IM NewsWatch, September 3, 2015 - '43 actionable stats to move your marketing forward – Experian' and much more...

September 3rd, 2015 at 9:12 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

Thursday, September 3, 2015

‘Twitter Ads Are Now Available Pretty Much Everywhere’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Martin BEck says, “Need to advertise in Mongolia, Tajikistan or the Isle of Man? Starting today, Twitter can help with that. The company announced that is has made its self-service ad dashboard available in more than 200 countries and territories, pushing beyond its previous roster of 33 countries and into just about every market that Twitter... [Read more]

’10 Smart Ways to Earn or Build Backlinks to Your Website’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Felix Tarcomnicu says, “”Backlinks,” meaning sites that link to your site, are, for most search engines, the supreme ranking factor. So is getting more organic traffic. Because that traffic is directly related to the quality of the backlinks your website has, the more authoritative websites that link to you, the better rankings and... [Read more]

‘A 5-Step System For Writing Attention-Grabbing Emails Prospects Can’t Ignore’ – HubSpot

David Ly Khim says, “What’s worse than an email that doesn’t get opened? An email that gets opened but doesn’t say anything important. When we send an email, we want the recipient to act on it, not delete it. This is difficult, but it isn’t impossible. Brian Balfour, VP of growth for Sidekick, receives hundreds of cold networking emails... [Read more]

Automated reputation management business set up for you #ad

Every business owner who knows the dangers of chatter on the Internet, knows that a reputation can be destroyed almost overnight by a dissatisfied customer. A complaint on a social media site can go viral and within days, customers can dry up. You can try to avoid these issues by treating every customer with respect and courtesy, but once a person... [Read more]

‘43 actionable stats to move your marketing forward’ – ‘Experian Marketing Forward’ Blog

Denice Surjan says, “Our award-winning, annual Digital Marketer Report has a lot of great information to help you intelligently interact with customers across channels and it can be a lot to digest. In a series of posts (here, here and here), we’ve shared more than 40 facts and figures to give you a taste of the benchmarks and trends you’ll... [Read more]

‘SMB Marketing: How an online store generated 659% three-year revenue growth’ – MarketingSherpa Blog

Daniel Burstein says, “On the MarketingSherpa blog, we report on every conceivable element of marketing success — from customer service to content marketing, email deliverability to responsive design. One element of marketing success you shouldn’t overlook is passion. Push-through-all-obstacles, make-the-impossible-possible, Teddy-Roosevelt-man-in-the-arena... [Read more]

‘3 Tips for Building a Sign Up Form that Gets Subscribers’ – Aweber Blog

Monica Montesa says, “While there are many ways to grow your email list, it’s important to make sure you’ve optimized the basics. The sign up form, for example, is often your final chance to persuade people to subscribe to your list – and the details, such as your call to action and what information you request, do matter. Not sure where... [Read more]

Rebrand these 4 apps and sell them as your own #ad

At 11:00 EDT, Mark Thompson and Matt Callen< announce 'Rebrand Apps'. You probably are aware of Thompson and Callen. In the last few years, they have produced many software products. Now they are releasing a bundle of 4 new software producs, with white label rights... [Read more]

‘Email Automation Essentials from’s Email Operations Manager’ – ‘’ Blog

Kim Gloeckl says, “In today’s fast-paced digital world, there are two things that are certain in email marketing: segmentation and personalization are the keys to success. That being said, the more segments you’re sending to and the more personalized you get with your email marketing, it can become extremely time-consuming. So, how are you... [Read more]

‘5 Trending Markets That Are Capitalizing On Virtual Reality’ – ‘ReadWrite’

Konstantin Andreev says, “Virtual reality is still in the early stages, and it still has several waves yet to go before entering the mainstream. But, with established companies dabbling in VR campaigns, it’s already proving to be a compelling storytelling tool that breaks both physical and economic barriers. Here’s how five industries are using... [Read more]

‘How the visual evolution of social media has affected brands’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Patricio Robles says, “With images and video making up more and more of the content posted to social media, brands are finding they have to change how they use visual media in order to keep up. Here are five ways the increasingly visual nature of social media is affecting brands. Creativity is more important than time and money Social media success... [Read more]

3 Minute Funnel Makes Getting Started Online Easy #ad

Building your first website (or your second or third, for that matter) can be a challenge. You want to use it to build a recurring income, but there are a lot of things you need to put in place: Create a giveaway product so people will opt-in to your mailing list. Make an attractive graphic for the product (probably a report) you are giving away to people who opt in... [Read more]

‘8 min read 5 Blog Topics You Need to Stop Writing About’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Kaleigh Moore says, R#8220;You work hard to create blog content that people actually want to read. You know it’s an important part of your content marketing efforts that will bring in new customers over time. But there are a few topics that online readers have seen time and time again—and at this point, they’re just becoming noise. An Algoso... [Read more]

‘Hot Seat: Grilling Jerod Morris on Using Audio Content to Seed a Content Arsenal’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

Rainmaker team says, “This week’s episode of The Lede begins a three-part series in which Pamela “Battle-ax” Wilson joins Jerod Morris and Demian Farnworth, and the three take turns in the hot seat. This week, it’s Jerod’s turn, as Demian and Pamela grill him on the idea of using audio content as the starting point for a sophisticated... [Read more]

‘A Beginner’s Guide to Google Search Console’ – MOZ Blog

Angela Patteys says, “If the name “Google Webmaster Tools” rings a bell for you, then you might already have an idea of what Google Search Console is. Since Google Webmaster Tools (GWT) has become a valuable resource for so many different types of people besides webmasters—marketing professionals, SEOs, designers, business owners,... [Read more]

Over 300 SVG Graphics for your whiteboard videos #ad

You typically make whiteboard videos using pre-designed components; a picture of a man, one of a desk and one of a chart, for example. There are a lot of packages of graphics available for use in whiteboard videos, but many of them are overused and many others are of low quality... [Read more]

‘Digital Marketing Advice for Startup Entrepreneurs, from Startup Entrepreneurs’ – ‘’ Blog

Derek Miller says, “Entrepreneurs that are running startups understand the importance of every dollar. After all, according to Forbes, only about 300 of the 600,000 businesses that are launched annually are funded by VCs (.05 percent). This means that most new businesses are bootstrapped with limited funding. To make matters worse, startups need... [Read more]

‘Notablist — A Search Engine Built For Email Marketers — Includes 4M+ Searchable Email Campaigns’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Amy Gesenhues says, “While social may be driving many marketing to-do lists, email is still a priority. Less than a year ago, a study from Pew Research Center revealed employees with online access rated email as their most important working tool, the majority of respondents ranking email more important than internet access, a phone line, a smartphone... [Read more]

‘Compounding Posts Generate 38% of Your Blog’s Traffic: Here’s What HubSpot’s Look Like’ – HubSpot

Mimi An says, “Did you know that there is a certain type of blog post that makes up 10% of a blog’s repertoire, but are responsible for generating 38% of total blog traffic? If you do the math, that means just one of these special posts brings in the same amount of traffic as six regular posts. In a recent study, we investigated these standout... [Read more]

‘The Top 4 Basic SEO Principles That Increase Your Website Traffic’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Deborah Mitchell says, “Blogger conferences have been a great resource for me as an entrepreneur. In July, New York City was host to two huge blogger events, BlogHer and Blogger Bash, where more than 5,000 bloggers gathered to meet with brand representatives and attend sessions to hone their online skills. Sheryl Simonitis, vice president of... [Read more]

Profits Play does the nitty-gritty work for effective marketing #ad

Austin Anthony has created new Video-Maker/Video-Ranking Software, called 'Profits Play',  that could lead to lots of people watching those videos without extra time or work spent generating traffic. The early adopters are already doing it... [Read more]

‘Top 10 Advertising Blogs You Must Follow Now’ – ‘’ Blog

Timothy Schmidt says, “On September 7th, 1982, David Ogilvy, founder of the iconic agency Ogilvy & Mather, sent an internal memo to all of his employees. Sparsely titled, “How to Write,” Ogilvy laid out his commandments for producing clear and efficient written messages. Among them (at number five) was the simple doctrine, “Never write... [Read more]

‘10 powerful examples of upselling online’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Jack Simpson says, “Last week I wrote a post about cross-selling online and how it can benefit online businesses. This week I want to focus on cross-selling’s slightly better looking cousin: upselling. If you want to upsell to your customers but you’re not sure how to do it, hopefully these 10 brands will provide some inspiration. What is... [Read more]

Online Reputation Management: the key to business survival

One of the greatest things about the computer age is that it has become easy for individuals to instantly share their thoughts and opinions with others online. This can mean great exposure for businesses when happy customers leave positive reviews with friends and family on social media. While positive comments can be great for a company, negative ones... [Read more]

‘How to Increase Website Traffic Without Focusing on Text Content Creation’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

Mark Runyon says, “Does content still play a major role in increasing website traffic? In a word, yes. But it’s the quality of the content that drives increasing traffic to your site, not the volume. Also, don’t think of content as only text. Content in the form of videos, pictures, and technology algorithms that help a user find... [Read more]

‘September 1: Google’s Chrome Begins Auto-Pausing Flash Ads’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Ginny Marvin says, “Another nail in Adobe Flash’s coffin is getting hammered in today. Google is now beginning to pause Flash-based ads by default in its Chrome browser. Google announced the move to automatically pause plug-in content, including Flash ads, in Chrome in June as a way to speed up page loads and cut down on battery drain now... [Read more]

‘3 Ways Social Video Marketing Can Propel Your Brand’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Adam Toren says, “Social video marketing plays on the most important aspects of basic human nature: the art of storytelling. Where viral videos are all about numbers, social videos are all about connections and conversations. Here are three ways social video marketing can be good for your business. 1. Emotional connections drive brand loyalty. It... [Read more]

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