Tips to Get More Clicks & Traffic to Your Website - IM NewsWatch, June 14, 2022

June 14th, 2022 at 9:40 am EDT


IM NewsWatch


Six SEO Challenges in 2022

SEO is a creative job where lies competition. You need to continuously monitor the search engine algorithms and create content that helps you rank higher. HubSpot contributor Erin Rodrigue has published an article highlighting six SEO challenges for 2022. She says, “Below, let’s review the top six SEO challenges brands are facing in 2022,... [Read more]

The Ultimate Guide to Influencer Marketing [Guide]

HubSpot has published ‘The Ultimate Guide to Influencer Marketing’ to enable marketers to get started with influencer marketing. Download this guide to learn the following: Email templates for influencer outreach (included!) Why and how influencer marketing moves the needle Measuring success from influencer campaigns (template included!) The... [Read more]

5 Free Tips to Get More Clicks & Traffic to Your Website [Video]

HubSpot has published a new video ‘5 Free Tips to Get More Clicks & Traffic to Your Website’ sharing some useful tips to help you increase your website traffic. The HubSpot team says, “Website traffic, it’s something that we all think about. How many people are visiting your site is directly linked to how many leads your business... [Read more]

MarketingBlocks Business Kit; tools for online marketers #ad

MarketingBlocks is packed with world-class features, such as an AI-powered graphics editor, video editor, text to speech editor, page builder, inbuilt translator, resizing wizard and much more. You can get early bird discounted access here: MarketingBlocks: With this software on your team, you will no longer be plagued by: ❌ Expensive freelancers ❌... [Read more]

SEO & Omnichannel Marketing [Podcast]

Digital Marketing Institute has published a new podcast episode ‘SEO & Omnichannel Marketing’ featuring Neil Patel. Matthew Santos says, “This week’s episode is an especially exciting one for us – it’s the first to mark the June launch of our new Search Marketing course created in collaboration with Neil Patel.... [Read more]

GA4 Essentials [Webinar Replay]

The Digital Marketing Institute has made available the replay of its ‘GA4 Essentials’ webinar with Neil Patel brands. Christopher Coomer says, “What is all the fuss about GA4 and how much do marketers need to know about it? How does it differ to earlier versions of Google Analytics? Christopher Coomer of Neil Patel Accel joined us... [Read more]

Impactful Storytelling Series: Influence Your Audience with Data, June 20 [Webinar]

Gartner is hosting a webinar ‘Impactful Storytelling Series: Influence Your Audience with Data’ on Monday, June 20, 2022, at 10.00 am EDT. The Gartner team says, “B2B buyers have evolved their purchasing journey. Instead of being sold to, buyers now take a more proactive role in their search for products, solutions, and services, and... [Read more]

AffiliateMatic: odd affiliate software powered by people #ad

George Katsoudas has just released a piece of unusual website development software - AffiliateMatic. It's powered by people, like this: 1) Experts create high-quality content. 2) You click a button to post the content on your site. 3) As a result of the enhanced content on your site, the search engines give you more love and you get more traffic and sales.... [Read more]

How to Measure Content Marketing in 3 Steps [Report]

Content marketing performance is measured on metrics such as consumption, sharing, lead generation, and sales metrics. Gartner has published a research report ‘How to Measure Content Marketing in 3 Steps’ to simplify the content marketing measurement process. The Gartner team says, “Use the Gartner How to Measure Content Marketing... [Read more]

7 Tips to Amplify Campaign ROI, June 15 [Webinar]

When it comes to utilizing social and media data, the most successful brands leverage insights to shed light on their overall brand health, analyze trends, and anticipate consumer behavior Adweek is hosting a webinar ‘7 Tips to Amplify Campaign ROI: Best Practices for Harnessing Social and Media Data’ on Wednesday, June 15, 2022, at 1.00... [Read more]

Get a Jumpstart with Google Analytics 4, June 16 [Webinar]

Search Engine Land is hosting a webinar ‘Get a Jumpstart with Google Analytics 4’ on Thursday, June 16, 2022. The SEL team says, “Ready or not, Universal Analytics is sunsetting next year. While there is still some time to prepare, marketers should start moving over to Google Analytics 4 now. Because GA4 operates across platforms and... [Read more]

Free Crypto Generators: Your first $100 Crypto for free #ad

Francis Ochoco has been studying how crypto functions in the marketplace. He has found a way for you to build a crypto account without investing your personal finances in buying it. More and more merchants are accepting crypto currency in payment. Getting your feet wet in crypto without risking any money is a wise move in light of direction online business is heading.... [Read more]

What Buyers Want from Content Marketing [Report]

Contently has published a new report ‘What Buyers Want from Content Marketing’ highlighting how marketers can create content that satisfies their audience. The Contently team says, “In the past 10 years, many marketers have begun to think like publishers, creating a steady cadence of content to meet their audience’s needs and interests.... [Read more]

Ultimate Guide to Digital PR

Digital PR is a strategy used to increase awareness of your brand using online methods. In many ways, it’s similar to traditional PR, but it offers the opportunity to reach a much broader audience that can’t be reached with only offline methods. Semrush contributor Alex Birkett has published ‘The Ultimate Guide to Digital PR’... [Read more]

The B2B Buying Journey Has Changed, June 15 [Webinar]

Content Marketing Institute is hosting a webinar ‘The B2B Buying Journey Has Changed. Make Sure Your Content Changes with It’ on Wednesday, June 15, 2022, at 2.00 pm ET. The CMI team says, “B2B buyers have evolved their purchasing journey. Instead of being sold to, buyers now take a more proactive role in their search for products,... [Read more]

2022 Marketing Rolodex: outsourcing you can count on #ad

The 2022 Marketing Rolodex contains a mammoth collection of the most high quality, top-rated service providers, outsourcers, and freelancers for a wide variety of the most popular marketing tasks and services. Use this enormous targeted collection of the most competent, trusted (and well-vetted) service providers currently working on the most trusted outsourcing platforms on the internet.... [Read more]

International SEO: Top 10 Best Practices You Need to Know, June 15 [Webinar]

By implementing global and international SEO best practices, you can improve everything from your site structure to cultural nuances in your content. Search Engine Journal is hosting a webinar ‘International SEO: Top 10 Best Practices You Need to Know’ on Wednesday, June 15, 2022, at 2.00 pm ET. The SEJ team says, “Join our webinar... [Read more]

Semrush Shares Five Steps to Boost Healthcare Content Marketing

Healthcare content marketing is a digital marketing strategy. It is useful because it helps with brand awareness, as well as patient engagement and retention. Semrush contributor Margarita Loktionova has published an article highlighting five steps to boost your healthcare content marketing in 2022. She says, “Healthcare content marketing has... [Read more]

A Guide to GA4 vs Universal Analytics [Guide]

Digital Marketing Institute contributor Cathal Melinn has published a guide titled ‘A Guide to GA4 vs Universal Analytics’ showing where you can find familiar reports in the new GA4 environment. Cathal Melinn says, “This article acts as a guide to GA4 for marketers who use Universal Analytics and is written to help show where you can... [Read more]

Prezentar: Replace PowerPoint, Keynote, and Camtasia #ad

Prezentar is brand new SaaS software that allows you to create remarkable presentations and videos easier and faster than old fashioned tools like PowerPoint, Keynote, or Camtasia Studio and do it with minimal effort.... [Read more]

Your Guide to Writing Social Media Ads

To achieve better ROI from your social media advertisement campaigns, you need to write them in a way so that your prospects are persuaded to take action. Portent contributor Isabelle Severns has shared 10 tips for writing social media ad copy that converts. She says, “There’s an art to writing good social media ad copy, but it’s also a skill... [Read more]

Tips to Grow Organic Traffic Using Email

Email marketing is a great way to stay in touch with your prospects and customers and also grow your website traffic by sending offer alerts. Search Engine Journal contributor Brent Csutoras has shared seven ways to use email to boost your organic traffic. He says, “Here are seven ways you can increase visits to your website: 1. Target With Accuracy Bounce... [Read more]

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