Subject: INCHRON GmbH -> AG Announcement

Dear Friend,

The team at INCHRON is excited to announce that we have successfully incorporated our organisation to form a public limited company. With the demands on automotive ECUs multiplying year on year, the round of funding associated with this change will help ensure that we can remain independent while continuing to broaden the scope and capabilities of our tools and services to provide the best experience and most product value to our customers.
The demands placed upon INCHRON for new features and capabilities in our timing analysis tools have continued to grow rapidly, especially with the focus on advanced driving-assistance systems (ADAS) and autonomous driving (AD) solutions. Our team has grown over the past decade, successfully tackling the most challenging requirements made of them. This change to our organisation will ensure that we can continue to invest, develop and grow, delivering both the tools and service that our customers have come to expect.
Included in this change is a move of our head office from Potsdam to Erlangen where the company was founded in 2003. New office space there will enable us to provide enhanced support and training to ensure that users of our tools are as effective as possible. After 16 years of continuous growth and successes, we are all looking forward to the opportunities this change will open up to us.
For further information see

Throughout the incorporation we have kept our privacy policy unchanged. Furthermore, we have not passed your data (e.g. this mailing list subscription) to a different third party than before. Your personal data is still safe with us and we guarantee that we will always handle it with care.
Meet us at
Embedded Multi-Core Conference,May 26-27, 2020 in Munich, Germany
Automobil Kongress Elektronik, June 23+24, 2020 in Ludwigsburg, Germany

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When function meets time
INCHRON AG, Neumühle 24-26, 91056 Erlangen, Germany; Sitz der Gesellschaft/Domicile: Erlangen; Registergericht/Court of Registry: Fürth HRB 16541;Aufsichtsratsvorsitzender/Chairman of the Supervisory Board: Peter Düsel; Vorstand/Executive Board: Dr. Ralf Münzenberger (CEO), Matthias Dörfel (CTO);Please see our Privacy Policy.
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