IM NewsWatch, September 17, 2014 - ‘Top Google Search Rank Factors in 2014 – MarketingProfs' and much more...

September 18th, 2014 at 8:52 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

Thursday, September 18, 2014

‘Social Networks & The B2B Buyer Purchase Process’ – ‘Website Magazine’ Article

Pete Prestipino says, “Social media is maturing – it’s no longer just for the millennials; the new “Social Buying Study” from IDC reveals that 75% of the business-to-business (B2B) buyers and 84% of C-level/vice president executives use social media to support their purchase decisions. IDC indicated that B2B buyers most... [Read more]

‘Marketing in 2014: David Meerman Scott & Brian Halligan on What’s Changed’ – HubSpot

Lindsay Kolowich says, “A lot’s happened in the marketing world in the last few years. Social networks have gone even more mainstream, Vine’s become a thing,Twitter’s made analytics available for everyone, Google’s algorithm has changed (several times … no surprise there), and we’ve watched the prevalence... [Read more]

‘Lead Generation: Content and email combine for high-quality list building’ – MarketingSherpa Case Study

David Kirkpatrick says, “Lead generation is something that B2B marketers probably think about every day. The challenge is producing high-quality leads and getting the most for your lead gen buck. This case study explores a process developed by CloudEndure’s Vice President of Marketing and put into practice at the technology startup. The... [Read more]

FASTAzon Theme plus 3 niche affiliate sites #ad

Shane Paxton and Mike McKay have built an interesting software package. They have a new WordPress theme they call the FASTAzon Theme. They have built 3 Amazon affiliate sites using this theme: 1. Home Improvement and Power tools 2. Fitness Gear 3. Solar Power In this low-cost package, they are giving you these three sites, plus they are giving you an... [Read more]

‘One-in-Six Email Messages Sent Worldwide Never Reaches the Inbox’ – Return Path

Return Path team says, “Return Path today announced the results of their annual Inbox Placement Benchmark Report which found that one in every six email messages sent worldwide never reaches the subscriber’s inbox. Based on a sample of nearly 500 million messages from permissioned email marketers, the report found that 11% of all email messages... [Read more]

‘The Top Google Search Rank Factors in 2014′ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

Ayaz Nanji says, “To achieve good ranking positions in Google organic search results, publishers need to include high-quality content on pages rather than simply rely on traditional SEO tactics, according to a recent report from Searchmetrics. Pages that rank well tend to have a number of qualities in common, including comprehensive coverage... [Read more]

‘U.S. Online Display Ad Spending Grew 6.2 Percent In Q2′ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Ginny Marvin says, “Online display advertising had a strong showing in the second quarter of 2014. The sector grew 6.2 percent in Q2, outperforming the overall U.S. ad market according to a new report from Kantar Media. Total U.S. advertising expenditures increased just 0.7% in the second quarter of 2014 to $35.6 billion. Kantar points to budget... [Read more]

Local Freebie Funnel: Offer list-building/email services to local business #ad

Drew Laughlin has put together his second Local Freebie Funnel. He has created this kit so you can quickly and easily offer these services to local businesses. Laughlin has created over 50 marketing products for consultants to local businesses. Hundreds of consultants use them in selling services to local businesses. Generally, local businesses aren’t... [Read more]

‘How Data Science Is Transforming Sales and Marketing’ – ‘Business 2 Community’ Article

Mick Hollison says, “What in the world is data science? And why should you care? Data science – and predictive analytics, in particular – is moving the goalposts for salespeople and marketers alike. In fact, it’s moving the entire stadium. Predictive analytics is the foundational discipline that can make marketing more effective and targeted,... [Read more]

‘Extended Google Analytics Benchmark Capabilities Threaten To Disrupt’ – ‘The Forrester Blog’

James McCormick says, “You’ve heard us saying a thousand times: the buzz about big data isn’t about the amount of data you’ve collected; it’s how you digest that data and turn it into actionable insights. With the revamp to Google Analytics’ (GAs) benchmarking, Google is taking the next steps in allowing us common folk to process data... [Read more]

‘Getting Exceptional Growth: Meet the New HubSpot Marketing Platform’ – HubSpot

Dharmesh Shah says, “Years ago, when Brian and I started HubSpot, we were on a singular mission. We wanted to help companies get off of the sidelines and into the game. The internet had changed everything, and too many businesses were missing out on the massive potential this created. The way we saw it, eight years ago, was that the problem companies... [Read more]

Use YouTube videos to drive affiliate sales #ad

BJ Min started selling affiliate products on Clickbank several years ago. He reports that for multiple years, now, he has been making six figures a year with just YouTube traffic. Video Commissions is his personal traffic and monetization strategy using YouTube videos. He has been using this strategy to make a comfortable living selling products listed... [Read more]

‘Converting Facebook “Likes” Into Subscribers’ – Aweber Blog

Monica Montesa says, “If you were one of the brands that scrambled a few years ago to obtain the sacred Facebook “Like” from as many fans as possible, it’s okay. You weren’t the only one. At the time, it was the most valuable social currency around. But ask yourself this: Now that you have all of those followers on Facebook, what else are... [Read more]

Reminder- ‘Holiday Shopping 2014—Online Trends and Forecast’ eMarketer Webinar 1.00 pm ET

This is a reminder for the eMarketer’s Holiday Shopping 2014 webinar on September 18. eMarketer team says, “The webinar will address these key questions: How much will holiday ecommerce and overall sales grow? Is mobile eclipsing desktop in ecommerce? Are beacons and visual search ready for primetime? Will supply chain troubles plague... [Read more]

‘Ways to Proactively Welcome Women Into Online Marketing’ – MOZ Blog

Erica McGillivray says, “A lot of my life’s work has been focused on increasing the visibility of women and other minorities in male-dominated professional fields. I’m not here to give you an intersectional Feminism 101 lesson or explain to you that institutional sexism is indeed alive and systemically present in online marketing. Instead,... [Read more]

Build Professional Local Marketing Pages In a Snap #ad

If you build local marketing websites, you know it can be hard to compete with the million dollar brands that have huge ad spends. Sean Donahoe has created a simple system that can let you dominate local marketing campaigns with High Converting Sales and Lead Pages that can generate profits for your clients almost automatically. Yesterday, Donahoe... [Read more]

‘What is marketing attribution and why do you need it?’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Christopher Ratcliff says, “In this post I take a term that you’re all probably well aware of and try to enlighten myself, and hopefully the few of you who are just as baffled as me, on its actual meaning. As I dive deeper and deeper into the world of digital marketing even more words and phrases float up to reveal themselves, particularly ones... [Read more]

‘New Facebook App Insights Analytics Tool Offers Deeper Dive Into App Performance Metrics’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Amy Gesenhues says, “Facebook has released a new app insights analytics tool for developers that helps track an app’s performance and retention by groups. Using the new “Label cohorts” within the updated analytics tool, developers can segment app users to measure factors like revenue or the time spent within the app by different groups.... [Read more]

‘How Social Media Advertising Affects Sales’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

Ayaz Nanji says, “The middle of the sales funnel is where social media advertising has the biggest impact, according to a recent report from Convertro and AOL Platforms. The report was based on an analysis using Convertro’s multi-touch attribution technology of 500 million clicks, 15 million conversions, and three billion impressions that... [Read more]

Max Tracks: Music for Marketers; websites, videos and more #ad

Now you can get 79 new music tracks for just pennies in the new Max Tracks bundle. Don’t take the risk of using unlicensed music in your marketing. You can be fined and sued. It won’t be pretty. Instead, use these fully-licensed music tracks for all your marketing needs. They come in a wide variety of styles from classical to electronic... [Read more]

‘New In iOS 8: Sharing Is Much Easier To Pinterest, HootSuite & Other Apps’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Martin Beck says, “It’s long been an iPhone and iPod pain point. Sharing from a mobile browser to social media networks other than Facebook and Twitter has been a serious pain, requiring a copy-and-paste workaround that seemed downright medieval in the Internet time scale. But with the iOS 8 update that’s all changed. Now you can add sharing... [Read more]

‘6 Essential Social Media Lessons From Top Executives’ – HubSpot

Shannon Johnson says, “Previously, right here on this blog, we’ve written about the importance of company leadership getting involved in social media. After all, there are some major benefits to doing so — an improved company reputation and increased consumer trust, among others. Despite the upsides of social media involvement, the vast... [Read more]

‘Six Tactics for Successfully Marketing to Millennials’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

Dave Hawley says, “As Millennials—the generation born in the US between 1980 and 2000—gain greater buying power and increasingly influence commerce, marketers and brand managers are looking for new ways to engage them. Developing a Millennials-focused marketing strategy is a must: They are, after all, the largest generation by number, comprising... [Read more]

Video Player to increase your site’s sales and opt-ins #ad

The sale ends Friday on PressPlay so you need to act quickly. If your home page has poor video, the impression will be that you’re not a serious participant on the online marketplace. And your opportunity for profit will shrink. But if your have a video that impresses people with its sophistication, you can come out a winner. Because an attractively... [Read more]

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