Microsoft LinkedIn Deal: What it means for advertisers, IM NewsWatch, June 14, 2016

June 14th, 2016 at 9:04 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

‘Digital Marketing: 3 test ideas to optimize your incentive offers’ – MarketingExperiments

Selena Blue says, “Coupon. Free download. Discount code. Gift card. Complimentary ebook. These are just a few of the countless types of incentives marketers use to influence customers to say “yes” at the final macro-decision – whether that’s making a purchase, filling out a lead gen form or some other form of conversion. Incentive can... [Read more]

‘Have an Interesting Old Blog Post? Here Are 8 Ways to Go Back and Promote Them!’ – Entrepreneur

Manish Bhalla says, “The fact remains that creating new content every single day is a tough job, and finding new topics is even tougher. If you analyze your blog, you will see that there are two kind of posts on the blog; one older and the other, newly published. While the new one being published recently has few hundreds of views and shares,... [Read more]

‘The Content Sharing Habits of Facebook Users’ – MarketingProfs

Ayaz Nanji says, “More than half (58%) of Facebook users who share third-party content on the network say they do so at least once a week, according to recent research from Fractl. The report was based data from a survey conducted in April 2016 of 2,000 Facebook users. Respondents were polled on their habits sharing content from external websites,... [Read more]

How to successfully launch a product #ad

Today, at 11 AM EDT, Josh Ratta is launching iGloo Product Launcher During the first 5 hours, it will be at a special discount, and then the price starts to rise. iGloo Product Launcher is for anyone who is launching products or services for sale on the web. It helps you create successful sales funnels so you can increase your earnings. Look how powerful... [Read more]

‘The Microsoft LinkedIn Deal: What it means for advertisers’ – Marketing Land

Ginny Marvin says, “While much of the talk about Microsoft’s plans to buy LinkedIn for $26.2 billion in cash, announced Monday, has focused on beefing up its cloud business, there’s much to be considered for advertisers, particularly B2B advertisers. In past years, Bing Ads executives have talked about the breadth of user data that Microsoft... [Read more]

‘Microsoft + LinkedIn = Everything But An Advertising Play’ – Forrester

Melissa Parrish says, “The second the story broke about Microsoft’s $26.2 billion acquisition of LinkedIn, everybody you can think of who has any kind of an opinion about either company, social media, business productivity, enterprise software, the stock market, data and mergers & acquisitions in general has weighed in on the deal’s implications... [Read more]

‘A Simple Guide to Navigating Trending Content’ – HubSpot

Alex Jones says, “The cultural landscape of the modern world is constantly changing. Internet celebrities are created in as little as six seconds. Viral videos can be viewed in every continent across the world in a matter of hours. There’s a lot going on. As a result, there are also a lot of opportunities for brands to join the conversation... [Read more]

Tracking clicks improves sales #ad

Knowing what works is key to having a successful business.  Wikipedia quotes merchant John Wanamaker, as saying,  "Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is I don't know which half." Back in the 1890s, when Wanamaker reportedly said it, that could be a problem that was hard to solve, but today it can be solved, and no seller interested in a successful business can afford to be ignorant of which ads work and which don't... [Read more]

‘How to Optimize Your Website for International Business’ –

Brett Bruen says, “We don’t do global. It’s a statement I hear a lot. Most companies I meet say they aren’t currently engaged in international trade. Indeed, just five percent of American small and mid-sized businesses export, compared to 50 percent in the United Kingdom. My reply’s always the same. Do you have a website? Then you are... [Read more]

‘Why all the excitement surrounding Facebook’s Dynamic Ads?’ – Econsultancy

Lauren Evans says, “It wasn’t too long ago that people were saying that trying to sell products and services on social media would never be very successful. Well, direct response social ads – specifically Dynamic Ads for Facebook – are showing these reservations might not hold true. Because they’re starting to really take off. In... [Read more]

‘Check It Out: Moz Content’s Q2 Feature Updates (Tons of New Stuff!)’ – MOZ

Tyler Murray says, “It’s been a busy quarter for the Moz Content team, and we’re excited to share the results of our hard work! During the first few months after launch, we focused most of our energy on improving the Content Audit workflow with a few stability- and speed-related updates sprinkled in. This quarter we’ve had the opportunity... [Read more]

What is hardest part of earning money online? #ad

The top three marketing tasks, in terms of difficulty, are probably getting your content ranked, generating traffic and converting the traffic you get. Of these three, getting your content ranked is the most critical since without that, you can’t generate any organic traffic and have to rely on paid traffic... [Read more]

‘The big picture guide to local SEO: ranking in 2016 & beyond’ – Marketing Land

Marcus Miller says, “Local SEO is getting more difficult for many businesses. Google’s move from seven to three listings in the local pack, and the threat of various ads in the local space, has created a fiercely competitive environment for local businesses. Suffice it to say, if you wish to rank in that three pack in 2016 and beyond, your local... [Read more]

‘How to Craft Winning Pitches for Your Service Business’ – Copyblogger

Stefanie Flaxman says, “I have an affinity for service businesses. I love when people: – Recognize that they possess specific skills that can help others – Invest in training that will help them succeed – Offer their expertise and problem-solving abilities in exchange for money But I don’t love when these driven individuals... [Read more]

‘How to Get All of Your Pitch Emails Opened and Answered’ – Entrepreneur

Kimanzi Constable says, “We will in the interconnected Information Age. Never has there been a time in history with so much access and opportunity for entrepreneurs. The Internet and social media have opened doors that were previously held closed by gatekeepers. Locking in new opportunities for your business, however, still has to go through an... [Read more]

Live Leap: The only FB-approved tool to syndicate your live feed #ad

Luke Maguire and Anthony Morrison have been studying Facebook and its potential for creating a dramatic improvement in marketing success. It's a fact: Not all social media traffic is created equal. At the top of the pyramid is Facebook. And its dominance is growing... [Read more]

‘Euro 2016 marketing creative: Smart, prestigious & controversial’ – Econsultancy

Ben Davis says, “A couple of weeks before the tournament began, I took a rather sceptical look at some of the brand campaigns airing during Euro 2016. With the honourable exceptions of Adidas, Hyundai and Carlsberg, the marketing action was slightly disappointing. In this post, I look at some more of the current campaigns and see who has hit the... [Read more]

‘Adding Personality Increased My Email Response Rate 50%’ – HubSpot

John Sherer says, “Read the last few emails you’ve sent to people you’re trying to connect with. Did you say the same thing every time? Is 40% of of what you wrote jargon? Do you sound like a robot? I answered “yes” to most of those questions not too long ago. But then I tried something that I’d like to recommend... [Read more]

‘How 3 brands are using Facebook Live to connect, engage & inspire their fans’ – Marketing Land

Amy Gesenhues says, “From exploding watermelons to moms in Chewbacca masks, Facebook Live is quickly proving its power to win a sizable number of viewers, comments and shares in a short amount of time. Among the top brands and video producers using the platform, Dunkin’ Donuts, The Young Turks news network and the food-focused channel, Tastemade,... [Read more]

Local Business Consultant's Toolkit; Create Websites Quickly #ad

If you need to build websites for local merchants, the Ink Themes team, led by Neeraj Agarwal has a kit of online assets that will make your life a lot easier. Their new 'Local Busines Bundle' give you: 10 Local Business WordPress Themes (for businesses like Fitness, Online Restaurant Ordering, Car Dealers Directory, Summer Camp, Acting School, Nutrition Supplements, Locksmith Service, Laundry Service, Tour Operator, Hair Cutting)... [Read more]

‘How to Use BigQuery for Large-Scale SEO (Or Whenever Excel Fails)’ – MOZ

Dominic Woodman says, “What do you do when Excel fails? Maybe you have more than a millions row of data. Perhaps you’ve tried to filter a large dataset with a VLOOKUP and Excel has decided to lay down and die. Excel is a fantastic tool, but that doesn’t mean it’s what we should use for everything. What should you use? The traditional... [Read more]

‘When Should You Use Employee Email Signatures as a Marketing Channel?’ – Convince & Convert Blog

Dan Hanrahan says, “Whether you’re a marketer at a startup, scaleup, or enterprise company, creating meaningful marketing messages and finding new channels to promote those messages is key—but it’s hard work! With more and more digital channels being introduced to the market, it’s often hard to ensure your company’s most important initiatives... [Read more]

‘How to Prove Your Content Is Driving Revenue’ – CMI

Erica Lindberg says, ““Will this drive revenue?” This is the classic question, asked by anyone responsible for determining the value of business programs and assessing budget. But when it comes to content, the right answers still elude many marketers. For marketers pursuing more budget and resources, it’s critically important to know how... [Read more]

‘The struggle is real: Marketing to Millennials’ – Marketing Land

Nicole Shariat-Farb says, “The retail environment is crazily competitive. The old guard retailers have upped their game, and there are new startups coming online every day. In this environment, how do you stand out and grow your customer base? And most importantly, how can you reach the important demographic of next-generation shoppers — Millennials... [Read more]


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