Two Ways to Build a Stronger Voice Strategy - IM NewsWatch Newsletter, September 2, 2020

September 2nd, 2020 at 8:45 am EDT


IM NewsWatch

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

‘Maximize your Content Strategy with a Content Audit’ Webinar September 3 [Webinar]

A well-planned content strategy enables you to enhance your online reach and grow your customer base. And content audit is a process to continuously improve your content.Amplexor is hosting a webinar ‘Maximize your Content Strategy with a Content Audit’ on Thursday, September 3, 2020, at 7.00 pm PDT.The Amplexor team says, “70% of companies... [Read more]

Complete Guide to Google Local Inventory Ads [Guide]

Google local inventory ads enable marketers to connect Google’s millions of online users to your offline products.Marketin Week has published a new guide ‘Complete guide to Google local inventory ads’ to help you efficiently use the Google local inventory ads.This guide will help you learn about:The difference between local inventory... [Read more]

How to Stand Out As a Brand by Creating Content People Love [Podcast]

IMPACT’s Kathleen Booth has published a new episode of the Inbound Success podcast ‘How to stand out as a brand by creating content people love’ featuring Ann Handley.Booth says, “This week on The Inbound Success Podcast, Wall Street Journal best-selling author and MarketingProfs Chief Content Officer Ann Handley shares her... [Read more]

Two Ways to Build a Stronger Voice Strategy

Voice is the new and dynamic driver of the search today. With the adoption of more and more mobile devices, the voice search is creating new opportunities for everyone to reach more and more Internet users.Content Marketing Institute’s Christoph Trappe has shared two useful strategies to help you create a stronger voice SEO strategy for your... [Read more]

CMI Shares Five Marketing Ideas from Its Social Media Articles

Ann Gynn has shared five marketing ideas highlighted in the Content Marketing Institute’s top social media articles of 2020.She says, “Social media can do so much for brands – offer a place to distribute original content, promote published content, grow communities, provide referral traffic, attract conversions, etc. But it can’t be... [Read more]

Nine Ways to Improve Your SEO Performance

An effective SEO strategy enables you to explore and utilize unprecedented opportunities to grow your business. But to keep performing well, you need to continue your efforts to synchronize your SEO efforts with the changing search algorithms.Terakeet contributor Jonas Sickler has shared nine useful ways to help you improve your website’s SEO... [Read more]

The Art of Repurposing Google Reviews [Podcast]

Your customer reviews turn out to be a great asset when it comes to growing your sales. By showcasing the reviews that speak for your brand, you can make the most out of them.Rank Ranger has published a new podcast episode ‘The Art of Repurposing Google Reviews’ featuring Aaron Weiche.The Rank Ranger team says, “GatherUp CEO Aaron... [Read more]

How to Use Old Blog Posts for SEO

Your blog content holds enormous opportunities to continue getting more and more website traffic. Quality content can also help you to grow your SEO rankings.Ahrefs contributor Joshua Hardwick has shared a three-step guide to republishing your old blog posts for search engine optimization.Hardwick says, “In this guide, you’ll learn how to... [Read more]

‘Three Ways Marketing Can Drive Real Business Impact’ Webinar September 3 [Webinar]

Marketing is the backbone of any organization when it comes to making more sales and achieving organizational growth.MarketingProfs is hosting a webinar ‘Three Ways Marketing Can Drive Real Business Impact’ on Thursday, September 3, 2020, at 2.00 pm ET.The MarketingProfs team says, “Marketers are trying to build brands and drive demand... [Read more]

HubSpot’s 8-Step Guide to Advertising on Facebook

Facebook advertising can help you to enhance your online reach and make more sales. Well-designed Facebook ads can grow your advertising ROI.HubSpot contributor Carly Stec has published an eight-step guide to advertising on Facebook.She says, “Facebook offers a variety of paid ad options and placements, but all ads can be broken down into... [Read more]

Top 5 Podcast Strategies [Video]

Podcast publishing is a great way to reach more people online and promote your products and services. With regular publishing, you can also establish yourself as an authority in your domain.Entrepreneur magazine has published a new video ‘Top 5 Podcast Strategies’ featuring James McKinney.The Entrepreneur team says, “There are more... [Read more] Shares 5 Ways to Use Google Analytics to Know Your Audience

Google Analytics enables you to learn about the performance of your website and improve it with the right techniques. It also helps you to uncover your audience’s interests so that you can plan to cater to their contributor Chris Christoff has shared five useful tips to learn about your online audience using Google Analytics.Christoff... [Read more]

Creating Content That Wins Featured Snippets

Featured Snippets give you that special position where you stand a chance to grab the searchers’ attention.iPullRank contributor Nathan Turner has shared some useful ways to create content that enables you to make it to appear in Google’s featured snippets.Turner says, “As we noted back in January, Featured Snippets went through... [Read more]

3 Recent Trends in Content Marketing [Video]

Content marketing is one of the best ways to enhance your online presence and reach more audiences. It also enables you to establish your authority in your niche.ClickInsights has published a new video ‘3 Recent Trends in Content Marketing’ highlighting how content marketing is changing over time.The ClickInsights team says, “Content... [Read more]

‘Content Marketing World: Advance Insights’ Webinar September 2 [Webinar]

Content marketing is growing. To continue thriving in your marketing, you need to get tuned into different aspects of content marketing and promotion that can help you to reach more audience.Content Marketing Institute is hosting a webinar ‘Content Marketing World: Advance Insights’ on Wednesday, September 2, 2020.The CMI team says, “Content... [Read more]

Starting With Google Tag Manager: A Beginner’s Guide [Video]

Google Tag Manager offers a user-friendly, web-based interface that simplifies the process of working with tags. It enables marketers to work with tags without having to rely on web developers.Social Media Examiner has published a new video ‘Starting With Google Tag Manager: A Beginner’s Guide’ to help you start using Google Tag Manager.The... [Read more]

Facebook Desktop Changes: What Marketers Need to Know [Podcast]

Social Media Examiner’s latest podcast episode ‘Facebook Desktop Changes: What Marketers Need to Know’ highlights some important changes that have been made into the Facebook Desktop.The SME team says, “We explore how marketers should change their tactics to better work with Facebook’s new desktop layout and Shops Tab on mobile... [Read more]

Facebook Branded Content for Groups [Podcast]

Social Media Examiner has published a new podcast episode ‘Facebook Branded Content for Groups’.The SME team says, “We explore Facebook Sponsored Post options for Groups, Lead Gen forms rolling out to YouTube, and new Twitter features”.Facebook Branded Content for GroupsSocial Media Examiner [Read more]


7 Ways to Drive More Traffic to YourWebsite in 2020Beforedigging into this topic, it is important to define what actuallytraffic is. In simple terms, traffic is thenumber of visitors the website gets. So, the more people visit a page, the moretraffic it receives. In order to increase the weight and importance of thesite, it needs to... [Read more]

‘Build Your Marketing Analytics Road Map to Growth’ Webinar September 10 [Webinar]

Marketing analytics enables you to make the right decisions to grow your marketing initiatives and grow your business.MarketingProfs is hosting a webinar ‘Build Your Marketing Analytics Road Map to Growth’ on Thursday, September 10, 2020, at 2.00 pm ET.The MarketingProfs team says, “The margin for error for marketers right now is razor... [Read more]

The Advantage of Email Marketing [Podcast]

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