IM NewsWatch, September 3, 2013 - Latest IM News including ‘How to Create a Successful Email – VerticalResponse Webinar' and much more...

September 3rd, 2013 at 4:00 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

‘Cross-Channel Copywriting: How to Write for Email, Social & the Web‘ – VerticalResponse Webinar September 18

VerticalResponse is hosting a webinar on Wednesday, September 18 at 10.00 am PT. The topic of the webinar is “Cross-Channel Copywriting: How to Write for Email, Social & the Web”. VerticalResponse team says, “Producing content and promoting it is a top priority for gaining and retaining customers, but not every marketing channel... [Read more]

‘The Inbox Is a Battlefield’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

The latest article on ‘MarketingProfs’ is titled “The Inbox Is a Battlefield [Infographic]”. Verónica Maria Jarski says, “Every day, emails battle fiercely for attention. Some emails will win by being opened and having a call to action followed. Others will be deleted before they even had a chance. On the battlefield known as the inbox,... [Read more]

‘The Future Of Advertising In Your Eyes Today: Google Glass & Field Trip’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

The latest article on ’Marketing Land’ is titled “The Future Of Advertising In Your Eyes Today: Google Glass & Field Trip”. Danny Sullivan says, “You no longer need to imagine what a world would be like where ads leap out at you, customized to your surroundings. That world has arrived, though the recently launched... [Read more]

Create and sell plugins without being a programmer #ad

David Vendenburg helps marketers to become plugin developers. Not plugin programmers, but the designer (and ultimately the publisher/seller) of plugins; you hire a progrmmer to write the code. The hard part of a software business isn’t writing the code. There are hundreds of freelance programmers who can do that for you. The hard part is the business... [Read more]

‘Book Marketing Tips for Pinterest, Guest Blogging and More' – ‘The Future of Ink’ Blog

The latest article on the ‘The Future of Ink’ blog is titled “Book Marketing Tips for Pinterest, Guest Blogging and More?. Denise Wakeman says, “Welcome to The Future of Ink’s weekly Digital Publishing Roundup. Every week, we read and share dozens of articles about digital publishing, self-publishing, book marketing, content marketing and... [Read more]

‘Google Images: How to Add Great Images to Business Blogs’ by Patsi Krackoff

Patsi Krackoff’s latest blog post is titled “Google Images: How to Add Great Images to Business Blogs”. Krackoff says, “Business blogs are better when they lead with a spectacular eye-catching image. But are you bored like I am with the standard business photos offered on free photo sites? How many happy smiling people have you actually seen... [Read more]

‘Nine ways to use site search data for merchandising’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

The latest ‘Econsultancy’ blog post is titled “Nine ways to use site search data for merchandising”. Graham Charlton says, “The terms that customers type into your site search box represent a wealth of valuable data that can be used to learn about your users’ behaviour. They are essentially telling the retailer what... [Read more]

SEO Gladiators build your search engine rank #ad

p>Dan Lew just announced his new SEO Gladiators search engine optimization service. Lew and his team have a range of SEO services they offer for busy marketers who don’t have the time (and maybe, don’t have the skills) to do their own optimization. Their simplest service is an analysis of your site, to inform you of what its problems... [Read more]

‘Affiliate Link Directories from’ by Shawn Collins

Shawn Collins’ latest blog post is titled “Affiliate Link Directories from”. Collins Says, “I came across a site called ZEEF at Affiliate Summit East 2013, and they have an interesting platform to set up a link directory with (and without) affiliate links. There are a few different ways you can use the site: Expert pages –... [Read more]

‘What Is CAN-SPAM? [FAQs]‘ – HubSpot

The latest article on HubSpot blog is titled ”What Is CAN-SPAM? [FAQs]“. Corey Eridon says, “CAN-SPAM (Controlling the Assault of Non-Solicited Pornography And Marketing) is an act that was passed in 2003. That’s right, they looped us in with pornographers. That act is a law that establishes the rules forcommercial email and... [Read more]

‘Foursquare Says It Has ‘Proven Its Business Model’ And Is Pulling In $1 Million Ad Deals’ – Business Insider

The latest article on Business Insider is titled ”Foursquare Says It Has ‘Proven Its Business Model’ And Is Pulling In $1 Million Ad Deals”. Alyson Shontell says, “Things are looking up for Foursquare, Dennis Crowley’s location exploration company. It just soft launched a new alerts feature that Crowley believes... [Read more]

Facebook Social Lead System: for any product or niche #ad

Ryan Shaw didn’t have much success with Facebook ads at first. Like many of us, he got just a trickle of responses. Then, he says, he stumbled onto a process that turned around his Facebook marketing. And he want to share how he did it. The first key is correctly targeting your ads. Shaw says, “It is vital to establish a small group of targeted... [Read more]

‘5 Reasons Why Social Media Is NOT Helping Your Content Marketing Results’ – ‘Business 2 Community’ Article

The latest article on ‘Business 2 Community’ is titled “5 Reasons Why Social Media Is NOT Helping Your Content Marketing Results”. Carter Hostelley says, “So here’s a question for you. How can B2B marketers be so gung-ho about content marketing, but still seem so lukewarm on social media? Isn’t social media the “marketing”... [Read more]

‘6 Mobile Design Tips’ – Web Marketing Today

The latest ‘Web Marketing Today’ blog post is titled “6 Mobile Design Tips”. Drew Coffin says, “The growth of mobile devices has impacted web design. Smaller screen sizes and touch interfaces just scratch the surface of designing for mobile. If you don’t have a mobile version or app of your site, there has never been a more pressing time... [Read more]

‘25 Hottest Web Stories of August’ – ‘Website Magazine’ Article

The latest article on ‘Website Magazine’ is titled “25 Hottest Web Stories of August”. Pete Prestipino says, “That’s it… you did it! Summer 2013 is in the books (almost). If you were plugging away designing, developing, optimizing and promoting your digital presence all summer, your website will be better off for it. But the... [Read more]

WP SEO Ninja: Build the ranking of your site on auto-pilot #ad

Have your backlinks lost some of their “link juice”? Most people have found that all the links they worked so hard to build no longer impress Google, Yahoo and Bing as they once did. On-site SEO can improve your search engine ranking after Panda and Penguin. Having a coherent site is now critical, a site that: • Is optimized to tell the... [Read more]

‘ValueAct To Microsoft: Start Paying Attention To Bottom Line’ – ‘ReadWrite’

The latest post on ‘ReadWrite’ is titled “ValueAct To Microsoft: Start Paying Attention To Bottom Line”. Brian Proffitt says, “Rather than take on activist investor fund ValueAct Capital in a nasty proxy fight so soon after the announced departure of CEO Steve Ballmer, Microsoft has opted to allow ValueAct regular access to Microsoft... [Read more]

‘90% of Yelp Users Say Positive Reviews Affect Their Purchases’ – ‘Mashable’

The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled “90% of Yelp Users Say Positive Reviews Affect Their Purchases”. Denise Lu says, “Whether it’s a restaurant, shopping mall, museum or even the hot dog stand down the street, you can find reviews for almost anything on Yelp. Yet there are still many small businesses that are not taking... [Read more]

‘How to Create a Successful Email‘ – VerticalResponse Webinar September 18

VerticalResponse is hosting a webinar on Wednesday, September 18 at 1.00 pm PT. The topic of the webinar is “How to Create a Successful Email”. VerticalResponse team says, “Your email is a tool that helps you stay engaged with your customers and prospects as well as helping you grow your business. You can strengthen your relationships... [Read more]

DropBox Delivery Custom App: Auto product and message Delivery #ad

Well-known marketer, Ken Reno has teamed with Alex Albert to release, not just a new application, but a new class of applications. Their software will build you an application that delivers your content via DropBox. When you use e-mail to deliver your content, you are hindered by low open rates, spam filters, block on your ISP or your IP, and blacklists... [Read more]

‘What does a perfect agile marketing strategy look like?’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

The latest ‘Econsultancy’ blog post is titled “What does a perfect agile marketing strategy look like?”. Chris Lake says, “A few months ago I compiled a list of 26 wonderful agile marketing campaigns, which proves that there are some serious wins to be had for brands that can act fast. But what does it take to react... [Read more]

‘How to Embed a Pinterest Board on Your Website [Quick Tip]‘ – HubSpot

The latest article on HubSpot blog is titled ”How to Embed a Pinterest Board on Your Website [Quick Tip]“. Ginny Soskey says, “Last week, I ran into a problem. I was putting together a blog post about the best non-marketing Pinterest boards to follow … but I couldn’t actually get the Pinterest boards to embed in a post... [Read more]

‘The Tres Amigos: Email, Blogging, and Social Media Marketing’ – ‘Business 2 Community’ Article

The latest article on ‘Business 2 Community’ is titled “The Tres Amigos: Email, Blogging, and Social Media Marketing”. Belinda Summers says, “ne is boring, two is not quite enough, four is too much and five is a boy band. There’s a reason why three-legged foundations don’t easily topple in the storm. It’s a good strategic... [Read more]

Simple Video Spin System: old videos can become marketing gold #ad

Rob Tierney has released his Simple Video Spin System, a process to refresh old videos, changing them enough that they qualify as new and fresh. That’s important because people understand more of what you say in videos than they do for you printed text. Making the video fresh again means more people will see it and respond to it. If you have quality... [Read more]

‘How Integrating Social Aspects Into Your Website Can Pay Off‘ – VerticalResponse Webinar September 11

VerticalResponse is hosting a webinar on Wednesday, September 11 at 10.00 am PT. The topic of the webinar is “How Integrating Social Aspects Into Your Website Can Pay Off”. VerticalResponse team says, “Leading the interactive product and marketing team at one of the largest real estate brokerages in the world, Matthew Shadbolt has... [Read more]

‘Back-to-School Marketing Attribution 101: Four Lessons’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

The latest article on ‘MarketingProfs’ is titled “Back-to-School Marketing Attribution 101: Four Lessons”. Jeff Zwelling says, “By mid-summer, a little voice inside almost every consumer—no matter his or her age—says, “Go buy a Trapper Keeper. Get a cool backpack. Find a new pencil sharpener. Go. Now.” Back-to-school shopping... [Read more]

‘Up Close With Gmail Inbox Tabs: What’s Caught As Promotions; What Gets Into Primary’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

The latest article on ’Marketing Land’ is titled “Up Close With Gmail Inbox Tabs: What’s Caught As Promotions; What Gets Into Primary”. Kohki Yamaguchi says, “Gmail’s new “tabbed” inbox is designed to ensure that your most important email makes it to the main “Primary” tab while lower-priority messages from... [Read more]


’10 interesting Econsultancy posts from August’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

The latest ‘Econsultancy’ blog post is titled “10 interesting Econsultancy posts from August”. Ben Davis says, “Some of you might have been lucky enough to have escaped work in August. And, while I’m sure you enjoyed lounging at Club Med, there is some interesting Econsultancy content you have missed! Here is our top... [Read more]

‘The Resources You Need to Maintain a Squeaky Clean Brand Image’ – HubSpot

The latest article on HubSpot blog is titled ”The Resources You Need to Maintain a Squeaky Clean Brand Image [In Under 100 Words]“. Corey Eridon says, “Keeping your reputation squeaky clean’s about more than just good PR. You need to monitor social media — use Social Inbox or read this guide for a higher-level overview“. The... [Read more]

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