IM NewsWatch, September 2, 2013 - Latest IM News including ‘Is Your Marketing Program Ready For Holiday? – Marketing Land' and much more...

September 2nd, 2013 at 4:00 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

Monday, September 2, 2013

‘Is Your Marketing Program Ready For Holiday?’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

The latest article on ’Marketing Land’ is titled “Is Your Marketing Program Ready For Holiday?”. Benny Blum says, “Q4 is closing in and retailers are bracing for yet another record-breaking onslaught of promotions, traffic, sales and revenue that will make or break the business calendar. With the end of back-to-school... [Read more]

‘How Brands Are Using Tumblr’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

The latest article on ‘MarketingProfs’ is titled “How Brands Are Using Tumblr”. Ayaz Nanji says, “Just under one-third (31%) of the Interbrand Top 100 Brands have created Tumblr accounts, according to a recent report by Simply Measured. Most of those accounts are active, and 21 of them posted during the 30-day period examined in the report... [Read more]

‘REPORT: 100% Of Internet Users Could Have Ad-Blocking Software By 2018′ – Business Insider

The latest article on Business Insider is titled ”REPORT: 100% Of Internet Users Could Have Ad-Blocking Software By 2018″. Aaron Taube says, “Earlier this month, we told you about a report that found Google lost a whopping $887 million from ad blocking in 2012. A new study suggests that number might just be the tip of the iceberg. In... [Read more]

WP SEO Ninja: Build the ranking of your site on auto-pilot #ad

Have your backlinks lost some of their “link juice”? Most people have found that all the links they worked so hard to build no longer impress Google, Yahoo and Bing as they once did. On-site SEO can improve your search engine ranking after Panda and Penguin. Having a coherent site is now critical, a site that: • Is optimized to tell... [Read more]

‘4 Lessons from Matt Cutts’ Statements on Reputation Management’ – ‘Business 2 Community’ Article

The latest article on ‘Business 2 Community’ is titled “4 Lessons from Matt Cutts’ Statements on Reputation Management”. Brian Patterson says, “We all know the power of having a positive online reputation, right? A comprehensive grasp on your online reputation means having complete control over what ranks for your brand name,... [Read more]

‘Want to Write for Issue 24 of FeedFront Magazine?’ by Shawn Collins

Shawn Collins’ latest blog post is titled “Want to Write for Issue 24 of FeedFront Magazine?”. Collins Says, “Issue 23 of FeedFront Magazine is out, so we’re on to issue 24, and we need content. The next issue of FeedFront will be coming out in November 2013, and we are accepting article proposals for that one through September 11. If... [Read more]

‘What Is The First Question To Ask Yourself When Choosing A Niche’ – ‘Entrepreneurs-Journey’ Blog

The latest ‘Entrepreneurs-Journey’ blog post is titled “What Is The First Question To Ask Yourself When Choosing A Niche”. Yaro Starak says, “Earlier this week I recorded an interview with Dan and Joe for their podcastEntrepreneur Showdown. The discussion turned to the age old debate about which is more important when choosing a niche – your... [Read more]

DropBox Delivery Custom App: Auto product and message Delivery #ad

Well-known marketer, Ken Reno has teamed with Alex Albert to release, not just a new application, but a new class of applications. Their software will build you an application that delivers your content via DropBox. When you use e-mail to deliver your content, you are hindered by low open rates, spam filters, block on your ISP or your IP, and blacklists... [Read more]

‘Facebook Dispels Any Remaining Confusion: You Are Its Product’ – ‘ReadWrite’

The latest post on ‘ReadWrite’ is titled “Facebook Dispels Any Remaining Confusion: You Are Its Product”. Selena Larson says, “In a proposed update to its data use policy, Facebook outlined new features that it says will make sharing information easier, but which also clear up any misconceptions you might have had about what you mean... [Read more]

‘Who Will the Next Billion Internet Users Be?’ – ‘Mashable’

The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled “Who Will the Next Billion Internet Users Be?”. Taylor Casti says, “From our calendars to our bank statements to our social lives, we live online. Internet has so permeated our culture that it’s hard to imagine a world without memes, Facebook or email. Across the globe, 2.4 billion people... [Read more]

‘How to shift from ecommerce to ‘c-commerce’: four steps to follow’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

The latest ‘Econsultancy’ blog post is titled “How to shift from ecommerce to ‘c-commerce’: four steps to follow”. Glen Hartman says, “Ask the question your competitors aren’t: ‘what would my customer expect?’ Today’s consumer is fickle and expects the world. Now. Whether looking to purchase... [Read more]

Simple Video Spin System: old videos can become marketing gold #ad

Rob Tierney has released his Simple Video Spin System, a process to refresh old videos, changing them enough that they qualify as new and fresh. That’s important because people understand more of what you say in videos than they do for you printed text. Making the video fresh again means more people will see it and respond to it. If you have quality... [Read more]

‘Generating Leads on Twitter Just Got Easier: Get Started With Lead Gen Cards’ – HubSpot

The latest article on HubSpot blog is titled ”Generating Leads on Twitter Just Got Easier: Get Started With Lead Gen Cards”. Corey Eridon says, “A few months ago, we told you that Twitter was testing out Lead Generation Cards. The bad news was that it wasn’t rolled out to everyone … until now! Yesterday, Twitter opened... [Read more]

‘How To Make Money From A Website—55 Ways To Bring In The Cash’ – ‘Business 2 Community’ Article

The latest article on ‘Business 2 Community’ is titled “How To Make Money From A Website—55 Ways To Bring In The Cash”. Mitz Pantic says, “Building a website that makes money is a dream of many but a reality to few and I am one of the lucky few. I tried one money making method after another until I found the right ones to suit... [Read more]

‘3 Critical Considerations Before Tackling Facebook’s New Contest Option' by Jay Baer

Jay Baer ‘s latest ‘Convince & Convert’ blog post is titled “3 Critical Considerations Before Tackling Facebook’s New Contest Option?. Baer says, “Facebook just made another major change to its terms of service. Two years ago, it forbid running promotions directly on a page and required the use of a third party app for all contests.... [Read more]

G-font Plugin: Puts zing into your web pages #ad

No more boring fonts with G-font Plugin. Face it: the default WordPress font is dull (adj.: boring, bland, blah, vanilla, same ol’- same ol’). It does nothing to enhance the excitement of your message. But Google has free fonts that can dazzle your visitors. Google fonts can be three-dimensional, or have a drop-shadow, or have outline only,... [Read more]

‘The Future of User Behavior’ – MOZ Blog

The latest MOZ blog post is titled “The Future of User Behavior – Whiteboard Friday”. Will Critchlow says, “Implicit information like your location and the device you’re using are playing an increasing role in search results. In today’s Whiteboard Friday, Will Critchlow explains where these queries are headed, and offers some... [Read more]

‘How To Earn Easy Money With Clickbank Affiliate Network’ by John Chow

John Chow’s latest blog post is titled “How To Earn Easy Money With Clickbank Affiliate Network”. Chow says, “Clickbank is the #1 affiliate network for digital products. Many people have made millions as affiliates and product owners, while a few others are still hoping to unlock the vault. Are you one of them? I have not made millions from... [Read more]

‘Who Needs Foursquare More: Google, Yahoo Or Microsoft?’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

The latest article on ’Marketing Land’ is titled “Who Needs Foursquare More: Google, Yahoo Or Microsoft?”. Greg Sterling says, “Bloomberg reported late yesterday that Microsoft and American Express are competing for an “equity stake” in Foursquare. Amex is something of a surprise here and could do some very interesting... [Read more]

Turn slides into professional videos #ad

Video is the greatest marketing tool ever invented. But for small businesses, without the funds to hire a professional video creator, using the power of video can be beyond reach. Now, Chris Dolan has created Slide 2 Video Pro, software that will turn your marketing slide deck (it includes a built-in slide maker; you don’t need PowerPoint) into... [Read more]

‘Design Emails With a Mobile Mindset: Five Tips’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

The latest article on ‘MarketingProfs’ is titled “Design Emails With a Mobile Mindset: Five Tips”. Celine Neulat says, “Last month I received an email from my grandmother that included the telltale “sent from my iPad” signature at the bottom. It is safe to assume that grandma does not know what an app is, and that she uses her... [Read more]

‘Companies more focused on acquisition than retention: stats’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

The latest ‘Econsultancy’ blog post is titled “Companies more focused on acquisition than retention: stats”. Graham Charlton says, “According to a new report, both companies and agency clients have a greater focus on customer acquisition than retention (44% vs. 16% for companies and 58% vs. 12% for agency clients). Just... [Read more]

‘How 4 Major Companies Revitalized Their Brands By Being Great To Their Customers On Social Media’ – Business Insider

The latest article on Business Insider is titled ”How 4 Major Companies Revitalized Their Brands By Being Great To Their Customers On Social Media”. John Heggestuen says, “Most brands offer dreadful customer service on social media. A study from Socialbakers, a social media analytics company, found that response times have actually worsened recently,... [Read more]

10 ready-made romance plots for your book #ad

Romance books have always been big sellers, at least ever since Jane Austen. On Kindle. they sell more than ever. Now, you can get a slice of that pie. You may think you’re not creative enough to think up a new plot for a book. But Charity Cason is, and she is now offering you 10 Complete Romance Plots. You can use these to give your writing a... [Read more]

‘7 Reasons You Should Consider A Mobile Strategy’ – ‘Business 2 Community’ Article

The latest article on ‘Business 2 Community’ is titled “7 Reasons You Should Consider A Mobile Strategy”. Matt Baglia says, “Mobile hasn’t become a buzzword over the last couple years for no reason. It’s driving traffic and boosting revenue for businesses who take their mobile strategy seriously. Whether it’s mobile search,... [Read more]

’10 Brilliant Pinterest Board Ideas From Real Brands’ – HubSpot

The latest article on HubSpot blog is titled ”10 Brilliant Pinterest Board Ideas From Real Brands”. Ginny Soskey says, “Yes, Pinterest might be the fourth largest traffic driver in the world … but it’s still a pretty challenging network to use for most companies, especially for those in the B2B sector. Maybe you’ve... [Read more]

Reminder- ‘Link Building 101: How to get started‘ – Third Door Media Webinar September 17

This is our second chance to tell you about Third Door Media’s webinar on Tuesday, September 17 at 1.00 pm EDT. The topic of the webinar is “Link Building 101: How to get started”. The TDM team says, “Smarter- modern SEO has found that Link building is among the top tasks required for search ranking and traffic sources. Building... [Read more]

OverPress WordPress Theme: Build your own custom theme #ad

Maumana Malik has a new theme, flexible and customizable for most any purpose. He calls it OverPress. Need a Sales Page? a corporate image page? a page to brand yourself? a blog? That’s just the beginning of what this new theme can do. Of course, it supports easy addition of photos and graphics throughout your site, embedded Google Maps and many... [Read more]

‘In Battle With Twitter, Facebook Tests Trending Topics Feature’ – ‘ReadWrite’

The latest post on ‘ReadWrite’ is titled “In Battle With Twitter, Facebook Tests Trending Topics Feature”. Selena Larson says, “Just two months after rolling out hashtags—topics formatted with a “#” sign, first popularized on Twitter—Facebook is taking another leaf out of its rival’s playbook and testing a trending... [Read more]

’4 Must-Know Facts On Product Listing Ad Mechanics’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

The latest article on ’Marketing Land’ is titled “4 Must-Know Facts On Product Listing Ad Mechanics”. Kohki Yamaguchi says, “Google’s Product Listing Ads (PLAs) have rapidly gained market share since being introduced last year, and PLAs are now well established as an integral part of retail marketers’ pay-per-click... [Read more]

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