IM NewsWatch, September 11, 2015 - '6 Ways Repetition (Repetition) Compels Prospects to Buy – HubSpot' and much more...

September 11th, 2015 at 8:26 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

Friday, September 11, 2015

‘Social Media – Risk or Reward for Your Brand? September 22 Webcast’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Marketing Land team says, “Whether it’s an innocent but inappropriate posting by an intern, or a sophisticated hack into your passwords – all brands face some level of social media risk. What if you could dramatically decrease the risk to your accounts, so you can continue to reap the enormous economic benefits of investment in social media... [Read more]

A Marketer’s View of Twitter’s new Periscope service

What is Periscope? Periscope ( is Twitter’s new live-streaming video app that allows you to watch live video from all across the globe. Periscope also has a function even more important to marketers, the ability to create videos that vcan be seen around the world. The beauty of Periscope is that it saves the video streams... [Read more]

‘Five Simple Ways to Get Your First Account-Based Marketing Campaign Up and Running’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

Sangram Vajre says, “Buyer behavior changes faster than most marketers are able to keep pace with. Modern B2B buyers want to be marketed to on their own terms, and they expect you to plan your campaigns accordingly. So how can you engage buyers wherever they are in the selling process and also reach all of the important decision-makers—without... [Read more]

Video Prospector Jack: get offline clients who want a better website #ad

Jack Hopman, who has specialized in Offline Marketing for more than 6 years, and has, in recent months, been sharing his insights with other marketers, has just come out with another product.... [Read more]

‘The Data Digest: A New Retail Reality, Boxed Up’ – Forrester

Anjali Lai says, “They say that good things come in small packages – and it seems that those consumers who have signed up with the burgeoning wave of subscription services know this to be true. Today, whether you’re looking for fine wine or baby food, artistic inspiration or masculine essentials, you don’t have to leave your home to get... [Read more]

‘6 Ways Repetition (Repetition) Compels Prospects to Buy’ – HubSpot

Melanie Lane says, “You’ve finally gotten a prospect in front of you who wants what you’re selling. Eureka! You proceed to qualify them by asking questions about what they need and how they’d use what you are selling. You think it goes well. Then you go to present your solution. You think it has everything they want. Only … it turns... [Read more]

‘How You Can Generate Results From Promoted Pins on Pinterest’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Brian Honigman says, “Pinterest has been steadily building itself as a deeply powerful social referral machine. While not as big as its competitors, Pinterest’s devoted users and ability to manufacture intent have made it a great way to drive valuable traffic to your site. In addition, Pinterest is unlike other social networks in that their... [Read more]

WP Scope: Free Video Content & Viral Traffic #ad

Imagine that you could build a massive video following in just 30 seconds. That could elevate your business success dramatically. That's what Cindy Battye is offering in her new software: 'WP Scope'... [Read more]

‘9 Web Tools That Make Marketing Automation a Breeze’ – ‘’ Blog

Scott Gerber says, “Keeping tabs on all those tweets and social media conversations can be a hassle, but you also don’t want to miss out on any leads. Using online tools is a great way to automate your marketing efforts, saving you a ton of time. You’ll be able to manage your social media accounts, schedule blog posts, update your... [Read more]

‘How to use affiliate marketing without risking brand damage’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Sebastian Gutierrez says, “Affiliate marketing can be an easy and cost-effective tactic to drive click-throughs and sales, particularly as the battle for Christmas spend heats up. But handing over control to a third party partner is not without its challenges. So how can marketers make the most of affiliate marketing without risking their brand... [Read more]

‘How to Use the ‘Rule of Three’ to Create Engaging Content’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

Brian Clark says, “What’s so magical about the number three? It’s no accident that the number three is pervasive throughout some of our greatest stories, fairy tales, and myths. It’s also no coincidence that some of the most famous quotes from throughout history are structured in three parts, nor is it surprising that the Rule of Three also... [Read more]

SVG Galaxy Whiteboard Graphic Bundle: quality+quantity=value #ad

Video creator, Vu Binh Minh, came to realize that his whiteboard videos needed two factors to actually convert well: 1. The art had to be attractive; 2. The way in which the on-screen drawing occurs has to look natural and easy to watch. The pen needs to move in a smooth, connected way... [Read more]

‘Google Adds Ad Injector Filter In DoubleClick Bid Manager’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Ginny Marvin says, “To combat ad injectors, Google has added a filter on DoubleClick Bid Manager to automatically keep advertisers from buying injected ad inventory across the exchanges it has access to. Google says it has already received nearly 300,000 complaints in 2015 from Chrome users about ad injectors. Ad injector programs can take over legitimate... [Read more]

‘Case Study: Can You Fake Blog Post Freshness?’ – MOZ Blog

Anthony D. Nelson says, “Over the years, you’ve certainly read something about how Google loves fresh content. Perhaps you’ve read that sometimes it takes its love of freshness too far. Now it’s the middle of 2015. Does freshness still play a significant role in how Google ranks search results? To find out, I decided to conduct... [Read more]

‘5 Reasons Why Tech Is the Midas Touch of Content Marketing’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Kelsey Meyer says, “Just a few decades ago, businessmen would have balked at the idea of video chats or digital time management. But thanks to the rise of tech, it’s easy to instantly connect with a colleague in Europe or develop an app. Technology’s influence spans companies and industries — and it continues to change and revolutionize... [Read more]

Automated reputation management business set up for you #ad

Every business owner who knows the dangers of chatter on the Internet, knows that a reputation can be destroyed almost overnight by a dissatisfied customer... [Read more]

‘Periscope Flips, Now Also Offers Landscape Video’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Martin Beck says, “Live-streaming app Periscope no longer plays favorites in the landscape-or-portrait video argument. Today the Twitter-owned network updated its iOS and Android apps to support shooting video in landscape mode, giving broadcasters the ability to capture wider vistas. People launching Periscope streams can now shoot with their... [Read more]

‘Does Your Company Need a Digital Makeover?’ – ‘’ Blog

Justin R. Brown says, ““Set it and forget it” will be the death of any marketing team. As consumption and technology trends change over time, marketing teams need to ensure their outreach practices are meeting the demands of today’s consumers in a way that will have a positive effect on the company. Many of today’s marketing practices... [Read more]

‘How to Advertise on LinkedIn Without Breaking the Bank’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

Rainmaker team says, “If you thought LinkedIn paid advertising was out of your league, think again. The Missing Link team did it again. Sean Dolan, today’s amazing guest from PushFire, provides an information-packed show you’ll want to listen to again and again. You’ll learn more about the different types of paid advertising available on... [Read more]

WP Plugin finds profitable niche Clickbank products to promote #ad

Clickbank is the largest seller of electronic informational products, products that can be downloaded, in most cases. It has thousands upon thousands of products, covering nearly any niche imaginable... [Read more]

‘Six spectacular social media campaigns and their results’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Jack Simpson says, “The deadline to enter the Masters of Marketing awards has been extended! You now have until September 23 to submit your nominations. One of the categories that will no doubt have a huge amount of competition this year is social media. To help inspire your entry I thought I’d show you six of the best social media campaigns... [Read more]

‘The 7 Habits of a Highly Effective Web Marketer’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Jeff Boss says, “Building a business before it actually “takes off” means filling many different roles: founder, accountant, storekeeper, salesperson, product developer, marketer. One thing I’ve learned after going into business for myself as an adaptability coach is the value of web marketing and just how many efforts it takes to succeed, with... [Read more]


‘How to Approach Social Media Influencers’ – ‘’ Blog

Matt Walker says, “Ten years ago, few people could have foreseen the impact that social media would have on public relations and marketing. These days, the Internet is making celebrities—and advocates—out of ordinary people all over the world. And whether you’re a brand, a marketing company, or a PR firm, you’re going to want to find a... [Read more]

‘3 Steps to Boost Your Social-Media Marketing With Image Tagging’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Brett Relander says, “Visual marketing has become a critical component of reaching target customers in today’s competitive business landscape. In fact, 20 percent of marketers report that their visual content has been twice as effective than their text content. The reason is the power of visual marketing. To boost that power even more,... [Read more]

‘The Factors With the Most Impact on Google Search Rank in 2015’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

Ayaz Nanji says, “Search engine optimization (SEO) experts say domain-level link authority features—such as the quality of links to a website and its overall PageRank—have the biggest positive impact on Google rankings, according to a recent report from Moz. The report was based on data from an in-depth survey of 150 marketing professionals... [Read more]


‘September 10 Webcast: Data-Driven ROI Reality and Avoiding the Creep Factor’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Marketing Land team says, “The latest technology can track a consumer from one device to the next and one search to the next, creating a wealth of individual information. This rich data gives marketers the ability to develop a unique on-site and off-site marketing program for each consumer’s next purchase move. Businesses need to find the right... [Read more]

‘Through-Channel Marketing Automation — An Emerging Market Consolidating?’ – Forrester

Tim Harmon says, “We recently completed our evaluation of 14 through-channel marketing automation (TCMA) vendors in “The Forrester Wave™: Through-Channel Marketing Automation Platforms, Q3 2015.” The TCMA Forrester Wave was oversubscribed — besides the 14 evaluated vendors, there are an additional 10 to 15 TCMA vendors that we are researching.... [Read more]

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