Ways to Increase You Pinterest Followers - IM NewsWatch, February 12, 2020

February 12th, 2020 at 7:20 am EDT


IM NewsWatch

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Step-by-Step Guide to Auditing Site Content

You should perform regular audits to improve your content quality. You can prepare your auditing checklist by carefully observing various publishing guidelines. To help you prepare for content audit, Seer Interactive has published a step-by-step guide. Tyler Cameron says, “Whether you’ve recently published a new piece of content... [Read more]

How to Keep Your Intent Targeting… on Target [Podcast]

To succeed in your marketing you need to reach more people who can be persuaded to become your customers. Rank Ranger team has published a new podcast ‘How to Keep Your Intent Targeting… on Target’ to help you find and reach more audience. The podcast features Jessica Levenson as guest. Listen to this podcast to learn: How... [Read more]

Your Guide to Start Podcasting

Podcast publishing is a great way to influence people and turn them into customers. With a well-planned strategy you can grow start a podcast series and publicize it. Search Engine Journal’s Jon Clark has shared seven tips to help you start with podcasting. Clark says, “There are a million reasons to get one started, and not... [Read more]

24 Hour Commission Hustler: Buyer traffic for your offers #ad

Art Flair has recently announced 24 Hour Commission Hustler, which, he says, is a brand new formula for generating buyer traffic and commissions, starting from scratch. The essence of this program is a two-fold “discovery” that he is sharing. He uses a particular source for getting traffic to his offers, a source he says marketers have underestimated... [Read more]

Ways to Increase You Pinterest Followers

Pinterest is a great platform to promote your products with the help of attractive images. With a wider Pinterest following you can continue to increase your sales Search Engine Journal contributor Julia McCoy has shared 10 ways to help you increase your followers on Pinterest. McCoy says, “Here are 10 proven strategies that will... [Read more]

‘Empathy—The No. 1 Driver of Growth in 2020 and Beyond’ Webinar 2.00 pm ET [Webinar]

By understanding human .psychology you can make your marketing irresistible. Research has revealed that empathizing with people is the best way to persuade them. eMarketer is hosting a webinar on ‘Empathy—The No. 1 Driver of Growth in 2020 and Beyond’ on Wednesday, February 12, 2020 at 2.00 pm ET to help you improve your marketing with... [Read more]

Email and the Age of First Person Marketing [White Paper]

Email is one of the most trusted tools for marketing. Effective email marketing campaigns can help you to take your marketing to next level. Target Marketing has published a new white paper ‘Email and the Age of First Person Marketing’ highlighting the importance of email in personalized marketing. TM team says, “Companies... [Read more]

Video Dashboard: researches, creates and posts social videos #ad

Create stunning, relevant videos and spread them around popular social media platforms with Video Dashboard. This new software, being released by the Paul Ponna team, includes the first of its kind “Market Pulse Finder” technology that prowls the internet and processes millions of social and video posts every minute to find the trending... [Read more]

Improve Your Marketing with HubSpot’s 25 Case Studies

Marketing case studies help us to learn and improve our marketing process. It is one of the best ways to strengthen your marketing performance. HubSpot contributor Caroline Forsey has shared 25 case studies to help you improve your marketing. Forsey says, “To help you create an attractive and high-converting case study, we’ve... [Read more]

‘Top 10 Digital Marketing Mistakes Small Businesses Make’ Webinar 2.00 pm EST [Webinar]

You digital marketing efforts need to be focused on the goals you have set for your business and on how you are going to appeal to your audience. Entrepreneur magazine team is hosting a webinar on ‘Top 10 Digital Marketing Mistakes Small Businesses Make’ on Wednesday, February 12, 2020 at 2.00 pm EST to help you avoid common digital marketing... [Read more]

‘How to Outsmart Your Competitors & Win Market Share Using Location Data’ Webinar 2.00 pm ET [Webinar]

Data plays the pivotal role in your marketing initiatives. It helps you to target the right audience at right time and create more sales. Search Engine Journal is hosting a webinar on ‘How to Outsmart Your Competitors & Win Market Share Using Location Data’ on Wednesday, February 12, 2020 at 2.00 pm ET. SEJ team says, “Join... [Read more]

WP Trend Keywords: Keyword Research Plugin (Free) #ad

Alessandro Zamboni and Bruno Giannella are giving away a WordPress plugin that helps you find trending topics in your niche, WP Trend Keywords. Install this plugin on your site, then see top trending keywords from six search engines in real time. This tool helps you to locate new trends as soon as they go live, all over the world. One click and you... [Read more]

Getting Local SEO Competition Analysis Right [Podcast]

A strong local SEO strategy helps you to win more customers from around for your business. By combining some important metrics based on research, you can create a strong local SEO plan. Rank Ranger’s Mordy Oberstein and Sapir Karabello have published a new In-Search SEO podcast episode ‘Getting Local SEO Competition Analysis Right’... [Read more]

How to Check Your SEO Performance

Search engine optimization is the backbone of any business that relies on Internet. By creating healthy SEO strategies you can give a boost to your business. Practical Ecommerce contributor Jill Kocher Brown has published an article highlighting six ways to find out your SEO performance. Brown says, “Gut feel. That’s how ecommerce... [Read more]

Facebook Messenger Changes Bot Policies: What It Means for Marketers [Podcast]

Chatbots allow you to improve customer experience by creating a customer support channel. Facebook Messenger has recently changed its bot policy. It is important to know what has changed for you. Social Media Examiner’s Grace Duffy has published a new podcast episode ‘Facebook Messenger Changes Bot Policies: What It Means for Marketers’. Duffy... [Read more]

Build websites for local businesses from one-click templates #ad

Jack Hopman's team has built a collection of websites for local businesses that you can upload, customize, and sell to local clients (or use yourself). The 'Rapify Local' collection is so well designed that you can install a site, Hopman says, with just one click. CNN reports that 45% of local businesses still do not have a website. They need you to build a site for them... [Read more]

How to Use Facebook Group Units to Organize Your Content [Video]

Content publishing is one of the best forms of digital marketing that helps you to win more customers. To make your content popular it is essential to put it in front of your customers. Social Media Examiner team has published a new video ‘How to Use Facebook Group Units to Organize Your Content’ featuring Bella Vasta to help you use... [Read more]

‘How to Get Your First 1,000 Podcast Listeners ’ Webinar February 27 [Webinar]

Podcast publishing is one of the most popular digital marketing tactics. It helps you to enhance your online reach and win more customers. Entrepreneur magazine team is hosting a webinar on ‘How to Get Your First 1,000 Podcast Listeners’ on Thursday, February 27, 2020 at 3.00 pm EST. Key Takeaways: Be able to develop your own podcast theme... [Read more]

Are You Wasting Money in Marketing?

Your marketing investment should be well-thought so that it gets you desired ROI. Many a times we choose wrong marketing channel and our money is wasted. Entrepreneur contributor Estie Rand has shared six marketing money wasters. Have a look at this article if you are making any such mistakes. Rand says, “Here’s what I’ve... [Read more]

What? Me a Business Coach? #ad

Alessandro Zamboni and Bruno Giannella are giving away a WordPress plugin that helps you find trending topics in your niche, WP Trend Keywords. Install this plugin on your site, then see top trending keywords from six search engines in real time. This tool helps you to locate new trends as soon as they go live, all over the world. One click and you... [Read more]

2020 Predictions Month: SEO Predictions [Podcast]

Searchmetrics contributor Tyson Stockton has published a new podcast episode ‘2020 Predictions Month: SEO Predictions for the Media Industry’ featuring John Shehata. Stockton says, “Google’s efforts to own more of its search ecosystem is forcing media companies to re-examine their own branding efforts and how they use the... [Read more]

Supercharging Your Product Campaigns [Guide]

Your business performance depends on the way you address marketing and advertising. Creation of persuasive product marketing campaigns is a challenge but with creative efforts you can create the ones that attract millions. Marketing Week team has published a new guide ‘Supercharging Your Product Campaigns’ to help marketers create outstanding... [Read more]

Digital Marketing Hacks for 2020 [Video]

Digital marketing continues to evolve and reach new heights with the development of new technologies. To optimally utilize the tech available for marketing you need to constantly experiment with it. Entrepreneur magazine team has published a new video ‘Digital Marketing Hacks for 2020’ featuring Carlos Gil. Entrepreneur team... [Read more]

Five Ways to Spot Fake Influencers

Influencer marketing has brought a new channel for businesses to promote their products and services keeping their budget under control. But it has become a challenge to find out the right influencers online. Entrepreneur magazine contributor Lee Scarratt has shared five ways to help you spot fake influencers. Scarratt says, “The... [Read more]

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