Watch Google’s SEO Mythbusting videos - IM NewsWatch, June 11, 2019

June 11th, 2019 at 7:44 am EDT


IM NewsWatch

Monday, June 11, 2019

Watch Google's Four ‘SEO Mythbusting’ Videos

Last month Google made an announcement of launching an ‘SEO mythbusting’ series for the web developers. The Google Webmasters team has published four videos as a part of the ‘SEO mythbusting’ series. The video topics are: EO mythbusting 101SEO & GooglebotStructured DataSEO & Javascript. Visit the Google... [Read more]

Avoid These Instagram Mistakes to Improve Your Marketing

Facebook and Instagram score high when it comes to promoting your products and services over the social media. With their wider following base these two platforms facilitate the marketers to reach bigger audience. The Content Marketing Institute contributor Adina Jipa has shared six common Instagram mistakes made by brands and marketers. Read Jipa’s... [Read more]

‘Why Emotions Are Critical to Engagement and Loyalty’ Webinar June 18 [Webinar]

The Adweek team is hosting a webinar on ‘Why Emotions Are Critical to Engagement and Loyalty: The Foundation of Human Experience’ on Tuesday, June 18 at 1.00 PM EDT. The Adweek team says, “Hear directly from Deloitte Digital leaders about the implications of emotion, along with the data, governance processes and technology capabilities... [Read more]

Descova: Find good products for your e-commerce store #ad

For an e-commerce site to succeed, several things are needed (traffic, of course, being one of them), but an absolute “must” is a selection of good products that are proven sellers. New software, Descova, that was just released, lets you instantly do product and niche searches so you can quickly fill your stores with good products. With... [Read more]

‘How to Manage and Maximize Content Creation on a Large Scale’ Webinar June 12 [Webinar]

The Search Engine Journal team is hosting a webinar on ‘How to Manage and Maximize Content Creation on a Large Scale’ on Wednesday, June 12 at 2.00 PM ET. This webinar will be presented by Lauren Klein, Senior Account Executive, Enterprise, ScribbleLive and Makayla Millington, Campaign Development Specialist, Autodesk. The SEJ team... [Read more]

‘4 Steps to Operationalize Modern Marketing Work’ Webinar 1.00 pm EDT [Webinar]

Digital Marketing Depot is hosting a webinar on ‘4 Steps to Operationalize Modern Marketing Work’ on Tuesday, June 11, 2019 at 1.00 pm EDT. The DMD team says, “Modern marketing work requires modern workflows, and operationalizing those workflows is critical to be effective and scale your resources with the amount of work you’re expected... [Read more]

‘20 Practical Personalization Ideas for Maximum Impact’ Webinar 1.00 pm ET [Webinar]

The ClickZ team is hosting a webinar on ‘20 Practical Personalization Ideas for Maximum Impact’ on Tuesday, June 11, 2019 at 1.00 pm ET. The ClickZ team says, “Brands across industries have realized that personalization is no longer optional in order to win customers’ attention, engagement and loyalty. But many are missing some of... [Read more]

Tired of writing your own WP Posts? Let Content Gorilla do it #ad

Most (not all) videos on YouTube use a Creative Commons license. That allows you to use them in your own marketing, usually provided that you give credit to the original author. That means that if you find a great video for your niche, you can embed it on your own website or blog, which gives your users helpful content without your having to write (or... [Read more]

Six-step Guide to Improve Your SEO Knowledge

The knowledge of basic search engine optimization strategies can be immensely helpful to you in growing your online business and sales. The Search Engine Watch contributor Aleh Barysevich has shared an useful article with six points that can be useful to you in improving your SEO skills. Barysevich says, “Technical optimization is the... [Read more]

Google’s June 2019 Core Update & How Targeted Ads Impact Publishers [Podcast]

The Ezoic Inc. team has published a new podcast episode on ‘Google’s June 2019 Core Update & How Targeted Ads Impact Publishers’. Listen to the podcast to find out the impact of Google’s recent algorithm changes. The Ezoic team says, “Tyler and Shelby discuss the recent rollout of Google’s pre-announced June 2019... [Read more]

Useful Payment Methods for Your Ecommerce Site

You ecommerce business needs a reliable payment gateway which works well for both your customers and for you. The QuickSprout team has shared a list of eight useful payment methods for the ecommerce sites. Read this article to choose the appropriate payment method for your site. The QuickSprout team says, “For those of you who are... [Read more]

TubeTarget software escalates ad results on YouTube #ad

If you have only had so-so results with your ad campaigns, you might want to look at Gupta's new tool. It is aimed specifically at smart ad placement on YouTube. It lets you find popular YouTube videos and video channels that are "monetized" (meaning, you can pay to place an ad there) in your niche so you can place your ads on them... [Read more]

Tips to Write Email for Mobile Subscribers

Today we reach majority of our customers on mobile. So when it comes to email marketing, care is desired so that the emails are readable on the mobile devices. The AWeber contributor Jill Fanslau has shared an useful article highlighting some ways to write better emails for the mobile subscribers. Fanslau says, “Depending on your audience,... [Read more]

7 SEO Title Tag Hacks for Increased Rankings + Traffic [Video]

The MOZ team has published new Whiteboard Friday video titled ‘7 SEO Title Tag Hacks for Increased Rankings + Traffic’ featuring Cyrus Shepard. Watch this video to learn some useful tips on improving your search engine rankings and getting more web traffic. The MOZ team says, “We’re bringing back an oldie but a goodie... [Read more]

Guide to Optimize Your Podcasts for Search Engines

Podcast publishing is an essential and useful way to enhance your content marketing initiatives. With regular publication of podcast series you can build up an audience that can be prospective customer base for you. The Search Engine Watch contributor Tereza Lista has shared a short guide to optimize your podcasts for search engines and get wider... [Read more]

Beginners, Animaytor creates your animated explainer videos #ad

You may recall that last year Brett Ingram and Mo Latif teamed up to release new software called: Pixamattic, easy-to-use graphics software. They just announced a new product for online marketers. This time their software is designed to easily create animated videos for online marketing, and it's called Animaytor... [Read more]

WordStresm’s 7-Step Image SEO Survival Guide

WordStresm’s Gordon Donnelly has published the ‘7-Step Image SEO Survival Guide’. This guide offers a comprehensive process on getting your images indexed in the search engines. Donnelly says, “Image SEO is one of the more often overlooked elements of on-page SEO, but that doesn’t mean it’s not important. In fact,... [Read more]

Using Google Analytics to Create Outstanding Blog Posts

Blogging is one of the most successful ways to get more customers. Carefully crafted blog posts allow you to stay connected with your audience. The Monster Insights contributor Shahzad Saeed has shared some useful tips on creating excellent blog posts using Google Analytics. Saeed says, “Are you brainstorming blog post ideas? Your Google... [Read more]

The Real Benefits of Having a Business Blog [Video]

The Entrepreneur magazine team has published a new video ‘The Real Benefits of Having a Business Blog’ featuring Brian Tracy. Watch this video to discover key benefits of creating and maintaining a business blog. The Entrepreneur team says, “In this video, Entrepreneur Network partner Brian Tracy discusses how to make... [Read more]

Funnel Joy: Commissions, leads & sales starting from scratch #ad

Whatever it is that you want to do on the Internet, especially if you are just beginning, you need a process that brings you commissions, leads and sales. That's the only way to earn a good living. Cindy Donovan has developed a system for that exact purpose. If you are in a hurry, go here now: Funnel Joy. You need a few essentials in your sales (including affiliate sales) website... [Read more]

What is the ROI of optimizing your local search listings? [Podcast]

The SEMRush team has published a new podcast episode titled ‘What is the ROI of optimizing your local search listings?’. Listen to this podcast to learn how you can improve your return on investment by properly optimizing your local search listings. The SEMRush team says, “We all know that there are so many things that you... [Read more]

Social Media Examiner Releases ‘2019 Social Media Marketing Industry Report’

The Social Media Examiner team has released the ‘2019 Social Media Marketing Industry Report’. This report features findings from a survey that covered more than 4800 marketers. Download this report to learn the following: How marketers plan on changing their future organic activities, by platform.The video channels most... [Read more]

Everything You Need to Know about SEO Pricing

The search engine optimization is an essential process for every organization as it leads you to be seen by hundreds and thousands of prospective customers. When you outsource your SEO task, it is important to know about how it is being priced by various agencies. The KnowTechie contributor Alma Causey has shared an article highlighting how... [Read more]

Four Ways to Improve Audience Engagement with Your Content

Your content marketing success depends on how useful your customers find it. For bringing relevance to your content you should analyze the needs of your target audience first. Copyblogger’s Sonia Simone has shared four ways to develop content that increases user engagement. Simone says, “You don’t have to have a long archive like... [Read more]

Twitter Marketing in 2019 [Guide]

The HubSpot team has published a new guide called ‘Twitter Marketing in 2019’. This guide will teach you the following; What is a Twitter marketing strategy; andHow to use Twitter for business. Talking about the guide, Kristen Baker says, “The thought of reaching hundreds of millions of leads through a free social media platform... [Read more]

Short Guide to Improve Your Blogging Journey

Blogging has become an essential process in our business improvement efforts. It enables us to stay connected with the customers and continue to promote our products and services. The Ahrefs contributor Joshua Hardwick has published a comprehensive article on improving your blogging efforts. It covers the following: What is blogger outreach?... [Read more]

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