lower than it will be in the future.


Grab it while you can!

To Your Success,
Mrs B & The Positively Practical Team

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