Steps for smooth site migration - IM NewsWatch, January 16, 2018

January 16th, 2019 at 7:27 am EDT


IM NewsWatch

Wednesday, January 16, 2018

Make most out of your Gmail ads with this guide

With a huge user base Gmail is one of the best platforms to put your targeted ads. Search Engine Land contributor Jacob Baadsgaard has published a guide to help marketers make most out of their Gmail advertising. Baadsgaard says, “Email marketers love to brag about how email marketing is still one of the most effective digital marketing... [Read more]

Steps for smooth site migration

Moving your website from one server to another is a critical task. Without a strong support team it might become difficult for anyone to do it. Search Engine Land contributor Chris Sherman has shared some site migrations insights based on a conversation between Bastian Grimm, CEO & Director Organic Search at Peak Ace AG, and Patrick StoxTechnical... [Read more]

‘3 Types of Silos Killing Your Marketing Team’ Webinar February 6

Having a great marketing team focused on a unique agenda is something that can lead your business to success. The Digital Marketing Depot is hosting a webinar on ‘3 Types of Silos Killing Your Marketing Team ’ on Wednesday, February 6, 2019 at 1.00 pm EST. The DMD team says, “Marketing has become a complex field, with evolving... [Read more]

HubSpot releases 6-step guide to market research

Research is a very important element in running your business smoothly. It helps you explore the newer horizons and set new targets for yourself. It also helps you explore new insights to make your business rewarding. HubSpot team has published a six-step guide to doing market research. Debbie Farese says, “There are two main types... [Read more]

AWeber announces ‘Everyday Email’ course

AWeber team has launched a free course called ‘Everyday Email’ to hep brands and marketers succeed with email marketing. This couese will deliver 30 tips in 30 days. Here’s how Jill Fanslau introduces this course: Every day for 30 days, you’ll receive one, easy-to-follow, “snackable” tip about email from me. (Lucky you!)... [Read more]

The Most In-Demand Skills of 2019 [Podcast]

The Buffer contributor Brian Peters has published a new podcast titled ‘The Most In-Demand Skills of 2019 (According to LinkedIn), YouTube Advertising, Our Ultimate Facebook Engagement Guide, and More’. Peters says, “Each week on the Science of Social Media we cover some of the most important trends, news, research, and insights... [Read more]

‘How to Create a 90-Day Video Content Plan’ Webinar January 16

Video plays a pivotal role from lead generation to increase in sales. If used in correct manner you can get outstanding results with your video marketing strategy. To help marketers create and use the videos for marketing Content Marketing Institute is hosting a webinar on ‘How to Create a 90-Day Video Content Plan’ on Wednesday, January... [Read more]

Everything you need to know about marketing in 2019

The first month of the new year has already started and its high time we focus on what is happening in the marketing domain at the moment. Forbes contributor Denise Lee Yohn has shared an article on the status of marketing activities in 2019. Talking about the importance of marketing, Yohn says, “If marketing is so critical to business... [Read more]

‘How to Optimize Your Tech Stack in 2019’ Webinar January 16

Marketo is hosting a webinar on ‘How to Optimize Your Tech Stack in 2019’ on Wednesday, January 16, 2019 at 1.00 pm ET. The Marketo team says, “Join us for our webinar on January 16th @ 10am PT/1pm ET, where we will help you connect the dots, demonstrating how this technology works in harmony to create an optimal... [Read more]

Website Speed: A Key Success Factor For Every Online Business

One of the things IM NewsWatch has been working on is the speed of our site. We have used a number of techniques to improve our page load speed (and we are continuing to work on it) because we know that today’s site visitors are usually busy. They don’t want to wait around for a page to load. We want our visitors to spend more time on our... [Read more]

What is sentient marketing and how to do it.

Forbes contributor Mohanbir Sawhney has published a detailed article on sentient marketing. He defines this form of marketing as “a vision for customer engagement that is powered by data, scaled with automation, and personalized through AI”. Like personalized marketing, sentient marketing too aims at personalized customer engagement... [Read more]

Strategies to improve your sales

Boosting our sales is one of the biggest priorities in business today. And for this customer service and retention are the keys along with a quality product. Forbes contributor John Ellett has shared a comprehensive article on how brands can improve their sales by focusing on brand energy. Ellett says, “Liz Matthews, Senior Vice President,... [Read more]

How to Understand Your ‘Why’ and Use It to Fuel Your Success [Video]

The Entrepreneur magazine team has published a video featuring Christy Whitman on anyone can achieve success through dedication. The video is based on her new book. Entrepreneur team says, “Christy Whitman — author, public speaker and life coach — discusses with host David Meltzer how her new book teaches people to reach their... [Read more]

Nine ways data visualization can help your business

Proper analysis and use of data can help you take your business to newer heights. The data has created an altogether new opportunity for all of us to expand our businesses. ReadWrite contributor Megan Ray Nichols has shared nine ways data visualization to grow your business. Nichols says, “Being so integral to operations, it makes sense... [Read more]

Survey reveals decline in voice search usage

Voice search has been expected to bring a lot many opportunities for different sectors in online business as the growth of mobile has been exceptional. The Higher Visibility team has published its findings from the surveys conducted in 2017 and 2018 highlighting the usage of voice search. Some of the catchy findings are: In 2018, 40% people... [Read more]

Tips to publish your content and make people read it

Content is an essential part of the marketing game today. It helps you attract the attention of people and make it popular. Its authenticity helps you improve sales. Copyblogger’s Stefanie Flaxman has shared three steps to help marketers achieve success through publishing. Flaxman says, “Creative processes that support businesses... [Read more]

How color affects your online business

Blue, red, green, yellow, purple – what difference does it make if you choose one over the others for your branding or web design? After all, it’s a personal choice, isn’t it? As it turns out, your color choices make a big difference, one that can significantly affect your conversion rate in either a positive or a negative way. This is what... [Read more]

How to Be a Social Media Influencer in 2019 [Video]

Influencer marketing is one of the rapidly rising forms of promotional tactics. Entrepreneur contributor David Meltzer has published a video on how to become a social media influencer in 2019. Meltzer says, “Lauryn Evarts Bosstick and Michael Bosstick, the co-hosts of The Skinny Confidential Him & Her Podcast, discuss the evolution of... [Read more]

‘The Latest in Growth Hacking: Link Retargeting’ Webinar January 16

The Business 2 Community team is hosting a webinar on ‘The Latest in Growth Hacking: Link Retargeting’ on Wednesday, January 16 at 2 pm ET. The Business 2 Community team says, “Did you know that you could transform every click on every link you share into a retargeting audience? Link Retargeting allows you to show highly targeted... [Read more]

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