IM NewsWatch, October 9, 2014 - ‘The Future of Link Building – MOZ' and much more...

October 9th, 2014 at 8:50 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

Wednesday, October 9, 2014

‘The Most Underrated Marketing Tactic at Your Fingertips' by Jay Baer

Baer says, “Virtual conferences just may be my favorite marketing tactic that I have clanging around in my tool box. Through two online events that I’ve organized for my company, GroupHigh, I’ve been able to generate more leads for my sales team than any of my other strategies combined. The recent Outreach Marketing Virtual Summit took place at... [Read more]

‘8 Ways to Wake up Non-Responders’ – VerticalResponse Blog

Yael Grauer says, “So you’ve got some subscribers on your mailing list who haven’t opened your emails or clicked on any links in a long time. How do you get them re-engaged? We recommend eight simple steps to help you re-connect with non-responders. 1. Segment Figure out who the non-responders on your email list are, and segment them out. You... [Read more]

‘Facebook Pads Its Social Login Lead In Q3′ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Martin Beck says, “Facebook has solidified its position as the top social login provider, accounting for 46% of the industry total, according the third quarter report by online customer management firm Janrain. Facebook increased its share of logins on Janrain’s network by 2 percentage points, its second consecutive quarter-over-quarter gain,... [Read more]

UberQast: Organic Traffic Generation System #ad

Two marketers and a software developer (David Abrams, Joe Troyer and Devin Zander) have just released new software that is aimed at improving your traffic (and ultimately, your sales.) UberQast, they say, “is the most powerful All in One Organic Traffic Generation System that builds a stream of visitors Without [your] ever having to manually... [Read more]

‘23 Tools and Resources to Create Images for Social Media’ – ‘Business 2 Community’ Article

Kevan Lee says, “Through experimentation and iteration, we’ve found that including images when sharing to social media increases engagement across the board—more clicks, reshares, replies, and favorites. In one experiment, retweets alone more than doubled for updates with images compared to those without. Using images in social media posts is... [Read more]

‘Big Billion Day Exposes The Opportunities And Weaknesses Of eCommerce In India’ – ‘The Forrester Blog’

Satish Meena says, ““Big Billion Day” — was marketed by Flipkart extensively, both online and offline. The founders of Flipkart, Sachin and Binny Bansal, sent a personalized email to registered users announcing the date and mentioning their emotional connection with the number 610 (the number of the apartment from which they launched Flipkart... [Read more]

‘Why You Should Measure New and Mature B2B Blogs Differently’ – HubSpot

Pamela Vaughan says, “With blogging, success doesn’t happen overnight. I know, right? How many times have you heard that little nugget of blogging wisdom? But seriously — a B2B business blog is a huge time investment. It can take a while before you’ve grown it into a truly valuable marketing asset. In the past, we’ve written... [Read more]

Brendon Burchard is giving away his latest book; it’s free #ad

Brendon Burchard, a NY Times best-selling author (and on Amazon, too), is giving away his new book, The Motivation Manifesto, and he is including along with it, a $297 online personal development course he created. He subtitles this new book 9 Declarations to Claim Your Personal Power.. Brendon bought a bunch of hardcover copies to give away to IM... [Read more]

‘Facebook, Pinterest, Box Team Up on Mentorship Program for Women in Tech’ – ‘Mashable’

Seth Fiegerman says, “Facebook, Pinterest and Box announced a new pilot program on Wednesday that will provide one-on-one mentorship to help women break into technical roles, and thrive in the industry. The program, called WEST (Women Entering and Staying in Tech), will have have female staffers from the three tech companies available to serve as... [Read more]

‘A framework to allocate marketing spend using audience segmentation’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Nicolas Chabot says, “2015 is approaching and we are in the middle of budgeting times in many corporations. More than ever, digital marketing budgets will concentrate the attention of CMOs and CEOs, driven by such public declaration as that of Jean Paul Agon at L’Oreal (the world’s third biggest advertiser) that digital will account for... [Read more]

‘Ask the analyst: Are consumers really cutting the cord?’ – ‘Experian Marketing Forward’ Blog

Brenna Solop says, “Q&A with John Fetto, Senior Analyst, Marketing & Research Earlier this year, Experian Marketing Services released our Cross-Device Video Analysis. The analysis has generated such strong and sustained interest from marketers and the media, we wanted to explore the subject further. The following is an exchange with the... [Read more]

Rapid Video Funnels: 10 online product funnel strategies#ad

Peter Beattie is a well-known online marketing trainer and product developer. IM NewsWatch has mentioned his work many times. Now Beattie is sharing his own strategies for putting together and implementing 10 of his best, most profitable, video funnels. You are getting his templates (that is, designs) so you can copy his best-performing sales funnels,... [Read more]

‘The Future of Link Building’ – MOZ Blog

Paddy Morgan says, “Building the types of links that help grow your online business and organic search traffic is getting harder. It used to be fairly straightforward, back before Google worked out how to treat links with different levels of quality and trust. However, the fact that it’s getting harder doesn’t mean that it’s dead. What... [Read more]

‘Build Your List and Make Your Audience Love You with Recurring Content Events’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

Pamela Wilson says, “You know the drill: another day, another piece of content to connect with your audience. You churn out post after post, social media update after social media update — typing, typing, typing all the way. It reminds me a little of this classic Dunkin’ Donuts commercial. We’ve all felt like Fred the Baker from time to time... [Read more]

Reminder- ‘Avoiding Privacy Pitfalls When Using Big Data in Cross-Channel Campaigns‘ Experian Webinar 2.00 pm ET

This is a reminder for the Experian’s webinar scheduled on October 9. Experian team says, “As marketing technologies continue to advance and evolve, strong privacy practices are no longer optional – they are an imperative. Don’t get caught unaware! It’s time to learn how you can leverage all of your disparate cross-channel data... [Read more]

Fiverr Factory: strategy for profitable Fiverr marketing #ad

Most marketers have heard of It has thousands of sellers that are willing to do almost any kind of work for you. And it only costs you $5, a bargain if ever there was one. And you get work done quickly that you don't have the time for or the skills for.... [Read more]

Reminder- ‘Build an Advocate Marketing Legion: How Target Scaled Employee Advocacy to Thousands’ SocialChorus Webinar 1.00 pm ET

SocialChorus team says, “How could thousands of trained employee advocates impact your brand’s awareness, engagement and sales? Target discovered the enormous impact when they launched their employee advocacy program to 20,000 employees. Not only did they drive more employee engagement, that employee passion and commitment drove a 10X increase... [Read more]

Reminder- ‘How To Create Great Visual Media Content On A Shoestring Budget’ NTEN Webinar 11.00 am EST

This is a reminder for NTEN’s Social Media webinar scheduled on October 9. The NTEN team says, “Social media is changing. If you are like most nonprofit professionals, it’s hard to keep up! This training is for anyone in need of the latest trends for visual media platforms like Instagram, Pinterest, and Vine. Whether you work for a social... [Read more]

‘How 21 top US retailers handle social customer service’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Christopher Ratcliff says, “In a continuing series of investigations into how companies use social for customer care, last week I took to Twitter, posed as an innocent customer and asked some of the most popular US retailers the same query. The query would also test each brand’s true multichannel capabilities: “can I return an item bought online... [Read more]

Free WP Membership Plugin: Start your own profitable membership site #ad

Henry Zeng just released software that makes it easy to set up a membership site on WordPress; his 'Free WordPress Membership Plugin'. With this plugin, you can sell Subscription Services for ongoing payments, monthly, weekly or even yearly; and more.. [Read more]

‘This Survey Says: Teens Are Fleeing Facebook; Instagram & Twitter Are More Popular’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Martin Beck says, “Add another survey to the mix of contradictory data about teens and Facebook. This one — by investment bank Piper Jaffray — found a huge dropoff in the last six months in the number of teens who say they use the social network. How huge? Teen’s Facebook use plunged 72% in the spring of 2014 to 45% this fall. According... [Read more]

‘Why We Need to Tell the Truth About Marketing’ – HubSpot

C C Chapman says, “Quite often when I’m on stage giving a keynote, I include a slide to encourage the audience that says the more content you create the easier it becomes. What I’m trying to explain to the audience is that no one starts out as a great photographer, writer, or filmmaker. We all start at zero and the only way to get more comfortable... [Read more]

‘How to Ignite a Feeling in Your Audience’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

Jerod Morris says, “Articulating the goal of content marketing, a wise man once wrote: You lift prospects out of their ordinary worlds and invite them to consider a journey that ultimately leads to a transaction. Easy to say. Not so easy to do. We know that to lift our audience members out of their ordinary worlds we need to tell a compelling story... [Read more]

The $100k FB Formula: Earn without buying ads #ad

Jimmy Reilly just released this new training. He says that you can avoid expensive Facebook ads and still earn a living on Facebook. The process is simple in concept, and, based on the experience of Katrina Mayors, Reilly's partner, requires only a couple of hours a day doing "cut and paste" work... [Read more]

‘Why Social Media Managers Shouldn’t Rest On The Weekend’ – ‘Business 2 Community’ Article

Graham Jones says, “Online social media usage at its highest when business activity is at its lowest The typical business working week is from Monday morning to Friday afternoon. Even in these days of 24/7 living, most businesses work a standard 40-hour week. In fact, many work less with a “dress down Friday” leading to a more relaxed day, often... [Read more]

‘How to target your competitor’s followers with Twitter custom audiences’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Matt Owen says, “For a long time working with custom audiences meant that you would need to go through an approved advertising partner. While this has its uses it was often prohibitively expensive, leaving many small and mid-size businesses unable to use this kind of targeting. Recently Twitter has changed this, allowing self-serve advertisers to... [Read more]

‘Twitter Marketing Tip – How to Reach a Large Audience Quickly’ – ‘Website Magazine’ Article

Travis Bliffen says, “Are you a business owner who has decided that Twitter is a good marketing channel for reaching your ideal customer? Twitter is in fact a very powerful marketing channel but only if you are spending your time and efforts correctly, something that not many new users get right at first. As a new user of Twitter for business... [Read more]

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