Strategies to Generate More Leads - IM NewsWatch Newsletter, December 14, 2020

December 14th, 2020 at 6:13 am EDT


IM NewsWatch

Monday, December 14, 2020

Facebook Advertising Blueprints For Every Kind of Business, December 16 [Webinar]

Entrepreneur magazine is hosting a webinar ‘Facebook Advertising Blueprints For Every Kind of Business’ on Wednesday, December 16. The Entrepreneur team says, “In the time of social distancing, webinars have never been more important for staying connected to our prospects and customers. And yet something is changing. Digital life is... [Read more]

Facebook Shops – Everything You Need to Know

Facebook has launched ‘Facebook Shops’, a free tool that allows business page admins to create a Facebook or Instagram-based mobile-optimized online store that highlights products or collections of items. HubSpot contributor Pamela Bump has published a comprehensive article on Facebook Shops and how to businesses can use it. She says, “below... [Read more]

Copyblogger Shares 10 Emotion-Based Headlines that Work

Copyblogger’s Sonia Simone has published an article highlighting 10 emotion-based headlines can help you to achieve better marketing and promotion results. She says, “These aren’t the only effective emotional benefits by any means, but they include some of the most widely successful. 1. Learn How to Stand Up to Your Boss (and Force Him... [Read more]

ProfitSuite replaces Zoom, Aweber, ClickFunnels, Hostgator, Photoshop, Dropbox #ad

Most online marketers are burdened with expensive subscriptions for the software needed to run an online business, such as: ► hosting ► storage ► webinars ► autoresponder ► graphics design ► funnel builder Now, during the five-day roll-out of ProfitSuite, you can meet all of these needs for a low, one-time fee. ProfitSuite provides: ►... [Read more]

Strategies to Generate More Leads

A call to action (CTA) informs visitors about the action they should take next after viewing your content A strong CTA plays an important role in boosting your lead generation. Copyblogger contributor Tim Stoddart has shared 20 call to action examples that can help you to create instant leads. He says, “Your goal is always to have the visitor... [Read more]

Improve Your Podcast Performance with These ‘Podcast Topics’

Podcasting is one of the most popular ways to grow your online reach and promote your products and services to achieve better sales performance. Copyblogger contributor Tim Stoddart has shared some useful suggestions on selecting the podcast topics that will help you to make your podcasts more popular. He says, “In 2006, just 22% of people... [Read more]

Improving Link Building with Lead Generation Tactics

Lead generation refers to the process of getting more and more visitors to your website with the objective of converting your leads into customers. MOZ contributor Ann Smarty has published an article to help you improve link building with the help of lead generation effots. She says, “In link building we need links, just like in marketing we want... [Read more]

Exitus: Better commissions for affiliate marketers #ad

Like many marketers, IM NewsWatch publishes ads for other people’s products as an affiliate. In our highly competitive niche of internet marketing, it’s hard to earn a living as an affiliate. Potential customers in this niche are savvy and don’t jump on the first ad they read. They naturally want to look around before deciding which... [Read more]

3 Creative Ways to Give Your Content Efforts a Boost [Video]

MOZ has published a latest episode of Whiteboard Friday video ‘3 Creative Ways to Give Your Content Efforts a Boost’ featuring Rand Fishkin. The MOZ team says, “We know that content is our doorway to earning countless SEO benefits for our sites. Admittedly, though, it’s too easy to get stuck in a rut after one too many content marketing... [Read more]

How to Deliver Awesome, Engaging Webinars in a Work From Home World, December 15 [Webinar]

Digital Marketing Depot is hosting a webinar ‘How to Deliver Awesome, Engaging Webinars in a Work From Home World’ on Tuesday, December 15 at 1.00 pm EDT. The DMD team says, “In the time of social distancing, webinars have never been more important for staying connected to our prospects and customers. And yet something is changing.... [Read more]

The Content Marketing Routine: What Are the Main Steps?

So, you’ve created a great content asset? Good for you. But can you guarantee that it will be successful? Can you define “success” in terms of content? Not sure? You’re not alone. Most content creators and marketers have jumped on the content marketing bandwagon without proper preparation. They are not familiar with the start-to-finish process,... [Read more]

Easy eCash 2.0: Successful sales software for eBay #ad

Selling on eBay can reliable online income if you sell the right products and use the right tools. Allen says that his software-based selling system earns him over $40 per day, with only a few minutes of work. And, he has just built a new 2.0 version of the system, one that is built on the original successful version... [Read more]

SEO Planning: Setting SMART SEO Goals [Podcast]

Searchmetrics has published a new episode of the Voices of Search podcast episode titled ‘SEO Planning: Setting SMART SEO Goals’ featuring Jordan Koene and Benjamin Shapiro. Episode Overview: Join host Ben as he continues his SEO Planning Week discussion with Searchmetrics’ Strategist and Advisor Jordan Koene to talk about how to create SEO SMART... [Read more]

Your Guide to Defining Target Audience for SEO

SEMrush contributor Connor Lahey has published a comprehensive guide on ‘How to Define Your Target Audience for SEO’. He says, “It’s easy to think about SEO as being a keyword-driven marketing channel, but the reality is that if you really want to drive growth, you need to know who your target audience is and how to put your business... [Read more]

Four Tips to Start E-commerce Business in 2021

E-commerce has bright days ahead in 2021. With the rise of Internet users and the panic caused by COVID-19, the domain is surely going to see a rise in sales. Jeff Bullas has published an article highlighting four useful tips to start an e-commerce business in 2021. He says, “When potential customers land on your website or discover you on social... [Read more]

InstaWiz software uses Instagram for free daily traffic, leads, sales #ad

You need to be posting to social media regularly. If you post good content, it signals to your followers that you are an expert in your niche. Instagram is a prime site to get and keep followers. That's because, as the old saying goes, "A picture is worth a thousand words", and Instagram specializes in pictures. If you are like most of us, your issue is probably finding the time to fit all this social media work into your daily agenda... [Read more]

Meeting the data challenge with Google Marketing Platform and Google Cloud [Guide]

Google Marketing Platform has published a new guide ‘Meeting the data challenge with Google Marketing Platform and Google Cloud’. The GMP team says, “The consumer journey is becoming increasingly complicated. People are changing the way they purchase goods and services compared to just a year ago. The technology that marketers are... [Read more]

14 Tips to Improve Website Content

Your website’s performance depends on the content you publish and the way it helps the visitors. By creating publishing fresh and useful content, you can continue to generate more leads. Content Marketing Institute’s Lisa Dougherty has shared 14 useful tips to help you improve your website content for the screen readers. She says, “Is... [Read more]

CMI Shares 100+ Content Marketing Predictions for 2021

Content marketing continues to grow with time. With newer platforms and distribution channels, it has enables marketers to improve their sales. Content Marketing Institute contributor Stephanie Stahl has published an article highlighting 100+ content marketing predictions for 2021. She says, “Read these prognostications as lenses for comparison... [Read more]

KDSpy: Your tool for successful Kindle sales #ad

KDSpy is a power tool for authors. It was designed for Kindle authors, but any author can benefit. If you want to publish a book for the pleasure of seeing your name in print, you won't need this tool. But, if you want to earn passive income by selling books, particularly on Kindle, this tool can be a life-saver. What books should you publish for income? The answer is obvious: books that people want to buy... [Read more]

How to Deliver Awesome, Engaging Webinars in a Work From Home World, December 15 [Webinar]

Digital Marketing Depot is hosting a webinar ‘How to Deliver Awesome, Engaging Webinars in a Work From Home World’ on Tuesday, December 15 at 1.00 pm EDT. The DMD team says, “In the time of social distancing, webinars have never been more important for staying connected to our prospects and customers. And yet something is changing.... [Read more]

How to Master Digital Marketing [White Paper]

Digital Marketing Depot has published a new white paper ‘How to Master Digital Marketing’ to help marketers improve their digital marketing performance. The DMD team says, “A new reality requires new tools. Stay ahead of the curve by getting your feet wet with video marketing – the most effective way to engage with customers... [Read more]

Two Tips to Increase Your Podcast ROI

Podcast publishing is picking up with the growth of mobile devices and the rise of Internet users in different age groups. By publishing attention-grabbing and useful podcasts, you can build a following that can result into sales boost. Marketing Land contributor Rodric Bradford has shared two useful ways to improve your podcast ROI. He says, “The... [Read more]

Strategies to Get More Backlinks in 2021

Link building strengthens your SEO efforts. By creating quality content, you can continue to attract more links and build your site’s credibility. SEMrush contributor James Brockbank has published a comprehensive article on how to build backlinks in 2021. He says, “Also referred to within SEO as ‘inbound links’ or ‘external links,’... [Read more]

Create Digital Experiences That Engage, December 11 [Webinar]

Content Marketing Institute is hosting a webinar ‘Create Digital Experiences That Engage’ on Friday, December 11 at 1.00 pm ET. The CMI team says, “Take a look at your inbox on any given day, and you likely have multiple emails promoting a virtual event. While this uptick in webinars and virtual conferences has presented professionals... [Read more]

Optimize Your SEO Resource Stack: Get What You Need, Get Rid of What You Don’t, December 16 [Webinar]

Search Engine Journal is hosting a webinar ‘Optimize Your SEO Resource Stack: Get What You Need, Get Rid of What You Don’t’ on Wednesday, December 16 at 2.00 pm ET. The SEJ team says, “Looking to build the right set of SEO resources for your company? Register now for the next sponsored Search Engine Journal webinar. Jimmy Page and... [Read more]

Impact of Misspelled Keywords on SEO

Keywords play an important role in search engine optimization. Many times, we misspell the words in the content which may affect the SEO process negatively. Search Engine Journal contributor Ryan Jones has highlighted the impact of misspelled keywords on SEO performance. He says, “There used to be a time where we could gain some traffic by capitalizing... [Read more]

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