IM NewsWatch, September 25, 2014 - ‘How Healthy Is Your Online Video Investment? – MarketingProfs' and much more...

September 25th, 2014 at 8:56 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

Thursday, September 25, 2014

‘Grow Your Subscriber List Like a Boss’ – Aweber Blog

Monica Montesa says, “So, all of your friends and colleagues have tremendous success with email marketing, but you have yet to reap similar benefits for yourself. What’s going wrong? Email is a great way for small business owners to communicate with customers and grow their business, but it isn’t easy. Whether you lack enough time, talent, or... [Read more]

‘How to Succeed in Real-Time Marketing in B2B’ – ‘Website Magazine’ Article

Anton Ruin says, “Online marketing activities in the B2C and B2B sectors are rather different because of both the clients’ personas and the customer journey specifics. These differences inevitably have an impact on how businesses develop their marketing and advertising strategies in the new digital realities, especially since the rise of cutting-edge... [Read more]

‘Online Video Trends: Mobile Viewership More Than Doubled YOY’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

Ayaz Nanji says, “Mobile video viewing more than doubled from 2Q13 to 2Q14, and it’s up 400% from two years ago, according to a recent report from Ooyala. Mobile video viewing was up 127% year over year; moreover, it accounted for 27% total of global online video views in June 2014, up from 21% in February. Much of this rapid growth in... [Read more]

Evergreen Wealth Formula: don’t be a one-hit wonder #ad

In the flowering of early rock and roll in the 50s, there were many groups of 4-5 people who practiced, got good and earned a little fame with a single song. After their proverbial “15 minutes of fame”, they were never heard from again. These groups became known as “one-hit wonders”. They had entrepreneurial impulses and for... [Read more]

‘The Psychology of Color: How It Affects the Way We Buy’ – HubSpot

Lindsay Kolowich says, “Humans are visual creatures — so visual, in fact, that color plays a much bigger role in influencing what we purchase than we might think. There’s a reason companies test the colors of things like advertisements, banner ads, and call-to-action (CTA) buttons. When we did abutton color test here at HubSpot, we... [Read more]

‘Six Months Later, Clinkle Is What We Thought It Was’ – Re/code

Jason Del Rey says, “Back in March, Re/code took the wraps off of Clinkle, the secretive payments startup that raised more than $30 million and hired and lost almost its entire executive team — all before launching publicly. The company hasn’t talked to us (or anyone) since our story, but in the past week or so,Clinkle redesigned its website,... [Read more]

‘CTRs 2X Higher When Retargeting On Facebook And The Web, Than Web Alone’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Ginny Marvin says, “Despite relatively small budget allocations, cross-channel retargeting has become a nearly ubiquitous tactic among marketers. In a new survey by Marin Software, just 12 percent of marketers said they were not currently using retargeting in their mix. Over half those said they plan to start retargeting within the next 12 months. In... [Read more]

GroceryClone: Your online grocery store with no hassles #ad

Recently, Amazon has started selling groceries again. Affiliates who build grocery store sites will face very little competition because this is so new. CoolIce has created another of his famous clone websites for affiliates to help you take advantage of this new opportunity. Every one of his clone sites has sold in the high hundreds of copies; some... [Read more]

‘Digital Video Vital Signs: How Healthy Is Your Online Video Investment?’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

Jessica Hall says, “Ten years ago, the hit TV show Friends aired its final season, with more than 52 million people watching. Back then, giving viewers the ability to stream the series finale or watch the episode online (for free!) from a mobile device or laptop would have been unprecedented. Since then, however, Netflix, Hulu, Amazon, and other... [Read more]

‘A 7-Step Process for Building a Blog Content Backlog’ – HubSpot

Rachel Sprung says, “The more you blog, the more traffic you drive to your site. In fact, companies that bloggenerate 55% more website visitors, 97% more inbound links, and 434% more indexed pages on average. In order to create this blog content, blog editors need to spend a lot of time coordinating blog content which may involve recruiting writers,... [Read more]

‘How to blast your Twitter engagement rates through the roof’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Matt Owen says, “Engagement. That word means a lot of different things to a different people, but there’s no denying the fact that we all want it. Whether it’s comments, shares, Likes, Retweets… engagement shows you just how much people care about your brand. Part of my role at Econsultancy is getting people to engage more with our content... [Read more]

Covert Niche Authority Power Blueprint: expertise within reach #ad

If you are perceived as an expert in your niche (someone like IM NewsWatch is for internet marketing), your business and your life get a lot easier. When people are coming to you for answers, they listen when you provide them. That's a powerful stimulant to your income.... [Read more]

‘Content Marketing: Campaign-driven strategy increases Marketing-qualified leads 102%’ – MarketingSherpa Case Study

David Kirkpatrick says, “Among the positive benefits of inbound marketing is the ability to track visitors and interactions on the website, through the content marketing channel and on social media platforms. A challenge is making sure all that data is more signal and less noise. UrbanBound, a B2B relocation management software company, realized... [Read more]

‘How to Make Winning Infographics Without Risk’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

Demian Farnworth says, “The infographic is the Salvador Dalí of content marketing. By far the most interesting person at the cocktail party. Who can compete with the thin, longhorn mustache decorated with forget-me-nots? The anteater curled at his feet? His closest peer, the video, dozes near the crackling fire … slippered feet propped up, face... [Read more]

‘Broken Link Building Bible: The New Testament’ – MOZ Blog

Russ Jones says, “It was a little over a year ago that I first wrote the “Broken Link Building Bible” and it seemed like it was time for an update. If you haven’t had a chance yet, please head over to the original, as most of it is still highly relevant today, and it contains the basics which will not be covered in this post. Today... [Read more]

How he made $40,873 with mobile apps #ad

Celebrities are here to stay. Many people feel an affinity with a favorite and follow all the goings-on in their lives. Gossip magazines and blogs are highly popular because of people's attraction to celebrit... [Read more]

‘4 Data-Driven Tips To Optimize Your Return Policy For The Holidays’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Jordan Elkind says, ““Free shipping and free returns” has become the proud declaration of many online fashion retailers. These policies have contributed to the explosion of online fashion sales: customers appreciate the convenience and savings associated with flexible shipping and return policies. Unfortunately for retailers, this consumer-friendly... [Read more]

Video Spin Blaster Pro: Creates Professional Videos #ad

Vlad and Stoica have just released their latest software in their Blaster product line. It is version 2.0 of Video Spin Blaster Pro... [Read more]

‘Google’s Achilles’ Heel Is Targeted by Startups’ – Re/code

Ari Levy says, “In the world of Internet startups, taking on Google’s main business has been a fool’s errand. The graveyard of failed search engines is long and deep, and while there are still challengers promising safer or more relevant results, Google’s market share only goes in one direction: Up. But when it comes to mobile, the market is... [Read more]

‘5 Quirks of the Human Brain Every Marketer Should Understand’ – HubSpot

Carter Bowles says, “The human mind is an amazing instrument, but it certainly has its quirks and flaws. The technical term for these flaws? Cognitive biases, which means irrational thought patterns — trade-offs of the human brain that worked well for us as cavemen, but don’t always work in our favor today. These brain quirks can seriously... [Read more]

‘Marketers Planning to Increase Social Investments for the Holidays’ – ‘Website Magazine’ Article

Allison Howen says, “The 2014 holiday shopping season is already forecasted to surpass last year’s earnings, and new data shows that brands are planning on increasing their investment in social media as a way to drive sales. In fact, data from marketing software platform Offerpop reveals that 67 percent of marketers are increasing their spending... [Read more]

Max Tracks: Music to Market By #ad

If you use the web in your marketing, you will know that an appealing web site makes a big difference in how long people stay on your site... [Read more]


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