Special Sale, today only

April 7th, 2013 at 3:44 pm EDT

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March 8, 2012

Special Opportunity ending

Squeeze Ninja Software: Creating a compelling Lead Capture page in minutes #ad

Squeeze Ninja may be the easiest way to create attractive squeeze pages. It's been on a special sale for a couple of months, but that sale is ending at midnight.

A squeeze page is part of a bigger ecosystem: When People fill in their information on the squeeze page, the system presents a "confirmation page" telling them that their information was captured and telling them an email was sent to them. Then when they respond to the email, there's a "deliver page" to give the the free offer they signed up for.

Squeeze Ninja builds all three pages automatically, in just minutes.

In this new software, you get:
• Your choice of a page with video or without; split test to find which brings in more opt-ins.
• Your squeeze pages don't require WordPress • Builds an entire sales funnel from start to finish without coding or designing in 8 easy steps
• Works with AWeber, GetResponse, Mail Chimp, iContact and more

Comes with bonus software to improve your site's backlink profile and with a copywriting course to get you going on the right path.

Get it here: Squeeze Ninja

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