IM NewsWatch, September 5, 2014 - ‘Is social shopping making a comeback? – Econsultancy' and much more...

September 5th, 2014 at 7:07 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

Friday, September 5, 2014

Data shows Home Depot breach could be largest ever

It has been all over the TV news and reported by bloggers and news sites. The hacking onto Home Depot is potentially much bigger, more widespread, and most costly to the merchant, to the credit card companies, to banks (and to their insurance companies) than the Target break-in 8 months ago. This is a major crime event./p If you haven’t become... [Read more]

‘Top 10 Tips to Build a Google-Friendly Site’ – ‘Website Magazine’ Article

Adam Dince says, “These days, marketers are doing everything they can to leverage non-paid marketing channels to increase operating income and decrease spend. One of the most impactful areas of non-paid marketing is search engine optimization (SEO). However, many businesses tackling SEO are only focusing on content marketing and social media while... [Read more]

‘FCC Chairman Says Broadband Market Isn’t Competitive’ – Re/code

Amy Schatz says, “Federal Communications Commission Chairman Tom Wheeler said Thursday that Americans don’t have enough choice when it comes to high-speed broadband providers and the government needs to do something about it. More than half of Americans have only one choice of providers that can offer 25 Mbps download speeds, adding, “[T]here... [Read more]

Top method for capturing targeted, engaged leads (Free Video) #ad

Mark Thompson and Matt Callen just released Video Sales Page Training #2 in their training series on creating and using video on sales pages, squeeze pages and more. If you missed video 1, it is still available on the same page as video 2. In this new 16 minute training video, Thompson and Callen reveal more secrets of using video in a profitable online... [Read more]

‘How to Create a Better Excerpt RSS for Your Blog’ by John Chow

Chow says, “Some people will tell you that RSS is dead and that most people only rely on social media to get their stories. And these people would be wrong. Many of us still subscribe to our favorite websites and we sift through the posts in an RSS aggregator of our choosing, like Feedly or the Digg Reader. Way back in 2006, John wrote about why he... [Read more]

‘Do-it-yourself SEO: Dos and Dont’s for Backlinks’ – ‘Web Marketing Today’ Article

Andy Curry says, “This month’s article will address how to build links to our website. This is one of the most critical aspects of search engine optimization and one of the most difficult to get right. Why Backlinks? The first point is to address why link building (also called “backlinking” or “backlinks”) is so important. Google first... [Read more]

‘Next Up For Twitter: Improved Search, Better Algorithm, Possible Group Chat’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Martin Beck says, “One of Twitter’s strengths — its free-for-all, real-time stream of updates — can be a weakness, at least for the people responsible for continuing the company’s growth as a business. News junkies love it for its unfiltered qualities, but many new users have a hard time separating the quality messages from the noise... [Read more]

Why is everybody talking about Video Jacker? #ad

If you’re like most of our readers, you have received dozens of affiliate emails promoting VideoJacker. On Monday, we got 29, along with a similar number since then. Why such a big interest among affiliates? Well, it’s powerful software that makes it easy to copy another website and then tweak your copy and call it your own. Affiliates thought... [Read more]

‘Google AdWords’ New Callout Extensions Give Advertisers More Promotional Room’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Ginny Marvin says, “Google has introduced a new ad extension in AdWords called callouts, which give advertisers more space to tout the benefits of their sites such as free shipping, sales, and other promotions. While many advertisers today use precious ad copy real estate to promote free shipping and sales, we’ll likely see advertisers adjust... [Read more]

‘How to Apply a Startup Mentality to Significantly Improve Your Online Marketing’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

Thomas Smale says, “Over the last few years, I have been dealing with more and more startup entrepreneurs who have successfully bootstrapped their businesses. They’ve had to in a time when funding a new business isn’t easy. Banks aren’t lending, and venture capital is harder to come by. Bootstrapping requires startup entrepreneurs... [Read more]

‘How to Successfully Leverage Infographics for Your Small Business’ – ‘Business 2 Community’ Article

Clancy Clarke says, “Infographics are a highly visual medium that draw attention, drive traffic and increase visibility for your business. If you’re looking for a fresh way to engage with potential customers, designing and sharing infographics is a logical next step. Infographic Design Tips An infographic takes a complex message and condenses it... [Read more]

VJ ImageCAM: Make short videos in seconds #ad

There are several different formats for graphics. Over 20 years ago, the BMP file was invented by Microsoft. Not long after came the JPG file (invented by an industry group not wanting to be tied to Microsoft). This is all techy stuff we can mostly ignore, but one graphics style has a special use, the GIF file. Unlike all the others, not only can it... [Read more]

‘The Internet Of Things Will Be Huge, And So Will Hadoop’ – ‘ReadWrite’

Matt Asay says, “Big Data challenges all of our assumptions about how data should be stored, processed and analyzed. But that doesn’t mean relational databases and other incumbent technologies are slouching toward obsolescence anytime soon. That’s the view of Cloudera co-founder Mike Olson, who recently sat down with Bosch’s Dirk... [Read more]

‘Is social shopping making a comeback?’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Darryl Adie says, “At one point social shopping was hailed as the future of ecommerce. Online shopping was supposed to be moving towards becoming a more social and collective experience, whereby users could share their shopping journeys, mimicking the sort of interaction that occurs in physical stores. However, despite all of these predictions, true... [Read more]

‘The Key Element of 21st Century Persuasion’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

Brian Clark says, “Back in the 1950s, a bedridden man faced certain death from inoperable, terminal cancer. Tumors the size of oranges had invaded the man’s neck, groin, chest, and abdomen. The patient’s only hope was a new experimental cancer drug called Krebiozen. Three days after the initial treatment, the man was out of bed and joking with... [Read more]

Viral Lead Machine: Spend less on your traffic; make more sales #ad

Wouldn’t it be great is your subscribers were also your promoters, spreading the news about your service to their friends all around the web? The new Viral Lead Machine aims to help you build this army of excited followers so you can see your targeted traffic increase, and more targeted traffic means more sales. And the nice thing is: your subscribers... [Read more]

‘The 3 Biggest Mistakes People Make on Twitter and LinkedIn (And How to Fix Them)’ – HubSpot

Evelyn Wolf says, “Though social media isn’t some shiny new marketing toy, lots of marketers get tripped up when using it. Sure, these folks know how to put together a tweet or publish a status update, but they get overwhelmed when they’re trying to navigate the unwritten “rules” of these platforms to be successful. And... [Read more]

‘Alibaba Beyond eCommerce: Understanding The World’s Biggest Digital Ecosystem’ – ‘The Forrester Blog’

Vanessa Zeng says, “Following Alibaba’s announcement that it will list on the New York Stock Exchange, global eBusiness professionals are paying closer attention to the Chinese Internet giant, wondering what impact it will have on their business. For those who need to get up to speed on the company, here is a preview of Forrester’s upcoming... [Read more]

‘Pigeon Advice from Top Local SEOs and a Pigeon-Proofing Checklist’ – MOZ Blog

Miriam Ellis says, “If you work in Local SEO, chances are you’ve been fielding tons of questions from clients since Google rolled out the Pigeon update in late July. Need a little extra support providing sound advice in what are still the early days of this development that has caused both organic and local ranking shakeups? Here’s... [Read more]

Solo Ad Cash Blueprint:Winning Formula for using solo ads to build your business #ad

Paul Nicholls says he has been using solo ads for years to build his business. You may have had a bad experience buying solo ads from various vendors. You paid a lot of money and have little to show for it. Nicholls had the same problem at first After spending hundreds of dollars (pounds, actually, since he is in England), he took a look at his buying... [Read more]

‘8 Common Responsive Web Design Myths Busted’ – ‘Business 2 Community’ Article

Sourav Saha says, “We all know how responsive designs have benefited us! The impact is such that some clients have started refusing to pay if their transaction is held up for extra time. Whenever something new comes up, myths about that get generated. It’s in human nature to create rumors so as to affect the common people. Myths are a waste of... [Read more]

‘Are You Logically Monitoring Your Entire Web Infrastructure?’ – ‘Website Magazine’ Article

Amberly Dressler says, “LogicMonitor’s new SiteMonitor solution is for anyone concerned about monitoring the performance of their website properties. Intrigued? Website Magazine caught up with LogicMonitor CEO Kevin McGibben to discuss the importance of site monitoring, how SiteMonitor is different from other Web monitoring tools and what... [Read more]

‘Redesigning Your Website? Why You Need to Think About SEO From the Start’ – HubSpot

Eric Devaney says, “The glitz, the glam, the glorious design elements that make your website look like a million bucks.When contemplating a website redesign, it’s easy to focus only on those features that are appealing to the eye. Unfortunately, redesigning a website isn’t simply an exercise in aesthetics. Sure, the purely visual elements... [Read more]

Business Graphics Maker: your easy path to professional graphics #ad

Gama Seva has been marketing online for 7 years. He has just introduced a new graphics website he is making available to marketers. He calls it Business Graphics Maker. This new marketing tool lets you easily create Brochures, Business Cards, Flyers, Coupons, Tickets, Invitations, Gift Certificates and almost all Business Marketing Graphics you can... [Read more]

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