IM NewsWatch, September 8, 2014 - ‘12 Ways to Get More Blog Subscribers – HubSpot' and much more...

September 8th, 2014 at 8:41 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

Monday, September 8, 2014

‘Optimizing PPC Campaigns: Simple copy changes that increased clickthrough rate by 289%’ MarketingExperiments Webinar September 11

MarketingExperiments team says, “Many marketers depend on paid search to reach their customers. Significant revenue is spent on keyword strategy, but position is only half the battle. It really does not matter how many people see your PPC ad if it does not motivate anyone to click. This raises some essential questions: • Have you maximized the... [Read more]

‘Do-it-yourself SEO: Dos and Dont’s for Backlinks’ – ‘Website Magazine’ Article

Andy Curry says, “This month’s article will address how to build links to our website. This is one of the most critical aspects of search engine optimization and one of the most difficult to get right. Why Backlinks? The first point is to address why link building (also called “backlinking” or “backlinks”) is so important. Google first... [Read more]

‘Alibaba Files to Sell up to $24.3 Billion in Stock’ – Re/code

Re/code team says, “Chinese e-commerce giant Alibaba on Friday filed to sell up to $24.3 billion in stock, making it the biggest U.S. initial public offering ever. Yahoo cut its stake in the company to 16.3 percent from 22.4 percent and Soft Bank cuts its stake to 32.4 percent from 34.1 percent earlier, Dow Jones reported. The company is expected... [Read more]

Live Webinar on building Video Sales Pages and profiting #ad

Mark Thompson and Matt Callen are continuing their free training, on the way to launching a new product later this week. If you haven’t already seen their prior training, you can see the first video here: Free VSL Training Video. and the second video here: Video Sales Page Training #2 For their third training activity, they decided to make it... [Read more]

‘The Secret To Getting Internet Traffic’ by John Chow

Chow says, “Ask new Internet marketers what’s the number one thing they want to know in order to haver a successful Internet marketing business, and nearly all of them will ask, “How do I get traffic to my offers?” Let’s face it, it doesn’t matter how great your offer is, or how great your blog is, if it gets no traffic, then it’s not... [Read more]

‘Five Ways to Maintain Credibility in Your Content Marketing’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

Petr Palas says, “A few months ago, we conducted a content marketing survey that found 74% of those who surf the Web tend to trust the non-salesy content that businesses post on their corporate, social, and other sites to educate prospects and customers and, hopefully, draw them into their communities and customer channels. The figure may be... [Read more]

‘Facebook Gives App Developers A Simpler Way To Integrate With The Platform’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Martin Beck says, “Facebook announced today that it is simplifying the process for developers integrating apps into the social network. A blog post by software engineer Dmitry Soshnikov explained how it used to be: In the original app-creation flow, you had to find and download our latest SDKs, create a Facebook App ID, enable the platform you... [Read more]

The Lazy Money System for profitable affiliate marketing #ad

Hans Peter Jeschke (known among friends as HP) was looking for a way to make a good return on a small investment of time. He settled on affiliate marketing, and took action. Here’s what he did: On August 14, Jeschke spent about 20 minutes setting up an ad campaign. Then, he spent $1.19 on advertising. The result was that he earned $40.20 in less... [Read more]

‘11 Steps To Building Your Social Media On A Solid Foundation’ – ‘Business 2 Community’ Article

Sue Cockburn says, “Social media for many small businesses is a cost-effective marketing tool that can help grow one’s brand name recognition, online presence and customer loyalty. However, it isn’t a slam dunk or quick-fix and the mindset with which we approach it will impact our success or failure. Where social media is approached in... [Read more]

‘Five Insights From Digital Business Leaders In Asia Pacific’ – ‘The Forrester Blog’

Dena Anderson says, “I had the good fortune of moderating a panel on the state of digital business at theChief Digital Officer Global Forum in Singapore yesterday morning. The event showcased a who’s who of digital business leadership in the region, including my panelists Veena Ramesh of Johnson & Johnson, Jerry Blanton of Citi, and Veronique... [Read more]

’12 Ways to Get More Blog Subscribers [Infographic]‘ – HubSpot

Ginny Soskey says, “For lots of bloggers, publishing blog post can feel a little anticlimactic. You spend all this time researching and writing and editing and designing to get your post out the door, and when you finally hit publish … … Nothing happens. (Except maybe a tweet or two from your mom and the intern. Thanks, Mom and Intern!) But... [Read more]

Create Eye Catching Buttons & Banners in Just 3 Steps #ad

Walter Jayanth is offering you what he calls “the easiest button creator ever built”. See if you agree. With his Eye Catching Buttons & Banners software, it takes just a few seconds to create a professional button image with optional motion effects when pressed. This software comes with hundreds of premium designs you can adapt to... [Read more]

‘Multichannel Analytics to Shine in Next 5 Years’ – ‘Website Magazine’ Article

Derel S. says, “From college football programs to major international corporations, analytics are helping a variety of institutions to make better data-driven decisions. With the number of companies and programs using analytics continually increasing, it comes as no surprise that the analytics market is predicted to increase. In a recent report... [Read more]

‘The role of the ‘Chief Marketing Technologist’’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Jens Lundgaard says, “Blake Cahill, Head of Global Digital Marketing at Phillips, is unequivocal about the importance of understanding today’s fast-moving mobile and social technologies. ‘As a marketer,’ he says, ‘if you don’t understand those technologies well and how they’re being used by relevant audiences, it’s going... [Read more]

‘Email Marketing: Compliance-related re-engagement campaign messaging increases conversion 49%’ – ‘MarketingExperiments’ Blog

Daniel Burstein says, “A name in a database does not a customer make. You need customers and potential customers who actually want to receive email from you. To do that with your current email list — either for legal compliance reasons, like the Canadian Anti-Spam Legislation (CASL), or to win-back unengaged subscribers (like CNET did) — it... [Read more]

VJ ImageCAM: Make short videos in seconds #ad

There are several different formats for graphics. Over 20 years ago, the BMP file was invented by Microsoft. Not long after came the JPG file (invented by an industry group not wanting to be tied to Microsoft). This is all techy stuff we can mostly ignore, but one graphics style has a special use, the GIF file. Unlike all the others, not only can it... [Read more]

‘Customer-centric Marketing: How Emmanuel College boosted mobile traffic 94% with website redesign’ – MarketingSherpa Case Study

Allison Banko says, “There’s high competition in higher education. Every day, thousands of colleges and universities go head-to-head, vying for prospective students’ enrollments. For today’s digitally savvy youth, school websites must be on their “A” game. “For the vast majority of institutions, it’s... [Read more]

‘Keyword Research and Targeting Without Exact Match’ – MOZ Blog

Rand Fishkin says, “Whatever the motives behind Google’s recent removal of exact-match keyword targeting from AdWords, the resulting uncertainty makes keyword research that much more difficult. In today’s Whiteboard Friday, Rand talks about the implications of the change, and offers tips for the most effective research going forward”. Keyword... [Read more]

‘Leveraging Content to Generate Leads ‘ MarketingExperiments Webinar Replay

MarketingExperiments team says, “Content marketing determines how your customer gets to know your company and your product. It’s your chance to break through the inner monologue of your customer’s decision-making process and create a dialogue. However, marketers often fail to capitalize on the total potential of content on a blog, social... [Read more]

Viral Lead Machine: Spend less on your traffic; make more sales #ad

Wouldn’t it be great is your subscribers were also your promoters, spreading the news about your service to their friends all around the web? The new Viral Lead Machine aims to help you build this army of excited followers so you can see your targeted traffic increase, and more targeted traffic means more sales. And the nice thing is: your subscribers... [Read more]

‘The Art of Marketing: 6 DIY Design Projects to Try’ – HubSpot

Erik Devaney says, “I’ve heard it before. You’ve heard it before. Heck, I’ve even said it before: Marketing isn’t arts and crafts. In today’s data-driven, closed-loop world where we track, measure, and analyze every little detail, the phrase above seems to make a lot of sense. To be effective marketers, we need to put childish... [Read more]

‘Are You Logically Monitoring Your Entire Web Infrastructure?’ – ‘Website Magazine’ Article

Amberly Dressler says, “LogicMonitor’s new SiteMonitor solution is for anyone concerned about monitoring the performance of their website properties. Intrigued? Website Magazine caught up with LogicMonitor CEO Kevin McGibben to discuss the importance of site monitoring, how SiteMonitor is different from other Web monitoring tools and what enterprises... [Read more]

‘Tips For Tackling The Online-Offline Attribution Challenge’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Bill Dinan says, “Today’s consumers use more media in their purchase process than ever, but mobile is becoming a dominant force. In fact, according to xAd and Telmetrics’ U.S. Mobile Path-to-Purchase study, “mobile devices account for up to 64 percent of time spent online and 42 percent of mobile users consider mobile the most important... [Read more]

Solo Ad Cash Blueprint:Winning Formula for using solo ads to build your business #ad

Paul Nicholls says he has been using solo ads for years to build his business. You may have had a bad experience buying solo ads from various vendors. You paid a lot of money and have little to show for it. Nicholls had the same problem at first After spending hundreds of dollars (pounds, actually, since he is in England), he took a look at his buying... [Read more]

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