IM NewsWatch, September 16, 2014 - ‘Alibaba’s Massive IPO Just Got Even Bigger – Mashable' and much more...

September 16th, 2014 at 8:44 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

‘Marketers, get ready for your content reach to plateau on Facebook’ – ‘Experian Marketing Forward’ Blog

Dajana Guja says, “Increase your number of followers, get more people to like your page, post, post, post… But what if what your post doesn’t show up in your fan’s Facebook News Feed? Some of you have noticed this more frequently and are probably wondering “What is happening?!” Times have changed and we are seeing the beginning of... [Read more]

‘Retailers Shifted Spend From Desktop Search Ads In 2013′ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Ginny Marvin says, “Retailer ad spend allocated to desktop text ads on Google AdWords has shrunk as budgets shift to product listing ads and mobile. On the whole, retailers spent $2 billion on desktop text ads in the U.S. last year, down from $2.3 billion in 2012, according to search marketing research firm AdGooroo’s “Top Retailers in Search... [Read more]

‘Facebook Will Never Perfect Mobile — And That’s Okay’ – Re/code

Kurt Wagner says, “In early 2013, a group of Facebook engineers visited Africa to test its mobile app in poor network environments. The results were predictable, and frustrating for Facebook. The app crashed regularly, photos wouldn’t load, and one engineer used his entire data plan simply downloading and updating the app from the app store. Simply... [Read more]

New web page builder makes WordPress marketing pages easy #ad

Today, Sean Donahoe is releasing his new page builder WordPress plugin, called WP ProfitBuilder, so you can create beautiful, professional pages that meet your exact needs. In his three videos over the last week, he has shown how easy it is to use for nearly any marketing site. WP Profit Builder will make it easy for you to create powerful squeeze pages... [Read more]

‘Retailers: 2015 Will be a Pivotal Year in E-Commerce Fulfillment’ – ‘Website Magazine’ Article

Amberly Dressler says, “Has your company realized the maximum value from its supply chain? This is Chainalytics core purpose, which is one reason 18 of Gartner’s top 25 Supply Chain companies count on it to accelerate the transformation of their supply chains. Its focus, according to Irv Grossman, Chainalytics’ vice president of supply... [Read more]

‘How to Combine Screaming Frog Data with Google Analytics Data’ – MOZ Blog

Jom Seward says, “I love Screaming Frog. It is without doubt the best SEO tool I use on a daily basis (no offense, Moz). The sheer amount of data you can get about your website, or someone else’s website, is incredible. You can find broken links, you can check for your Google Analytics (or any other) code on all pages through the custom search,... [Read more]

‘Alibaba’s Massive IPO Just Got Even Bigger’ – ‘Mashable’

Seth Fiegerman says, “Alibaba is inching closer to having the largest IPO of all time. The Chinese ecommerce giant increased the proposed price for its IPO to $66-$68 a share, according to a filing with the SEC on Monday afternoon. At the high end of that price range, Alibaba would raise about $21.8 billion and have a market cap of more than $165... [Read more]

Funnel Factories Pro: Build a real business running online overnight #ad

Barry Rodgers and Val Wilson have a new Funnel Factory Pro for you. They are talking about sales funnels of course. Their new software will build: • An opt-in page, complete sales copy and headline, plus a nifty product to give away in exchange for a visitor’s email address, • A “redirect page” with an upgrade offer, where... [Read more]

‘Subscriber Engagement and Your Inbox Placement Rates’ – Return Path

Julia Peavy says, “Have an email database filled with subscribers that aren’t opening or clicking? Or a database full of email addresses that aren’t active with their inbox? You’re likely suffering from Inbox Placement issues. For some time now, we’ve known that Mailbox Providers are looking at subscriber engagement to... [Read more]

‘The Four Social Programs Every Marketer Should Study — A Free Webinar’ – ‘The Forrester Blog’

Nate Elliott says, “Nearly all marketers say they use social media. But many aren’t getting much value from their investments. Despite marketers’ excitement about social media, many say the channel simply doesn’t offer enough return on their investment; for instance, barely one-half of those who buy Facebook ads say they’re satisfied... [Read more]

‘6 Essential Social Media Lessons From Top Executives’ – HubSpot

Shannon Johnson says, “Previously, right here on this blog, we’ve written about the importance of company leadership getting involved in social media. After all, there are some major benefits to doing so — an improved company reputation and increased consumer trust, among others. Despite the upsides of social media involvement, the vast... [Read more]

Free report by Barry Rodgers: 8 Steps to to a Profitable Sales Funnel #ad

In the run-up to his launch later today, Barry Rodgers is giving away a helpful free report, 8 Steps to to a Profitable Sales Funnel. With his instructions, you won’t miss any of the important steps when you build your funnel. Get it here at no charge: 8 Steps to to a Profitable Sales Funnel.  [Read more]

‘Key takeaways from the content marketing and native advertising roundtable’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Ornaith Killen says, “According to the Econsultancy / Responsys Marketing Budgets 2014 report, content marketing is the area in which companies are most likely to be increasing investment in the coming year, with 74% of companies indicating that they will spend more on this in the future. These stats were reiterated during the Content Marketing... [Read more]

‘Ecommerce: 2 tips I learned from a garage sale’ – ‘MarketingExperiments’ Blog

John Nye says, “My father passed away unexpectedly five months ago. As if that wasn’t enough of a tragedy, the situation left my mother and me in a position we never imagined being in — she could lose her home. Quickly, I set up a GoFundMe page to prevent this. Despite adversities and setbacks, my mother has a positive outlook and is moving... [Read more]

‘Follow This Superstar’s 7-Step Example to Dominate Your Industry’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

Sonia Thompson says, “After listening to “Flawless” five times, Evette went to the mirror, and told herself the lyrics in the Beyoncé song were true. She believed it. She internalized it. She embodied it. Ready to dominate, Evette strutted over to her computer to fire off a blog post. A post that would enable her to claim her rightful place... [Read more]

Profit Builder coming tomorrow; video training today #ad

Sean Donahoe is launching WP Profit Builder tomorrow. It it’s a WordPress page builder ising the latest technology..It features a remarkable “Template Deployment System” so you can easily use a built-in template, make a few changes, and have a custom page for any of your marketing needs in just a few minutes. Here are some of the types... [Read more]

‘5 Hacks for Creating and Promoting the Right Content’ – MOZ Blog

Paddy Morgan says, “In my last post on Moz a few weeks ago, I talked about the idea of paying to promote your content using social channels. Today I actually want to go a step backwards in the process and talk about content creation. 1. How to verify you have a good idea I could write a whole post on this one topic, but maybe that’s for another... [Read more]

‘Addressing the 4 Stages of Conversion’ – ‘Website Magazine’ Article

Allison Howen says, “With all of online marketing complexities, all marketers are really chasing one goal – to increase conversions. The challenge of chasing conversions, however, is that every consumer is different and requires a different approach. For instance, one consumer may conduct a search for “black platform sneakers” and purchase... [Read more]

‘7 Elements of a Perfectly Optimized Social Media Account’ – HubSpot

Ginny Soskey says, “One of the toughest parts of being a marketer is staying up-to-date with all of the changes on social media. One day Facebook doesn’t have hashtags, and the next it does. The next week, Twitter has a completely redesigned profile layout. After that, Pinterest unveils promoted pins. And as a marketer, it’s part... [Read more]

Total Video Takeover: how to rank your YouTube videos in 2014 #ad

Simon Greenhalgh and Steve Benn have just released a new version of Total Video Takeover, revised for 2014. Finally, it is now possible to create videos without having to spend thousands of dollars on expensive equipment and software. If you have been reading IM NewsWatch for the past few months, you have seen a lot of video tools being announced. ... [Read more]

‘Eight online marketing statistics we’ve seen this week’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Ben Davis says, “Chinese consumers, Indian smartphone users, American advertisers – there’s a global feel to this week’s stats roundup. If that wasn’t enough, there’s also some UK fashion, wearables, online security and adblocking figures. Enjoy! Skip over to the Internet Statistics Compendium for more digital marketing... [Read more]

‘Can Print and Online Content Just Get Along? California Sunday Magazine Hopes So.’ – Re/code

Kara Swisher says, “In a few weeks, at the beginning of October, a new content effort called California Sunday Magazine will debut aimed at publishing, “thoughtful, reported features and beautiful photography and illustrations set in California, the West, Asia, and Latin America, for a national audience,” of a demographic of 25- to 45-year-olds. Starting... [Read more]

‘The Ultimate List of M-Commerce Best Practices’ – ‘Website Magazine’ Article

Allison Howen says, “Forrester predicts that mobile sales will top $100 billion in 2014. The only way for merchants to reap the rewards of this growing industry, however, is by establishing a mobile presence that offers an intuitive experience for consumers. In doing so, retailers will be pushing mobile consumers toward the checkout rather than... [Read more]

Video Player for your site to increase your sales #ad

You only have one chance to create a good first impression on your site. If your home page has a poor video, the impression will be that you’re not a serious participant on the online marketplace. But if your have a video that impresses people with its sophistication, you can come out a winner. Because an attractively displayed video gets people’s... [Read more]

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