Using cold emails to promote your brand, IM NewsWatch, December 11, 2018

December 11th, 2018 at 7:31 am EDT


IM NewsWatch

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

How to Build a Winning Product Detail Page [eMarketer Tech Talk]

The eMarketer has made available a Tech Talk on ‘How to Build a Winning Product Detail Page’. In this recording Andrew Waber shares some useful tactics to help marketers build a strong product detail page. eMarketer team says, “A downside of ecommerce is the inability to see and feel items prior to purchase, making product details—images,... [Read more]

Seven-step guide to advertise on LinkedIn

Social media advertising is something you cannot afford to avoid as it is one of the easiest ways to promote your products and services to a wide audience. Among the social platforms LinkedIn has a special place as it allows you to reach a special segment online. The company has published a simple seven-step guide to help brands advertise on LinkedIn. Alex... [Read more]

Here’s email marketing checklist for you

Planning has a special space in the marketing process. Effective campaign management can be achieved by developing a feasible marketing agenda and a plan to achieve it. When holidays are here you need to utilize all the marketing tools for better ROI and email plays a vital role in the brand promotion. AWeber contributor Li Willits has shared a checklist... [Read more]

GrooveKart slashes your eCom store expenses ($50 Coupon) #ad

Mike Filsaime and John Cornetta– both are experienced product developers–just launched GrooveKart. This new shopping cart software can help you build your online store and then run the store while saving big bucks compared with other shopping carts, such as Volusion, Magento or Square (or even Shopify.) It is priced for small businesses. All... [Read more]

Improve your holiday marketing with this emailing tips

Email marketing needs to be done in such a way that you are not seen as an unwanted guest in the inboxes. Privacy is a sensitive thing in today’s customer-centric world and you need to respect it. AWeber contributor Tom Tate has shared three email marketing rules that marketers should follow this holiday season. Tate says, “Plan to send... [Read more]

Using cold emails to promote your brand

Email marketing stands as one of the most dependable for of marketing. This is because of the email’s capacity to bring in more ROI compared to other marketing tools. Cold email is a form of marketing wherein the emails are sent to the people without their prior permission. Business 2 Community contributor Sujan Patel has shared a five-step cold... [Read more]

Strategies to automate your content marketing process

Automation is a big thing that has brought in a huge comfort for easily deal with repetitive tasks. In content marketing too you can bring in the automation in certain processes like spell check and grammar checking. These small automation processes can make your content creation a quick process. Content Marketing Institute contributor Aaron Agius has... [Read more]

World's first AI Video/Audio Messaging Platform #ad

XMarketer Suite bills itself as the world's first AI based video and voice call platform. Their launch week is almost over, but if you hurry, you can get it for a one-time price, rather than a renewable subscription... [Read more]

Using LinkedIn for brand publishing – things to know

Publishing on LinkedIn has been one of the most used and successful trends in online marketing. LinkedIn being a professional social network, offers the authenticity to your content by default which works as an extra perk for your brand publishing efforts. If you haven’t started with the LinkedIn publishing, Content Marketing Institute contributor... [Read more]

‘Optimize Content Marketing Results – A Content Promotion Framework’ Webinar December 12

In content marketing game, promotion of your matters the most. Though you have tried very hard for creating the best of the content, if you fail to brand it well, the content is not going to work for you. To help marketers promote their content effectively Content Marketing Institute is hosting a webinar on ‘Optimize Content Marketing Results... [Read more]

Four ways chatbots are making space in customer service

The chatbots have proved to be immensely useful to the brands as they have been able to stay in constant touch with their customers online. With advanced programming initiatives these bots are able to deliver the quality customer service to the customers in an effective manner. ReadWrite contributor Akansha De has shared four ways the chatbots are putting... [Read more]

VidBullet launches today, with 30 day challenge #ad

VidBullet is launched. We have been telling about this remarkable new marketing tool all week. Now, you can finally see it in action. The "VidBullet 30 Day Challenge" celebrates the launch with a firendly competition using this new tool... [Read more]

Data Legislation and how to prepare for it

Data is one of the most essential elements in making your marketing campaigns successful. But not all brands use customer data responsibly. Today the people have started thinking twice before filling up an online subscription or any other form as they have a scare of data misuse. ReadWrite has reported that the Data Legislation is on its way that is... [Read more]

‘Intuit’s Playbook for Delivering Winning Digital Experiences’ Webinar December 18

eMarketer is hosting a webinar on ‘Intuit’s Playbook for Delivering Winning Digital Experiences’ on Tuesday, December 18 at 1.00 pm EST. The eMarketer team says, “The practice of A/B testing has given marketers the ability to quickly validate new ideas in market. Today, it’s the teams who are bullish on the future of “test and... [Read more]

Bring variety to your Facebook Live Video with these tips

Video marketing is one of the most essential tactics that we marketers have been utilizing in different forms. The Facebook Live video has added one more option for us to reach newer audience in a different way. With different kinds of content policies and formats it is possible to improve the effectiveness of your video marketing. Business 2 Community... [Read more]

DM Is For Everyone" helps you automate your online business #ad

If you want a business instead of a job, take a look at this:Digital Marketing Is For Everyone. The reality of most online earning models is that they require a lot of work. No matter what the promise is, when you dig in, the majority of online business methods take a lot of time... [Read more]

‘Connect TV Ads to Business Outcomes: A New Currency for Media Buys’ Webinar 1.00 pm EST

AdWeek is hosting a webinar on ‘Connect TV Ads to Business Outcomes: A New Currency for Media Buys’ on Tuesday, December 11 at 1.00 pm EST. The AdWeek team says, “Winning TV advertisers are looking beyond impressions and traditional ratings systems to measure performance and prove ROI of their campaigns. By being able to track how... [Read more]

Analyzing the impact of Twitter Threads to increase reach, engagement and referral traffic

You must be aware of Twitter Threads by now. Tweet Threading allows you to tell a developing story or resurface a related Tweet. The Threads help you effectively promote your brand over Twitter. We can create Tweet Threads in two ways. Buffer contributor Alfred Lua has shared the results of an experiment that revealed how Twitter Threads can increase... [Read more]

‘The Latest in Growth Hacking: Link Retargeting’ Webinar January 16

The Business 2 Community team is hosting a webinar on ‘The Latest in Growth Hacking: Link Retargeting’ on Wednesday, January 16, 2018 at 2 pm ET. The Business 2 Community team says, “Did you know that you could transform every click on every link you share into a retargeting audience? Link Retargeting allows you to show highly targeted... [Read more]

Socifeed builds videos take hold of your viewers' hearts #ad

Video marketing is unavoidable in today's online shopping experience. That means that marketers who don't use it are at a disadvantage. Using good videos that grab people's attention and hold it can make any marketer's profits increase... [Read more]

Alt Tags SEO myths you should know and ignore

To win more at Search Engine Optimization (SEO) we need to optimize the tags. Among these the Alt tags are one of the most important ones. But with changing algorithms and search trends there exist the myths on utilizing the Alt tags. To help marketers better optimize these tags, Practical Ecommerce contributor Jill Kocher Brown has shared six SEO myths... [Read more]

How to Use Video Content to Raise Brand Awareness and Sell Your Product [Podcast]

Video is an essential element that plays a vital role in promotion and marketing of your products and services. It also helps you establish your brand identity and keep promoting it. Buffer’s latest podcast highlights how businesses can use video content to raise brand awareness and sell more products. Brian Peters says, “Video content is... [Read more]

Four tips to enhance your SEO

Search engines are one of the biggest sources of web traffic today. With dynamic algorithms they continue to validate and index everything that you publish online. Right SEO techniques are mandatory to get your content indexed quickly in the leading spots. ReadWrite contributor Richard Parker has shared four tips to help businesses improve their SEO... [Read more]

Best 10 of Recode’s 2018 podcasts

Recode has published 240 podcasts in 2018. The company has shared the top 10 podcasts from its directory of 2018. Eric Johnson says, “When you make your holiday travel plans this year, don’t forget about podcasts. They’re perfect for long car trips and plane rides, and the end of the year is a great time to catch up on the biggest and most... [Read more]

Tips for selling to the millennials using social media

The word Millennials stands for the group of people reaching young adulthood in the early 21st century. Today the millennial generation is a promising market for the brands as they have a great stake when it comes to online shopping. The millennials are also dominating over the social media which is an opportunity for the brands. Entrepreneur contributor... [Read more]

The Advantages YouTube Ads Have Over Facebook Ads [Video]

Online advertising has been evolving with a variety of modes you can reach a wider audience. With the rise of social media sites it has become easier to promote our products and services. Entrepreneur magazine contributor Eric Siu has shared a video featuring John Crestani who provides a comparative analysis of the YouTube and Facebook ads. Entrepreneur... [Read more]

15 Best WordPress Video Themes in 2019 [HubSpot]

Those who use blogging as a marketing tool know how important video is when it comes to persuading more people to take an action. Video is one of the most used and effective tools that helps us convey the marketing message in an effective manner. There exist several WordPress video themes we can use for vlogging (video blogging). HubSpot columnist Kristen... [Read more]

Enhance your holiday customer service with these tips

Serving our customers well is one of the most important things that we want to do as it leads our organization to growth. The holiday season brings us a lot of rush and in it we need to meet the expectations of our customers. Forrester analyst Ian Jacobs has shared some useful tips on emphasizing emotions in our customer service to make it more appealing. Jacobs... [Read more]

Trends In Marketing Measurement You Need To Follow In 2019 [Video]

The new year is just a few days away so it is high time we find out what the future holds for our brands. Marketing measurement is one of the most important elements that helps you effectively find out the impact of your campaigns. Forrester analyst Jim Nail has shared a video talking about the trends in marketing measurement for the year 2019. Nail... [Read more]

Forrester publishes ‘Predictions 2019’ guide

Forrester has published the ‘Predictions 2019’ guide. The guide focuses on 14 trends to expect in the coming year. It is available as a free download post registration. Forrester team says, “Seismic shifts in the market are challenging the existing leadership norms, business models, technology agendas, and customer engagement strategies... [Read more]

Tips to humanize your marketing efforts

Touching upon the hearts of your prospects is the best way to turn them into customers. You need an authentic approach mixed with creativity to get more customers. Econsultancy columnist Hazjier Pourkhalkhali has shared some useful insights on using digital body language to bring a human touch to marketing. Pourkhalkhali says, “In this piece,... [Read more]

Content Comprehensiveness [MOZ Video]

Search engine prefer the content that makes sense, easy to digest and helpful to the Internet surfers. Creating a piece of content that gets high credit in search engines is a challenging job. The MOZ team has published the Whiteboard Friday video featuring Kameron Jenkins on ‘Content Comprehensiveness’. Jenkins in this video shares some... [Read more]

State of WordPress

I’m attending WordCamp in Nashville. Learning a lot about future and recent past of WordPress. Listening now to Joost deValk, creator of the Yoast SEO plugin. He’s talking about how he built his “freemium model for his business. ” The most important news is that 2 days ago, WordPress 5.0 was released. This is a major overhaul.... [Read more]

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