Three elements to make your content Google-friendly - IM NewsWatch, June 6, 2019

June 6th, 2019 at 9:39 am EDT


IM NewsWatch

Thursday, June 6, 2019

Short Guide to Improve Your Blogging Journey

Blogging has become an essential process in our business improvement efforts. It enables us to stay connected with the customers and continue to promote our products and services. The Ahrefs contributor Joshua Hardwick has published a comprehensive article on improving your blogging efforts. It covers the following: What is blogger outreach?... [Read more]

Three Elements to Make Your Content Google Friendly

Our aim behind content creation is to promote our products and services through it. Quality content helps us to achieve higher Google rankings which results into better marketing. The MOZ contributor Ian Booth has shared an article sharing some useful advice on how to create content that ranks high in Google. Booth has also mentioned three... [Read more]

Using Google Analytics to Analyze Your YouTube Marketing Capaigns

The Google Analytics platform is immensely helpful in interpreting the effectiveness of your websites and the campaigns that you run to promote your products and services. The Social Media Examiner contributor Chris Mercer has shared a step-by-step guide to help you use Google Analytics to analyze and assess the effectiveness of your YouTube marketing.... [Read more]

TubeTarget software escalates ad results on YouTube #ad

Since the first of June, we have been telling you about TubeTarget, a new SaaS service from Cyril Gupta. If you have only had so-so results with your ad campaigns, you might want to look at Gupta’s new tool. It is aimed specifically at smart ad placement on YouTube. It lets you find popular YouTube videos and video channels that are “monetized”... [Read more]

‘8 Mistakes to Avoid When Choosing a Social Listening Tool’ Webinar 2.00 PM EDT [Webinar]

The Convince & Convert team is hosting a webinar on ‘8 Mistakes to Avoid When Choosing a Social Listening Tool’ on Thursday, June 6 at 2.00 PM ET. During this webinar Jay Baer will share some useful tips to improve your social media marketing. The Convince & Convert team says, “Social listening is a requirement for... [Read more]

Instagram Launches Branded Content Ads

The Instagram team has announced the launch of Branded Content Ads on its ad network. This new addition will allow the Instagram advertisers to promote organic branded content posts as feed ads. Instagram has provided step-by-step instructions for both businesses and creators. The Instagram team says, “Starting today, we’re introducing... [Read more]

‘Top 10 Facebook Messenger Chatbot Hacks of 2019’ Webinar 1.00 PM EDT [Webinar]

The MobileMonkey team is hosting a webinar on ‘Top 10 Facebook Messenger Chatbot Hacks of 2019’ on Thursday, June 6 at 1.00 PM EDT. Attend this training to learn the following: How to build uber-engaging Facebook Messenger blasts that get 70% open ratesHow to create drip automation for Messenger chat that gets 20% click-through... [Read more]

Animaytor creates animated explainer videos, perfect for non-techies #ad

You may recall that last year Brett Ingram and Mo Latif teamed up to release new software called : Pixamattic, easy-to-use graphics software. They just announced a new product for online marketers. This time their software is designed to easily create animated videos for online marketing, and it’s called Animaytor. It is so powerful and easy because... [Read more]

‘Leveraging Technology to Win Over Customers in the Digital Age ’ Webinar June 26

The Retail Dive is hosting a webinar on ‘Leveraging Technology to Win Over Customers in the Digital Age’ on Wednesday, June 26, 2019 at 2.00 pm ET. The Retail Dive team says, “The customer-shopping journey continues to evolve, and companies need to continue to understand consumers and their decision-making preferences. Retailers and select... [Read more]

‘The Future of Building an AI-Powered Commerce Experience’ Webinar June 10

The Retail Dive is hosting a webinar on ‘The Future of Building an AI-Powered Commerce Experience’ on Monday, June 10, 2019 at 2.00 pm ET. The Retail Dive team says, “Shopper behavior is rapidly transforming commerce. Today’s consumers want to access and buy the products, services and experiences they desire, anytime and anywhere.... [Read more]

4 Steps to Take Your Marketing Efforts to the Next Level [Video]

The Entrepreneur magazine team has published a new video ‘4 Steps to Take Your Marketing Efforts to the Next Level’ featuring Brian Tracy. Watch this video to take some inspirational advice on improving your marketing. The Entrepreneur team says, “In this video, Entrepreneur Network partner, Brian Tracy discusses you can take... [Read more]

Funnel Joy: Commissions, leads & sales starting from scratch #ad

Whatever it is that you want to do on the Internet, especially if you are just beginning, you need a process that brings you commissions, leads and sales. That's the only way to earn a good living. Cindy Donovan has developed a system for that exact purpose. If you are in a hurry, go here now: Funnel Joy... [Read more]

‘Personalized Experiences: Crawl, Walk, Run’ Webinar 2.00 pm ET [Webinar]

The MarketingProfs team is hosting a webinar on ‘Personalized Experiences: Crawl, Walk, Run’ on Thursday, June 6, 2019 at 2.00 pm ET. The DMD team says, “How do traditional consumer goods marketers compete? And how do you overcome the impact of generic brands and point-of-sale data collection to grow digital sales and customer loyalty? Join... [Read more]

Another RD joke I like

From the November 2018 edition of Reader’s Digest: Tired of boiling water every time you make pasta? Boil a few gallons at the beginning of the week and freeze it for later.  [Read more]

Backlinko’s Guide to Conversion Rate Optimization

The Backlinko team has published a new guide to Conversion Rate Optimization. This seven-chapter guide offers comprehensive overview on conversion rate optimization and how to improve it. Download this guide to learn: How to run A/B testsHow to optimize landing pagesHow to convert first-time visitors into customersDozens of CRO best practices. Guide... [Read more]

Traffic Hybrid: simple copy & paste traffic for competitive niches #ad

"If you ain't got traffic, you ain't got nothin'." Not grammatical, but true. You must have people viewing your content in order to make sales. That's why 'Traffic Hybrid' was created. It shares with you a new process for driving traffic to your website, in a way that applies to any niche... [Read more]

Five Ways to Promote Your Content

If you want to achieve content marketing success, content creation and promotion should go hand in hand. So you need to create right content distribution channels as you continue to create new content. The State of Digital contributor Morgen Henderson has shared reasons why you should improve content distribution and five ways to do it. Henderson... [Read more]

‘Use Social Analytics for Better Campaign Measurement’ Webinar 1.00 pm ET [Webinar]

The AdWeek team is hosting a webinar on ‘Use Social Analytics for Better Campaign Measurement: 5 Ways to Take Control of Your Metrics’ Wednesday, June 5, 2019 at 1.00 pm EDT. The Marketing Week team says, “How do you prove the value of your brand campaigns? Social listening and analytics can uncover many of the key KPIs that can help you... [Read more]

‘Email Marketing Automation at Every Level’ Webinar 2.00 pm ET [Webinar]

The Content Marketing Institute is hosting a webinar on ‘Email Marketing Automation at Every Level’ on Wednesday, June 5, 2019 at 2.00 pm ET. The CMI team says, “From welcome emails to a 36-point segmented email “journey” based on whether you’re progressing through the sales process, automated emails earn 2 times... [Read more]

Rapid Traffic to any Website with Rapid Traffic Suite #ad

Paul O'Keeffe has just released a new suite of software he calls 'apid Traffic Suite'. This a case, as the old TV commercial used to say, where "The name and the claim are the same." Simply put, this software offers to send you lots of traffic quickly. The process is based on using Pinterest to find people who are interested in your niche. These people are then automatically motivated to visit your site... [Read more]

A joke from Reader’s Digest that I like

What do you get when you cross a joke with a rhetorical question?  [Read more]

How To Target Topics & Keywords With The Highest Ad Earnings [Video]

The Ezoic Inc. team has published a new video featuring Tyler Bishop on ‘How To Target Topics & Keywords With The Highest Ad Earnings’. Watch this video to improve your advertising performance. The Ezoic team says, “This week, Tyler reviews how to identify and target topics advertisers bid the most on so you can earn more... [Read more]

AuthorityLabs’ Five Point SEO Checklist

The AuthorityLabs team has published a five point SEO checklist to help marketers improve their search engine marketing efforts. The AuthorityLabs says, “The purpose of this checklist is to monitor SEO more closely and identify potential issues that can detract from achieving your search goals. Ideally, you’ll power through this list in... [Read more]

Five YouTube Advertising Questions Answered

The Marketing Land contributor Joe Martinez has answered five questions related to the YouTube advertising. Read the answers to improve your advertising efforts. Martinez says, “I never hide my love of YouTube ads. It’s my favorite channel to use to run paid campaigns because it’s a cost-effective way to build brand awareness and also... [Read more]

Understanding Facebook & YouTube Video Algorithm

Video is a key driver when it comes to marketing. With widespread video posting, Facebook and YouTube go hand in hand as far as video posting and its reach are concerned. To help marketers better understand the algorithm of video on Facebook and YouTube, the Marketing Land contributor Garrett Woods has published a comprehensive article. Woods... [Read more]

$479 Million Spent on Podcast Advertising in US [Report]

The IAB and PwC have published their findings from the third annual podcast ad revenue study. There are some significant findings that show promising future for podcasting. Here are the key findings: There has been a rise of 53% in podcast ad expenditureBy 2021, the podcast revenue will reach $1 billion More than half of the 12+ US population... [Read more]

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