Weekend IM News: Who would announce a new product on Saturday?

August 18th, 2012 at 3:22 pm EDT

Well, Mike Lantz and Nick LaPolla are announcing Simple Video Pro today at noon EDT.

I guess they think that if they build a better mousetrap video system, the world will beat a path to their door, even on Saturday. And Simple Video Pro is indeed a better video system.

Why is Simple Video Pro such a sytep forward? Consider this:
• it plays on such a wide variety of platforms besides PCs and Macs, including the iPhone, iPad and Android ( more and more people are consuming information on these portable devices).
• It allows you to add either an html form overlay (e.g., for opt-in) or Paypal Buy Now button overlay. You can redirect people, let them opt in or take a payment directly from the video
• It doesn't depend on where you host the video (your own site, Amazon S3 and YouTube are all supported.)
• It allows logos, splash pages and watermarks.
• It provides fascinating special effects.
• Your affiliates can embed their own affiliate links into your video so they can promote it and earn credit for your sales.
• It lets you add social media buttons to provide viral growth
• Your choice of 32 screen sizes

This has everything needed to go viral, to build your list, to take payments, do affiliate marketing and play in all formats.

 Simple Video Pro will help your business and affiliates get more video views, subscribers and customers.

Integrating video with Facebook is good, but new. However, combining the power of video with Twitter and Pinterest is a new capability for for most of us and certainly for our clients. Now these two social giants are available through  Simple Video Pro. You have, in Simple Video Pro a video package that can combine these three marketing resources into one video software system. It will also be an efficient time saver.

See the demo video here: Simple Video Pro

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