Three Strategies To Achieve Video Marketing Success - IM NewsWatch, February 7, 2018

February 7th, 2019 at 7:35 am EDT


IM NewsWatch

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

‘How to Prepare for a Successful Marketing Analytics Implementation’ Webinar February 26

The Digital Marketing Depot is hosting a webinar on ‘How to Prepare for a Successful Marketing Analytics Implementation ’ on Tuesday, February 26, 2019 at 1.00 pm EST. The DMD team says, “Analytics are critical to fuel the success of your marketing investments. Whether you are taking a hard look at your current deployment, or a new... [Read more]

Seven Ways To Make Money Online [Entrepreneur]

The Entrepreneur magazine team has published an article highlighting seven ways to make money online. R. L. Adams says, “Anyone interested in making money online should be pursuing passive income, while also working on active income. There are loads of ways to generate an income passively on the internet, many of which start at the foundation... [Read more]

The Real Benefits of Having a Business Blog [Video]

The Entrepreneur magazine team has published a video Brian Tracy on major benefits of having a business blog. Entrepreneur team says, “In this video, Entrepreneur Network partner Brian Tracy discusses how to make money blogging. A business with a blog can experience many benefits. In fact, a strong blog can even help grow... [Read more]

Major Changes Happening for Email Marketers #ad

You may have noticed that email isn’t as effective as it used to be. Email is still the most effective marketing tool, but that is changing due to the glut of emails that people receive, daily. (We get about 500.) As a result of that glut, it’s becoming harder for email marketers like you and us to achieve the same kind of response rate... [Read more]

Three Strategies To Achieve Video Marketing Success

Video has been an essential tool for making your marketing efforts more engaging and successful. The new long-form video is proving to be another useful format that can be optimized by the marketers. Econsultancy contributor Rebecca Sykes has shared three ways brands can get better results from their video marketing efforts. Highlighting the... [Read more]

Improve Your Content Reach With These Tips

Creating quality content is the most important part of the content marketing process. Your content can be popularized with the help of search engines and a healthy following. Copyblogger contributor Austin Mullins has shared five things on how successful content marketers improve the reach of their content. Mullins says, “Successful content... [Read more]

Everything You Need To Know About Google’s Featured Snippets

Google as relaunched the featured snippets on January 30. A featured snippet is a block that appear over the search results when you try to search questions. Here’s an example from Google. The featured snippets make it easy for the searchers to access most relevant information. The snippets work well with the voice and mobile too.... [Read more]

Let Amazon Alexa create a voice-over your marketing text #ad

Customer acquisition is one of the most important process in business. Acquiring new prospects and converting them into customers requires continuous efforts. The Business 2 Community contributor Taj Ridgeway has shared 10 steps to help marketers generate more leads and improve their sales. Ridgeway says, “Each type of business has a generally... [Read more]

Four Ways To Make Most From Google This Year

Have you updated your Search Engine Optimization (SEO) strategy to meet with the changing search algorithms? Are you getting satisfactory results from your SEO efforts? Your keywords play a vital role in influencing search engines and get your site listed in the first few pages. Content Marketing Institute contributor Mike Murray has shared... [Read more]

‘Amplify the Impact of Gen V(ideo): Embrace the New Generation of Creators’ Webinar 1.00 pm EST

AdWeek is hosting a webinar on ‘Amplify the Impact of Gen V(ideo): Embrace the New Generation of Creators’ on Thursday, February 7 at 1.00 pm EST. The AdWeek team says, “The democratization of creativity is happening everywhere. New technologies have enabled professional video production at a fraction of the cost. Digital-native... [Read more]

How To Find More Ecommerce Customers Using Social

Social media has made it possible for the brands to easily and quickly promote their products and services to millions of people around. With the selection of right social channel, by creating strong marketing campaigns you can improve your ecommerce sales. Entrepreneur contributor Lucas Miller has shared four ways to help marketers get more... [Read more]

Join Content Samurai and Get Storyblocks (no extra charge) #ad

This week, Content Samurai launched 350,000+ new Storyblocks Video clips (formerly into their app, and to celebrate, they’ve given IM NewsWatch a very special offer to share with you... [Read more]

Using Open Graph Tags To Optimize Images On Social Networks

The images that you share on social media site should be such so that they bring in desired impact in terms of revenue. A few years back Facebook created open graph protocol to extract title, images, URL, and meta-information from web pages for displaying in social media posts. HubSpot contributor Lindsay Kolowich has shared a comprehensive... [Read more]

Strategies To Improve Lead Generation

Customer acquisition is one of the most important process in business. Acquiring new prospects and converting them into customers requires continuous efforts. The Business 2 Community contributor Taj Ridgeway has shared 10 steps to help marketers generate more leads and improve their sales. Ridgeway says, “Each type of business has a generally... [Read more]

The Role of the Human Connection in Your Marketing [Podcast]

It is important to study human psychology so that you can treat your customers well. Interacting with your customers on the basis of a deep understanding of their needs and desires is the way to retain them for a longer time. MarketingSherpa contributor Daniel Burstein has published a podcast titled ‘The role of the human connection in your marketing’. In... [Read more]

‘Eleven social media metrics you need to master’ Webinar February 6

Marketing Week is hosting a webinar on ‘Eleven social media metrics you need to master’ on Wednesday, February 6, 2019 at 10.00 am ET. The Marketing Week team says, “Social analytics don’t hold much value if you can’t clearly measure performance and ROI. But what are the most important metrics you need in your toolkit?... [Read more]

More YouTube Traffic with Traffic Jeet software #ad

If you are looking for the quickest, easiest way to get YouTube traffic, take a hard look at Traffic Jeet 4. Way back in 2013, we invested in the original version of Traffic Jeet. Now, five years later, Cyril Gupta has just released the 4th, new and improved, version of this traffic building software... [Read more]

Content Curation, Creation vs Regurgitation [Podcast]

The Business 2 Community contributor Pam Moore has published a podcast titled ‘Content Curation, Creation vs Regurgitation: How to Curate Like a Pro and Build Your Brand in 2019’. Moore says, “The challenge can be overwhelming for marketers to consistently create content that is fresh, relevant and provides real value to their... [Read more]

Four Ways To Improve Your Marketing With Chatbots

Building conversations with your prospects is the best way to convert them into your customers. Today we have chatbots to automatically engage the site visitors and answer their queries. Entrepreneur magazine contributor Syed Balkhi has shared four ways to integrate chatbots into the conversation marketing strategy. Balkhi says, “If you’re... [Read more]

WP Affiliate Machine: Launch an Affiliate Site in 60 seconds #ad

WP Affiliate Machine has just been released by Ankur Shulka. If you want to build a site that earns money through affiliate marketing and if you are not a programmer, start with WordPress. It is the tool for non-specialists who need to build a website. It is growing more and more common daily. In fact, about one-third of the websites in the world are built on WordPress... [Read more]

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