IM NewsWatch, September 6, 2012 - Latest IM News including ‘SOLVED: Using “Free” in Email – Website Magazine’ and much more...

September 6th, 2012 at 4:27 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

Thursday, September 6, 2012

‘How to Collect $10,000 in the Next 30 Days With the NEW Business Model’ Mike Koenigs & DC Fawcett’s Webinar 9.00 pm EDT

Mike Koenigs & DC Fawcett are hosting a webinar on Thursday, September 6 at 9.00 pm EDT. The topic of the webinar is “How to Collect $10,000 in the Next 30 Days With the NEW Business Model that’s 10X More Profitable than Affiliate Marketing”. Jay says, “Here are a Few of the Things You’ll Discover on this Webinar: How to... [Read more]

‘The Last Marketing Software You’ll Ever Need’ Jim Graham & Leon Jay’s Webinar 9.00 pm EDT

Jim Graham & Leon Jay are hosting a webinar on Thursday, September 6 at 9.00 pm EDT. The topic of the webinar is “The Last Marketing Software You’ll Ever Need”. Jay says, “Here’s what you’ll learn… The secret weapon smart marketers are using to save $580 per/month and up to 7 days worth of hard work per project. How... [Read more]

‘Building Traffic Through The Rel=Author Tag’ by Don Crowther

Don Crowther’s latest article is titled ”Building Traffic Through The Rel=Author Tag”. Crowther says, “It’s highly likely that you chose the middle one. That extra picture draws the eye and unconsciously adds credibility. Hence, it gets the click. So how do you get your picture added to your posts? The secret’s the rel=author... [Read more]

Amazon PLR: Blender Reviews, Articles, Buyers Guide and Logos #ad

Nathan Devlin has created a large pack of PLR material for your Amazon affiliate site, all about blenders: • 15 long product reviews for popular and best selling blenders • 10 supporting articles about blenders and their usage • A buyer’s guide that you can use to build a list (or break up and use on a site) • An eCover with... [Read more]

HubSpot Releases ‘How to Use Dynamic Content for Better Conversions’ eBook

HubSpot has released an ebook titled “How to Use Dynamic Content for Better Conversions”. The HubSpot team says, “You know that daydream you have where the whole world adapts to your whims? Well, you can finally turn it into reality. Also called “smart” or “adaptive,” dynamic is the content of a website or email... [Read more]

‘3 Things You Must Have As A Mobile Affiliate’ – ‘Offervault Scoop’ Blog

The latest article on ‘Offervault Scoop’ blog is titled “3 Things You Must Have As A Mobile Affiliate”. Dustin says, “Although mobile advertising is still in it’s infancy – it’s still a potent opportunity for advertisers. It’s becoming accepted and new tools, networks, and advertisers are entering the market. There are 3 things you’re... [Read more]

‘Discover How Perfect Optin Will DOUBLE Your Attendees & Double Your Sales!’ Bryan Dulaney’s Webinar September 7

Bryan Dulaney is hosting a webinar on Friday, September 7. The topic of the webinar is “Discover How Perfect Optin Will DOUBLE Your Attendees & Double Your Sales!”. Webinar Details Organizers: Bryan Dulaney Topic: Discover How Perfect Optin Will DOUBLE Your Attendees & Double Your Sales! Day/Date: Friday, September 7 Register for webinar... [Read more]

Elgray Responsive WordPress Theme for PCs, Macs, iPads and phones #ad

The new Elgray Responsive WordPress Theme is designed to respond to the visitor’s device and reformat the page to fit. Since all device types are being used to access the web in increasing numbers these days, your site needs to respond differently for each, or you will lose sales. This theme is stylish and suitable for a corporate website. Plus... [Read more]

‘It’s Not What You Know, It’s Who Likes You Enough To Listen’ – ‘Entrepreneurs-Journey’ Blog

The latest ‘Entrepreneurs-Journey’ blog post is titled “It’s Not What You Know, It’s Who Likes You Enough To Listen”. Yaro Starak says, “I did an interview with Jeff Walker last week for a product I’m working on. If you have never heard of Jeff, he is the father of the Product Launch Formula, a proven model for launching virtually... [Read more]

‘Big Results: Weight Loss Affiliate Programs’ by Mark Ling

Mark Ling’s latest Affilorama blog post is titled “Big Results: Weight Loss Affiliate Programs”. Ling says, “With hundreds of weight loss affiliate programs, the weight loss niche is one of the most popular and biggest niches in affiliate marketing. I am choosing this in response to a member’s request that we take a closer look at this... [Read more]

‘A Vision For Tomorrow’s Consumer Data Ecosystem’ – ‘The Forrester Blog’

The latest article on ‘The Forrester Blog’ is titled “A Vision For Tomorrow’s Consumer Data Ecosystem”. Fatemeh Khatibloo says, “Eighteen months ago, when I started down the path of what would become our body of Personal Identity Management (PIDM) research, there were only a few customer intelligence professionals who gave much... [Read more]

Affmagic Worpdress Plugin: trade AdSense for higher-paying ads #ad

There are a lot of advantages to AdSense ads, especially their ad management process and their eye-catching look. But they have a disadvantage, too: they typically don’t pay well. Affmagic Worpdress Plugin lets you create and manage eye-catching ads for other products, ads that pay better than AdSense. Affmagic Worpdress Plugin automates your... [Read more]

‘Should I Hide My Affiliate Activity from My boss?’ by Shawn Collins

Shawn Collins’ latest blog post is titled “Should I Hide My Affiliate Activity from My boss?”. Collins Says, “I work for big company who would not want me moonlighting but I want to start affiliate home business and eventually quit my job when (if) I can. Can I temporarily startup a biz using anonymous user name(s) (Facebook, twitter, Affiliate... [Read more]

‘Facebook Stock Up as Zuckerberg Commits to Not Sell’ – ‘Mashable’

The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled “Facebook Stock Up as Zuckerberg Commits to Not Sell”. Seth Fiegerman says, “Facebook stock shot up more than 4% in early trading on Wednesday morning, following the news that the company’s CEO Mark Zuckerberg will not sell off any shares for at least the next year. The stock had closed... [Read more]

‘3 Copyediting Fixes To Engage Visitors’ – Web Marketing Today

The latest ‘Web Marketing Today’ blog post is titled “3 Copyediting Fixes To Engage Visitors”. Kathleen Fealy says, “Companies often forget the purpose of their websites. The sites exist to provide quick, accessible information for prospective customers. In this article, I’ll describe three easy copywriting and design fixes that can engage... [Read more]

Lee McIntyre Exposed Interview: From Beginner to Multi-Million Business #ad

You’ve probably heard of Lee McIntyre, a British internet marketer who has a lot of popular marketing training programs and coaching, some costing hundreds of dollars. In this recorded interview, Lee McIntyre Exposed, McIntyre shares key principles from his coaching programs. McIntyre follows a very simple business model that had made him very... [Read more]

‘WordPress Wednesday: Liveblog v1’ – ‘Website Magazine’ Article

The latest article on ‘Website Magazine’ is titled “WordPress Wednesday: Liveblog v1”. Pete Prestipino says, “Welcome to another wonderful edition of WordPress Wednesday from Website Magazine! Could we fit another “W” in that first sentence? Today, instead of profiling a specific category of plugins as we normally do, Website... [Read more]

‘The Impact of Reviews and Other Social Media Content on Shopper Purchase' by Jay Baer

Jay Baer ‘s latest ‘Convince & Convert’ blog post is titled “The Impact of Reviews and Other Social Media Content on Shopper Purchase?. Baer says, “In April of this year Google published an eBook dedicated to a fairly recent marketing concept called ZMOT (Zero Moment of Truth). The concept is built around the 70% of Americans who look... [Read more]

‘Wednesday Webinar Series’ – ‘SEOmoz’ Blog

The latest ‘SEOmoz’ blog post is titled “Wednesday Webinar Series”. Abe Schmidt says, “The Help Team is proud to announce a new weekly webinar series just for our community members: Wednesday Webinars!”. Wednesday Webinar Series SEOmoz  [Read more]

“Facebook Fan Page Thief”: How other people’s fan pages can build your business #ad

Suppose a popular Facebook user posted a link to one of your blog posts. That would build your traffic, no doubt. Facebook Fan Page Thief shows you how to get this kind of attention from popular Facebook users, not just once, but many times. James Penn saw his blog drop dramatically in the ratings when the Panda update went live October 13, 2011. And... [Read more]

‘How to Profit from Email Marketing’ – ‘Marketing for Success’ Blog

The latest post on Charlie Cook’s ‘Marketing for Success’ blog is titled “How to Profit from Email Marketing”. Charlie Cook says, “What’s the fastest way to reach a huge audience for free so that you can grow your business…this month? The simple answer may surprise you. A few months ago, I decided to switch up my workout routine”. How... [Read more]

‘MarketingSherpa B2B Summit 2012′ – MarketingSherpa

The latest article on MarketingSherpa is titled “MarketingSherpa B2B Summit 2012″. David Kirkpatrick says, “MarketingSherpa’s B2B Summit 2012 featured two days of real-world case studies, actionable how-to instruction and even some live optimization of attendee websites and landing pages. One key takeaway from the event was the... [Read more]

‘A 10-Point Plan for Connecting with Online Influencers (Without Turning into a Suck-Up)’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

The latest post on ‘Copyblogger’ Blog is titled “A 10-Point Plan for Connecting with Online Influencers (Without Turning into a Suck-Up)”. Sonia Simone says, “I’m here to tell you a dreadful truth about online business and marketing. While you can, in fact, make money in your underwear, there are limits to how antisocial you get to be. The... [Read more]

Automated List Profits Platinum – Monthly PLR #ad

Simon Hodgkinson created a special offer for his customers (IM NewsWatch is one of them), and has authorized us to share that offer with our own customers. Automated List Profits Platinum is Hodgkinson’s monthly PLR membership, but there is no monthly fee. You pay once and you are in for life. Every month, you get two complete PLR packages, each... [Read more]

‘Landing Page Optimization: For the best test ideas, look beyond yourself’ – ‘MarketingExperiments’ Blog

The latest ‘MarketingExperiments’ blog post is titled “Landing Page Optimization: For the best test ideas, look beyond yourself”. Daniel Burstein says, “Pitching. When I worked at an advertising agency as a copywriter, this was probably my most important skill. If you’re not familiar with the term, this is how decisions are/were made in... [Read more]

‘Kindle 30 Day Promo Challenge Day 9’ by Tiffany Dow

Tiffany Dow’s latest blog post is titled “Kindle 30 Day Promo Challenge Day 9”. Dow says, “Hi everyone! Today is actually Tuesday but I won’t email out about this until Wednesday since I already emailed today. I wanted to go over 2 specific things for today’s Kindle promo challenge. First, this is a disgusting thing. One I’m sure is all... [Read more]

‘What Is SEO – Are You Sure You Know What It Means?’ by John Chow

John Chow’s latest blog post is titled “What Is SEO – Are You Sure You Know What It Means?”. Chow says, “What is SEO? I sipped my red wine, as I listened to my two friends who had so much interest in SEO. They were arguingabout search engine optimization and what it takes to rank on Google first”. What Is SEO – Are You Sure... [Read more]

Powerful Tools To Make Google Love Your Site #ad

Joe Finn’s recent March Of The Penguins SEO shows you what Google is looking for in websites, so you can make your site something Google can love. This course about SEO after Penguin is for anyone who wants to know how the Penguin upgrade works. With March Of The Penguins SEO, you will understand the new google updates much better and know how... [Read more]

‘New Twitter API Drops Support for RSS, Puts Limits on Third-Party Clients’ – ‘Mashable’

The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled “New Twitter API Drops Support for RSS, Puts Limits on Third-Party Clients”. Christina Warren says, “Twitter officially unveiled version 1.1 of its API Wednesday, deprecating support longstanding features such as RSS in the process. Twitter announced its new API back in August, which it described... [Read more]

‘Fear, uncertainty and doubt: some webmasters change good links’ – ‘Axandra Search Engine Facts’

The latest issue of ‘Axandra Weekly Search Engine Facts’ has been released. The featured article titled “Fear, uncertainty and doubt: some webmasters change good links”. Fear, uncertainty and doubt: some webmasters change good links Many webmasters are rattled by Google’s recent updates. Although links are still very important, some people... [Read more]

‘3 Easy Tools for Crafting a Great-Looking Personal Webpage’ – ‘ReadWriteWeb’

The latest post on ‘ReadWriteWeb’ is titled “3 Easy Tools for Crafting a Great-Looking Personal Webpage”. Taylor Hatmaker says, “Need an online portfolio in a hurry? Not all of us have the time, energy, or skill to build something from scratch, or the resources to farm out the job to more capable hands. Happily, some great tools are available... [Read more]

Pinterest Playbook reveals how to get Free Traffic from Pinterest #ad

Marketers are just waling up to the potential of Pinterest. It’s customers are unusually interested in what they find on Pinterest; they click and click; they also buy and buy. The demographics are especially favorable for marketers- they tend to be young and financially secure so they have money to spend. Bertus Engelbrecht’s new Pinterest Playbook... [Read more]

‘SOLVED: Using “Free” in Email’ – ‘Website Magazine’ Article

The latest article on ‘Website Magazine’ is titled “SOLVED: Using “Free” in Email”. Pete Prestipino says, “Marketing software platform Hubspot performed a very interesting test recently regarding the use of the word “Free” in email. The purpose was to determine what impact the word had on email deliverability and... [Read more]

‘September 2012 Google Webmaster Report’ – ‘Search Engine Roundtable’ Newsletter

The latest issue of ‘Search Engine Roundtable’ newsletter has been released. Search Engine Roundtable Newsletter Contents September 2012 Google Webmaster Report Google Hosts Over 100 Google Webmaster Hangouts Understand Your Facebook Ecosystem With Wolfram|Alpha Use Google Maps Starring & Saving? Give Google Feedback Googley Kippot Google’s... [Read more]

‘Niche Spotlight – Anti Aging Products’ – ‘Offervault Scoop’ Blog

The latest article on ‘Offervault Scoop’ blog is titled “Niche Spotlight – Anti Aging Products”. Dustin says, “There are a lot of niches out there to choose from. Sometimes it’s hard to know which niches will convert well. Good news for you though – there is a pattern to those niches that affiliates do well with. It’s probably the... [Read more]

Reminder- ‘The Social Habit 2012—How Americans Really Use Social Media’ MarketingProfs Seminar October 11

MarketingProfs is hosting a seminar with Tom Webster on Thursday, October 11 at 12.00 pm ET. The topic of the seminar is “The Social Habit 2012—How Americans Really Use Social Media”. MarketingProfs team says, “What Will You Learn? How people are collectively using social media today How to apply the understanding of today’s... [Read more]

‘How to Develop Your Digital Strategy’ – ‘Mashable’

The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled “How to Develop Your Digital Strategy”. Macala Wright Lee says, “Constructing digital strategies on behalf of clients makes one thing clear: Clients are often confused about what digital strategy is and how to actually develop one. When defining and developing strategy, marketers and agencies... [Read more]

‘The Rising Cost Of Mobile Data For Enterprises [Infographic]’ – ‘ReadWriteWeb’

The latest post on ‘ReadWriteWeb’ is titled “The Rising Cost Of Mobile Data For Enterprises [Infographic]”. Dan Rowinski says, “Every business has to count dollars and cents. Even little expenses can add up quickly and over run the bottom line if left to run amuck. And as smartphones become the norm in the businesses large and small, overhead... [Read more]

‘Google Seller Rating Extensions Get Refresh’ – ‘Website Magazine’ Article

The latest article on ‘Website Magazine’ is titled “Google Seller Rating Extensions Get Refresh”. Pete Prestipino says, “It has been over two years since Google initially introduced seller rating extensions, an advetising feature that provided merchants the ability to show their merchant star rating from Google Product Search within AdWords... [Read more]

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