Impact Data on Ecommerce in 2020 - IM NewsWatch, January 15, 2020

January 15th, 2020 at 6:29 am EDT


IM NewsWatch

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Analyzing the Impact Data on Ecommerce in 2020

Data matters a lot in today’s business environment. The customer journey begins with the data submission and continues till they remain with your company. There are long lasting effects of data on your e-commerce performance. Practical Ecommerce contributor Anna Kayfitz has shared seven ways big data will impact e-commerce this year. Kayfitz... [Read more]

An eCommerce Guide to Building Customer Loyalty and Improving Retention [E-book]

Customer acquisition is the key element in building and growing your e-commerce business. Also you need a strong policy to retain those customers for long term. Rakuten team has published new e-book ‘Hello Again! An eCommerce Guide to Building Customer Loyalty and Improving Retention’ to help you improve your customer loyalty and retention.... [Read more]

Improve Your Social Media Performance with These Three Rules

Social media marketing management requires constant awareness of what works with your audience. You need to pick up the right way to influence them with the best of social media tools. Orbit Media Solutions’ Andy Crestodina has shared three best practices that can help you to improve your social media marketing. Crestodina says, “If... [Read more]

Disabled Grandma supports herself online #ad

Her grandkids call her Memaw. Her son, Jeremy Kennedy calls her Mom. She’s had some severe health problems. Jeremy tells about her illnesses that disabled her here: Memaw Cochran’s Illness. She is no longer able to work in her real estate finance job. She needed something she could do from home that wasn’t too techy, since she knew... [Read more]

BERT & SEO – Getting The Story Straight [Podcast]

BERT (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers) is a Natural Language Processing (NLP) model that helps Google understand language better in order to serve more relevant results. BERT will play a significant role in improving conversational search. According to Search Engine Land, Google’s BERT will impact 10% of searches.... [Read more]

Avoid These SEO Mistakes for Business Success

An effective search engine optimization strategy is extremely important for using the Internet channels for your business growth. While planning an SEO strategy you should stay away from doing certain things. Go Fish Digital contributor Stewart Fussell has shared five basic SEO mistakes that you should avoid. Fussell says, “If you’re... [Read more]

‘How to Align Sales and Marketing Teams for Max ROI’ Webinar January 16 [Webinar]

By synchronizing your sales and marketing teams you can improve your business. According to MarketingProfs, 80% of content created by marketing goes unused by sales. This shows in-congruence between the sales and marketing departments. MarketingProfs is hosting a webinar on ‘How to Align Sales and Marketing Teams for Max ROI’ on Thursday,... [Read more]

Commission Map Pro: what to sell online & how to sell it #ad

Commission Map Pro is a digital “map” that shows you: 1. “weird” niches that are easily monetized and 2. powerful traffic sources for customers to sell your products to. The niches included in this package are the ones Jamie Lewis (the product creator)used to build up his own successful business online. Now, he has built software that automates... [Read more]

‘CCPA is in Effect — Now What?’ Webinar January 16 [Webinar]

The California Consumer Privacy Act, signed on June 28, 2018, is aimed at establishing new consumer privacy rights. It will enhance enhance privacy rights and consumer protection for residents of California, United States. InfoTrust is hosting a webinar on ‘CCPA is in Effect — Now What?’ on Thursday, January 16, 2020 at 11.00 am... [Read more]

Four Steps to Developing Your Instagram Marketing Style

The chances of making your marketing campaigns successful increase with the uniqueness you instill in them. Innovative marketing campaigns can help you to boost your sales and grow business. Social Media Examiner’s Maham Chappal has shared four steps to help you develop a unique Instagram marketing style and make a long-lasting impact. Chappal... [Read more]

‘From Search to Transaction: How to Master the Customer Experience’ Webinar 2.00 pm ET [Webinar]

To grow your business it is extremely important to drive more audience to your website and prompt them to take a purchase decision. Satisfying customer experience can play vital role in this process. Search Engine Journal team is hosting a webinar on ‘From Search to Transaction: How to Master the Customer Experience’ on Wednesday, January... [Read more]

Linkedtify generates Leads,for High-Ticket Clients on LinkedIn #ad

LinkedIn is the professional social media site. Nothing else compares; not Facebook, not Twitter, not Instagram; nothing. The people who use LinkedIn are professional business people, often business owners or highly placed people is a business. They can be good prospects for what you are selling. If you offer services to other businesses, LinkedIn is... [Read more]

Twitter Adds New Ad Unit and Alters Core Features [Podcast]

Twitter’s interactive advertising options allow you to promote your products and services to the target audience. The social platform has announced new ad units in its portfolio. Social Media Examiner’s Grace Duffy has published a new podcast episode ‘Twitter Adds New Ad Unit and Alters Core Features’ featuring Madalyn... [Read more]

Campaign Budget Optimization From Facebook: How to Get It to Work for You [Video]

Facebook advertising gives you an opportunity to reach a wide range of audience and promote your products and services. The social network also gives you flexibility to adjust your campaign budget. Social Media Examiner team has published new video ‘Campaign Budget Optimization From Facebook: How to Get It to Work for You’ featuring... [Read more]

Grow Your Email List with These WordPress Plugins

Email is a powerful marketing tool and the subscribers are your asset. It is important to continue getting more and more subscribers so that you can increase your email profits. Blogging Wizard’s Adam Connell has shared a list of 12 WordPress plugins you can use to increase your email list. Connell says, “In this post, you will... [Read more]

‘Five Ways to Maximize Your Marketing Automation’ Webinar 2.00 pm ET [Webinar]

Marketing automation is the key to improved performance. You can improve your website performance and improve traffic by adopting right automation practices. eMarketer is hosting a webinar on ‘Five Ways to Maximize Your Marketing Automation’ on Tuesday, January 14, 2020 at 2.00 pm ET. eMarketer team says, “Join this webinar and... [Read more]

8 Plugins to Skyrocket Your Rankings and Traffic [Video]

In the process of getting more visitors to your WordPress website, various plugins play a vital role. You can simplify all your SEO tasks using WordPress plugins. Neil Patel has published a video ‘The Perfect SEO Setup for WordPress: 8 Plugins to Skyrocket Your Rankings and Traffic’ to help you use right plugins for improving your rankings... [Read more]

Strategies to Improve Your Email Inbox Placements

Email deliverability and open rate are the two challenges every marketer faces today. With email service providers’ strict spam filtering rules, you have to work hard for making your emails land in the subscriber inbox. MarketingProfs’ John Landsman has shared five ways to improve your email campaigns’ inbox placements in 2020. Landsman... [Read more]

Blogging Tips for Beginners That Actually Work [Video]

A continuously updated blog helps you to stay connected with your target audience and promote your products and services. Ahrefs contributor Joshua Hardwick has published a YouTube video ‘Blogging Tips for Beginners That Actually Work’ to help your begin your blogging journey. Hardwick says, “Want to create a successful... [Read more]

PPC in 2020: Major Trends

The pay-per-click (PPC) continues to evolve quickly due to its new campaign types, features, targeting options and tools available on various platforms. The Drum contributor Callum Coard has shared an article highlighting major PPC trends for the year 2020. Coard says, “For PPC advertisers, 2020 is going to be a pivotal year. Technology... [Read more]

Five 2020 Search Marketing Trends

Search engine marketing is one of the best ways to reach your desired audience and achieve your sales targets by persuading them to make a purchase. With changing algorithms you need to change your strategies. To help you strengthen your search engine marketing in 2020, Vertical Leap contributor Dave Colgate has shared five important search marketing... [Read more]

Copy the 5 Winning Strategies Behind My 238% Traffic Growth in 2019 [Video]

Traffic generation is the key to achieving business growth. Effective SEO tactics combined with quality content can help you to generate more traffic for your website resulting into sales growth. Neil Patel has published a new video titled ‘Copy the 5 Winning Strategies Behind My 238% Traffic Growth in 2019’ to help you increase your... [Read more]

Ultimate Video Marketing Guide For 2020

Video helps you to strengthen your marketing strategy by enabling you to add persuasiveness to the marketing mix. According to WordStream, people could retain about 95% of a message when they watch it in a video. Jeff Bullas has published ‘Ultimate Video Marketing Guide For 2020’ to help you excel in your marketing with video. Bullas... [Read more]

‘Emerging Elements for Email Marketers in 2020 from the Periodic Table of Email and Deliverability’ Webinar January 23 [Webinar]

Email is one of the most trusted marketing channels. But with rising restrictions of email service providers, reaching subscribers’ inboxes is more challenging than ever. Digital Marketing Depot is hosting a webinar on ‘Emerging Elements for Email Marketers in 2020 from the Periodic Table of Email and Deliverability’ on Thursday, January... [Read more]

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