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February 3rd, 2014 at 2:40 am EDT

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Monday, February 3, 2013

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’7 Things You Need To Know About Social Media Strategy For Better Brand Engagement’ – Business Insider

The latest article on Business Insider is titled ”7 Things You Need To Know About Social Media Strategy For Better Brand Engagement”. Kamlesh Dixit says, “Many brands across the globe have jumped on the social media bandwagon. However, most of them have done it out of compulsion simply because their competitors are doing it or it... [Read more]

’11 Vital Points Of A Social Media Marketing Plan’ – ‘Business 2 Community’ Article

The latest article on ‘Business 2 Community’ is titled “11 Vital Points Of A Social Media Marketing Plan”. Emma-Julie Fox says, “Have you got a social media marketing plan? Would you like to learn how to create one? There is no question that social media is an effective and powerful tool for business and product marketing.... [Read more]

AffiliatePress: Your affiliate sales improve when there’s scarcity #ad

There are both advantages and disadvantages to being an affiliate marketer. On the plus side, you are outsourcing the product development and product support to the product creator; you just handle the sales. On the minus side, you are one dozens or perhaps even hundreds of affiliates. As an affiliate, your success rests on being unique. If you offer... [Read more]

‘5 Web Design Blunders’ – ‘Website Magazine’ Article

The latest article on ‘Website Magazine’ is titled “5 Web Design Blunders”. Allison Howen says, “A website is the digital face of an online business, which makes it very important that a brand’s site leaves a good impression with its visitors. Much too often, however, these important digital properties contain design blunders. While... [Read more]

‘The Not-So-Secret Black Market Of Twitter Handles’ – ‘ReadWrite’

The latest post on ‘ReadWrite’ is titled “The Not-So-Secret Black Market Of Twitter Handles”. Selena Larson says, “Naoki Hiroshima survived an Internet security nightmare earlier this week, though not without first acquiescing to the demands of the person who hacked him. Someone claimed to obtain the personal information and passwords... [Read more]

‘The Agony and the Ecstasy of Growing Old With Facebook’ – ‘Mashable’

The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled “The Agony and the Ecstasy of Growing Old With Facebook”. Seth Fiegerman says, “Sometime this May, I will step into a noisy bar or chintzy hotel space in New York City for my 10-year high school reunion. I’ll scan faces to see how they’ve aged, glance at ring fingers and listen as... [Read more]

Kamelot: A responsive visually stunning WP theme; developer’s license #ad

Josee Bedard has just released the latest theme package from Angels Web Design. In fact, this package is stuffed: 3 WordPress Themes + 2 WP plugins + 80 WP videos. The star of the show is Kamelot WP theme, which has a lot going for it: • Supports all 500 Google fonts so your site can look professional and customized at the same time • Easy... [Read more]

‘Avoiding ecommerce deployment disaster: 10 areas to watch’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

The latest ‘Econsultancy’ blog post is titled “Avoiding ecommerce deployment disaster: 10 areas to watch”. Darryl Adie says, “Replatforming and deploying major updates are some of the most stressful moments for an ecommerce team. These moments are vital for staying ahead of the competition, for introducing innovative... [Read more]

‘Measure For Business Benefit’ – ‘SEO Book’ Blog

The latest ‘SEO Book’ blog post is titled “Measure For Business Benefit”. Peterd says, “Matt Cutts is just toying with SEO’s these days. Going by some comments, many SEOs still miss the big picture. Google is not in the business of enabling SEOs. So he may as well have a little fun - Matt has “called it” on guest posting. Okay, I’m... [Read more]

‘Handling User-Generated & Manufacturer-Required Duplicate Content Across Large Numbers of URLs’ – MOZ Blog

The latest MOZ blog post is titled “Handling User-Generated & Manufacturer-Required Duplicate Content Across Large Numbers of URLs”. Rand Fishkin says, “Some marketers, especially those working with e-commerce sites, are forced to deal with content like product descriptions and reviews; things that aren’t unique. In today’s Whiteboard... [Read more]

Traffic Recon: Understand Google’s algorithm to improve your traffic #ad

Google drives a lot of traffic to a lot of websites. How about yours? If your site is ranked near the top for major keywords, you can’t help but get traffic. But getting to the top requires working smarter. Matt Callen’s new Traffic Recon makes it easier to because it shows you what Google is thinking in is ranking. Traffic Recon is detailed... [Read more]

‘Do it Backwards: Creating a Business for Your Content’ by Jay Baer

Jay Baer‘s latest ‘Convince & Convert’ blog post is titled “Do it Backwards: Creating a Business for Your Content?. Baer says, “Gregory Ng, CMO of Brooks Bell and host/producer of FreezerBurns, joins the Social Pros Podcast this week to discuss microwaving food on camera, Google+’s integration with YouTube comments, and how a... [Read more]

‘Two Cool Words To Get More Retweets On Your Tweets’ by John Chow

John Chow’s latest blog post is titled “Two Cool Words To Get More Retweets On Your Tweets”. Chow says, “If you’ve not been using twitter to engage your target audience and promote your blog, you’re making a big mistake. But this post is not about getting twitter followers or getting into social media generally. Instead, I want to quickly... [Read more]

Download: HubSpot’s ‘Driving Content Marketing Success’ Report

HubSpot has released a free report titled “Driving Content Marketing Success”. The HubSpot team says, “The popularity of content marketing has grown dramatically over the last few years. More and more companies are shifting budget away from traditional paid advertising towards inbound marketing. Content is at the core of a successful inbound... [Read more]

BeautyClone: Sell Amazon products in the popular beauty niche #ad

CoolIce is announcing a new Amazon affiliate site design today. BeautyClone is a complete, automated, Amazon affiliate store ready to upload. Just like his earlier stores, this beauty store addresses a Billion Dollar market (over $426 billion per year) worldwide, many billions of beauty products are sold each year. With your automated store, you will... [Read more]

Download: Experian’s ‘ Seven ways digital marketing will change in 2014′ Report

Experian has released a free report titled “Seven ways digital marketing will change in 2014″. The Experian team says, “In 2014, aligning with the customer is imperative for success. Getting there will require differentiation in data strategy, in technology and for every customer interaction. This series of predictions from Experian... [Read more]

‘How to View Constraints as Blessings in Disguise’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

The latest post on ‘Copyblogger’ Blog is titled “How to View Constraints as Blessings in Disguise”. Rajesh Setty says, “?“What we need is to tell a powerful story on our thank you card,” I said. The team unanimously agreed to the concept and in minutes volunteered me to lead that storytelling project. This happened in the volunteer... [Read more]

‘How Yahoo Can Get Its Search Mojo Back From Microsoft’ – ‘ReadWrite’

The latest post on ‘ReadWrite’ is titled “How Yahoo Can Get Its Search Mojo Back From Microsoft”. Selena Larson says, “Yahoo reportedly wants out of a deal that ties its search services to Microsoft, and is preparing new technological initiatives to reclaim its position in the search market. According to Kara Swisher at Re/code, Yahoo... [Read more]

How to write popular fiction for Kindle #ad

Some of us would like to have fiction books earning us passive income (the Kindle platform has exploded the market for fiction), but we are hesitant, afraid that we don’t know enough to create a fiction book that would sell. Tink B.D. has a lot of experience in fiction writing and she has shown many less experienced writers how to be successful... [Read more]

‘The State of Android in 2014’ – ‘Mashable’

The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled “The State of Android in 2014″. Ryan Lytle says, “It’s been an interesting year so far for the Android world. Just a month into 2014, organizational plans for Android have been set and the groundwork laid for the rest of the year. Google sold Motorola’s smartphone division to Lenovo,... [Read more]

‘How To Build A Social Media Strategy Template’ – ‘Business 2 Community’ Article

The latest article on ‘Business 2 Community’ is titled “How To Build A Social Media Strategy Template”. Tommy Landry says, “Social media marketing has reached widespread acceptance in the business world heading into 2014. You would be hard pressed to find a company that does not understand the value it can bring to their business... [Read more]

‘Facebook Paper: What Can eBusiness Pros Learn About The Need For Multiple, Simple Apps?’ – ‘The Forrester Blog’

The latest article on ‘The Forrester Blog’ is titled “Facebook Paper: What Can eBusiness Pros Learn About The Need For Multiple, Simple Apps?”. Julie Ask says, “Facebook will launch its new Paper product on February 3. The questions I have been asked are, “Why?” and “Should we be thinking about multiple apps rather than... [Read more]

Notification Ninja: Don’t let the sale get away #ad

Brennen Noble is holding a “pre-launch sale” on his new software, Notification Ninja. This is a WordPress plugin that lets you present sophisticated messages to your site visitors, even after they have gone elsewhere. For example, if you are selling an item sold by other merchants as well, people will Google the item and click on each results... [Read more]

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