IM NewsWatch, September 24, 2014 - ‘Website usability and revenue growth – MarketingSherpa' and much more...

September 24th, 2014 at 8:45 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

‘Why Alibaba Is Worth More Than Amazon, in Three Charts’ – Re/code

Jason Del Rey says, “As of Tuesday afternoon, investors are valuing China’s Alibaba at $215 billion. That’s more than Amazon. That’s more than eBay. And it’s about as much as both of them combined. That might surprise people who look at the size of the companies. Alibaba recorded revenue of $8.46 billion in its last fiscal year, compared... [Read more]

‘How to Optimize Your LinkedIn Profile for Social Selling’ – HubSpot

Craig Rosenberg says, “For a person not in sales, unless they’re looking for a new job or they publish a lot of public-facing content, it’s not the end of the world if their LinkedIn profile isn’t 100% perfect.Summary not the most engaging paragraph in the world? Not a big deal. A picture with their dog? Sure. But LinkedIn is a... [Read more]

‘Seven Content Marketing Tips for Media Pickup and Massive Exposure’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

Larry Kim says, “Content marketing can be a great way to gain exposure for your company, but getting the media to care about your brand’s news is difficult. Unless you’re a Fortune 500 company, mainstream media, and even industry publications, probably won’t cover your news. You can try newsjacking—inserting your ideas and... [Read more]

Covert Niche Authority Power Blueprint: expertise within reach #ad

If you are perceived as an expert in your niche (someone like IM NewsWatch is for internet marketing), your business and your life get a lot easier. When people are coming to you for answers, they listen when you provide them. That’s a powerful stimulant to your income. Barb Ling has developed a reputation of expertise in helping people to sell... [Read more]

‘Facebook’s Ad Network Challenge To Google Coming Next Week’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Greg Sterling says, “According to the Wall Street Journal, Facebook will roll out its web-wide, cross-platform ad network challenge to the Google Display Network next week. We initially wrote about this last month. Based on the company’s Atlas acquisition from Microsoft, “it promises to help marketers understand which Facebook users have... [Read more]

‘The Rise Of Dial-Up, Dial-Down Advertising’ – ‘The Forrester Blog’

Ryan Skinne says, “Here, advertising content had no life independent of its placement. Print ads, TV ads and radio ads lived only on the servers of the ad companies who created them, and then the media who carried them, for however long they carried them. Here it’s a question of identifying content for promotion that’s already in the wild,... [Read more]

‘8 Content Marketing Experts Every Marketer Should Be Following’ – HubSpot

Alex Sobal says, “When you work as an inbound marketer, it’s inevitable that you’ll spend a lot of time online. And when your job duties include being your company’s social media manager, it’s also inevitable that you’ll spend a lot of time finding content to share on your various social channels. That being said, as someone who’s... [Read more]

How he made $40,873 with mobile apps #ad

Celebrities are here to stay. Many people feel an affinity with a favorite and follow all the goings-on in their lives. Gossip magazines and blogs are highly popular because of people’s attraction to celebrity. This attraction offers marketers a chance to create apps that share the news people are eager for, and earn a good sum for doing it. If,... [Read more]

‘Website usability and revenue growth’ – MarketingSherpa Article

Daniel Burstein says, “Ecommerce competition has caused many brick-and-mortar retailers to close locations and scale back costs. But is lower costs the only reason why ecommerce websites are successful? According to recent data from 2,456 marketers that we’re sharing in this week’s chart, the ease of use that online shopping provides... [Read more]

‘The Lede: Are You Overlooking This Cornerstone of a Smart Content Strategy?’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

Jerod Morris says, “Yesterday, Brian Clark published a highly anticipated answer to a question that’s been on a lot of entrepreneurial and marketing minds. If you missed it, that question is: Isn’t it time for more power and less hassle from WordPress … without breaking the bank? The answer is yes, of course, and he provides the solution —... [Read more]

‘Basket abandonment emails: three examples of varying quality’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Christopher Ratcliff says, “After my investigation last week into whether top ecommerce sites offer guest checkouts I sat back and awaited the barrage of retargeted display ads and basket abandonment emails to fill up my inbox. Fair enough, after all I have just submitted my email address to 45 different UK and US ecommerce brands and unceremoniously... [Read more]

Video Spin Blaster Pro: Creates Professional Videos #ad

Vlad and Stoica have just released their latest software in their Blaster product line. It is version 2.0 of Video Spin Blaster Pro. If you want your videos to be created in minutes and to be professional quality, and have features such as... [Read more]

‘A Content Strategy Template You Can Build On’ – MOZ Blog

Isla McKetta says, “Picture it. A room full of executives from a company you never thought you could land as a client. They’re so engaged in what they are saying that they’re leaning forward in their chairs. The CEO looks poised to ask a question but you can tell she doesn’t want to interrupt your flow. This is the moment content... [Read more]

‘5 Ways to Find New SEO Clients’ – ‘Website Magazine’ Article

Travis Bliffen says, “You would think that an SEO company would have no problem generating all the leads they can handle. While for some this may be true, the majority of SEOs find themselves wondering where all the clients are. While SEO is a great way to find and close clients, there are still a lot of people who do not know about SEO or online... [Read more]

‘Pinterest Ad Plans Include Audience Targeting & Conversion Tracking’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Martin Beck says, “Pinterest’s advertising plans, further teased late last Friday when the company announced it would update its privacy policy on Oct. 19, became a little clearer today. The social bookmarking site will offer advertisers the ability to target consumers in their database — for instance, from an email list — with ads on Pinterest.... [Read more]

Max Tracks: Music to Market By #ad

If you use the web in your marketing, you will know that an appealing web site makes a big difference in how long people stay on your site. That affects their likelihood of buying (or, in general, taking action, such as opting in), and it affects the way the search engines view your site, which can bring you more visitors..... [Read more]

‘Organizational structure is a hurdle on the track to cross-channel marketing success’ – ‘Experian Marketing Forward’ Blog

Denice Surjan says, “It’s the time of year when many are finalizing roadmaps for the next year’s programs. If more cross-channel marketing programs are a part of your plan, it’s important to understand the challenges that lie ahead in order to be prepared to overcome them and achieve the success you’re after. In The 2014 Digital Marketer... [Read more]

‘How Social Media Advertising Affects Sales’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

Ayaz Nanji says, “The middle of the sales funnel is where social media advertising has the biggest impact, according to a recent report from Convertro and AOL Platforms. The report was based on an analysis using Convertro’s multi-touch attribution technology of 500 million clicks, 15 million conversions, and three billion impressions that... [Read more]

‘Does Measuring Sales Activity Matter for Top Performing Reps?’ – HubSpot

Adam Hollander says, “A few years ago I was in a senior sales position. In five years I’d never once missed my number. Management generally left me alone to ‘do my thing’ — I didn’t have to deal with with pipeline reviews or regular measurement of activity. They trusted me to get the job done on my own terms. Even though I was... [Read more]

YouTube is growing and changing; grow and change with it #ad

YouTube recently became the second largest search engine AND social site. Yet, YouTube is the most under-utilized free traffic source in the world.... [Read more]

‘Insights on AdWords Callout Extensions’ – ‘Website Magazine’ Article

Pete Prestipino says, “Google’s recent (early Sept. ’14) introduction of callout extensions provides advertisers a powerful opportunity to present information to users during the purchase decisions. Callout Extensions are, essentially, additional text that advertisers can opt to show with their Google search ads, highlighting information... [Read more]

‘Google introduces ‘structured snippets’ into search results’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Graham Charlton says, “Google yesterday announced the introduction of ‘structured snippets’, which shows extra data around search results. According to the Google Research blog, this extracts tabular data from web pages to provide more detail around listings”. Google introduces ‘structured snippets’ into search results ‘Econsultancy’... [Read more]

‘E-Commerce Videos Double Conversions’ – ‘Website Magazine’ Article

Allison Howen says, “Merchants who are looking for ways to increase conversions this holiday season should consider incorporating more videos into their e-commerce sites. In fact, a new report from Invodo reveals that online shoppers who view video are nearly two times (1.8) more likely to make a purchase compared to shoppers who did not watch... [Read more]

Turn Your WP Blog/ Website into a List-building Machine #ad

Gavin McLelland knows that every online marketer hopes to turn visitors into Subscribers.  So he built 8 conversion tools and combined them into a WordPress olugin he calls WP Generation Plugin...... [Read more]

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