IM NewsWatch, October 7, 2013 - Latest IM News including ‘Three Online Marketing Shortcuts that Take Too Long – Copyblogger' and much more...

October 7th, 2013 at 4:00 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

Monday, October 7, 2013

’3 Ways To Use Social Media To Target High-Net-Worth Consumers’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

The latest article on ’Marketing Land’ is titled “3 Ways To Use Social Media To Target High-Net-Worth Consumers”. Steve Olenski says, “Traditionally, marketers tend to segment their customers into either a B2B or B2C relationship. While this has worked for a long time, and will obviously continue to work, many high-net-worth... [Read more]

‘Affiliate and Affiliate Manager Relationships in 2013’ by Shawn Collins

Shawn Collins’ latest blog post is titled “Affiliate and Affiliate Manager Relationships in 2013”. Collins Says, “Affiliates were asked “How important is your relationship with an affiliate manager?” for the 2013 Affiliate Summit AffStat Report. They were given three answers to choose from. The most common answer selected was “Somewhat... [Read more]

‘Using Interview Transcripts for Valuable Blog Content' – ‘The Future of Ink’ Blog

The latest article on the ‘The Future of Ink’ blog is titled “Using Interview Transcripts for Valuable Blog Content?. Ellen Britt says, “A few weeks ago, I interviewed online marketing consultant Kathleen Gage about the launch of her newest book,Power Up for Profits. We publishedthe audio interview hereand now have the transcript available... [Read more]

Best-selling JV Zoo product of all time; price doubling #ad

Alex Cass and Alex Becker have another success on their hands. Over 8500 purchases of SEO Zen Pro and its upgrades. The have decided to raise the price to approximately double the current price tomorrow. If you are going to invest, don’t put it off. What’s all the excitement about? Well, we hear a lot about passive income these days. But,... [Read more]

‘Online Advertisers Have Lost $6 Billion To Fraudulent Click Bots’ – Business Insider

The latest article on Business Insider is titled ”Online Advertisers Have Lost $6 Billion To Fraudulent Click Bots”. Aaron Taube says, “Good morning, AdLand. Here’s what you need to know today: Online fraudsters have stolen $6 billion from online advertisers, according to a study by the web security firm White Ops. The study... [Read more]

’120 Marketing Tactics For Your Blog’ – ‘Business 2 Community’ Article

The latest article on ‘Business 2 Community’ is titled “120 Marketing Tactics For Your Blog”. Pam Dyer says, “Content marketing consists of producing and publishing information that builds trust and authority among your ideal customers. It is a way of creating relationships and community so people feel loyal to your brand, and... [Read more]

‘How To Build A Comprehensive Social Media Strategy’ – ‘Business 2 Community’ Article

The latest article on ‘Business 2 Community’ is titled “How To Build A Comprehensive Social Media Strategy”. Angela Hausman says, “Do you have a social media strategy? Now, be honest. Do you REALLY have a social media strategy? Is it a comprehensive social media strategy or just a bunch of piecemeal tactics — SEO? content?... [Read more]

Video Marketer: maximize the sales value of your videos #ad

Ross Goldberg has been creating sales videos for years and ranking them highly. He has found that it’s a mistake to rely on YouTube to see you through to success. Like their parent, they can sometimes be capricious in what they rank highly. Goldberg places the videos he makes on many sites, not just on YouTube. It’s safer that way. And it... [Read more]

‘The State of Web Retail’ – ‘Website Magazine’ Article

The latest article on ‘Website Magazine’ is titled “The State of Web Retail”. Allison Howen says, “The e-commerce industry is not a stranger to change; the ’Net is always offering faster technology, newer software and better plug-ins. In addition to keeping up with the Web’s constantly fluctuating array of technologies, online retailers... [Read more]

‘Analyzing Competitors to Build a Profitable Website’ – Web Marketing Today

The latest ‘Web Marketing Today’ blog post is titled “Analyzing Competitors to Build a Profitable Website”. Andy Curry says, “In “How to Build a Profitable Website; 2 Case Studies,” my article last month, I provided several tips for creating your website in a way that helps you sell your services or products. I left off at comparing... [Read more]

‘Going Public Could Restart Twitter’s Growth’ – ‘ReadWrite’

The latest post on ‘ReadWrite’ is titled “Going Public Could Restart Twitter’s Growth”. Owen Thomas says, “One of Twitter’s challenges, revealed in today’s IPO filing, is its stalling growth: At 215 million users, the social network for broadcasting short bursts of information is still signing up new users, but nowhere... [Read more]

Social Lead Ninja finds finds Facebook members interested in your products #ad

There are Facebook member who want your products. You just have to find them. You do that by scouring Facebook to find the groups that relate to your niche. Then place Facebook ads and aim them at these members, people you know are interested in your topic. They form a ready market for your products. If you have the time (depending on your niche, it... [Read more]

‘How Twitter’s IPO Compares With Other Tech Companies’ – ‘Mashable’

The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled “How Twitter’s IPO Compares With Other Tech Companies”. Zoe Fox says, “Just how big is Twitter’s $1 billion initial public offering filing?Statista created the chart, below, which compares the microblogging network’s IPO filing with nine other tech companies. The chart reveals... [Read more]

‘Zeebox: insanely powerful advertising, but will it catch on?’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

The latest ‘Econsultancy’ blog post is titled “Zeebox: insanely powerful advertising, but will it catch on?”. Ben Davis says, “We’ve covered second screening a bit on this blog (like this onTwitter’s lead over Facebook), but with Zeebox providing an ever more sophisticated product, I don’t think we’ve fully... [Read more]

‘The Resources You Need to Create Killer Content’ – HubSpot

The latest article on HubSpot blog is titled ”The Resources You Need to Create Killer Content”. Corey Eridon says, “Don’t put the cart before the horse. Craft a content strategy that guides purposeful content creation – read about killer content strategies here. And you’re off to the races! Instead of churning out... [Read more]

Let Amazon Sell Your Products #ad is a selling machine like the world has never seen before. There are over 30,000 product categories and millions of products being sold on Amazon right now. In fact, Amazon did $61 Billion in revenue in 2012. But what most people don’t know is that 41% of Amazon’s revenue was driven by products that are sold by other people using... [Read more]

‘How Google is Forcing Your Content to Get Better' by Jay Baer

Jay Baer‘s latest ‘Convince & Convert’ blog post is titled “How Google is Forcing Your Content to Get Better?. Baer says, “In this edition of The Baer Facts, I talk with Kyle Lacy of ExactTarget about the impact of Google’s big changes on content strategy and content marketing execution. As you no doubt are aware, Google announced... [Read more]

‘Taking Advantage of Google’s Bias Toward Hyper-Fresh Content’ – MOZ Blog

The latest MOZ blog post is titled “Taking Advantage of Google’s Bias Toward Hyper-Fresh Content – Whiteboard Friday”. Rand Fishkin says, “A recent trend shows Google giving increasing preference to the freshest content in the SERPs. In today’s Whiteboard Friday, Rand explains how to take advantage of that preference in ways... [Read more]

‘Three Online Marketing Shortcuts that Take Too Long’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

The latest post on ‘Copyblogger’ Blog is titled “Three Online Marketing Shortcuts that Take Too Long”. Sonia Simone says, “Sometimes people hear online marketing and their common sense flies out the window. They start thinking there won’t be any work (there will), there won’t be any expenses (a lot lower than standard offline advertising,... [Read more]

High PR Backlinks Within Minutes from Guest Posting on Blogs #ad

Radu Hahaianu, known on the Warrior Forum as Techbul, has found a way to boost your site’s search engine rankings. The key is who links to your site. Are the links from authoritative sites? That counts for a lot. Techbul wants to show you haw you can use guest posting on other blogs (that are chosen wisely) can build your own site’s ranking.... [Read more]

‘Unboxing to Make Your First Affiliate Marketing Sale’ – ‘Affilorama’ Blog

The latest article on Mark Ling’s ‘Affilorama’ blog is titled “Unboxing to Make Your First Affiliate Marketing Sale”. Cecille Loorluis says, “So you want to know how to make money with affiliate marketing. Capturing that first sale can be tough, but the good news is that once you find a good technique, you can often use it as a template... [Read more]

‘A 3-Minute Investment That’ll Make You a Better Content Creator’ – HubSpot

The latest article on HubSpot blog is titled ”A 3-Minute Investment That’ll Make You a Better Content Creator”. Corey Eridon says, “Fast Company started a brilliant series recently called “Creation Stories,” a series to help educate people about the creative process. Istumbled upon a video they created with Ricky... [Read more]

‘Overcoming Google’s Keyword ‘Not Provided’ Data’ – Web Marketing Today

The latest ‘Web Marketing Today’ blog post is titled “Overcoming Google’s Keyword ‘Not Provided’ Data”. Kevin Webster says, “Google now routes all of its organic searches through a secure URL — i.e., https://. This has a dramatic and immediate impact on web analytics and search engine optimization. What happens in a secure search... [Read more]

Jeremy Shoemaker shows how to blog for a living #ad

You probably have heard of the ShoeMoney blog. It’s Jeremy Shoemaker‘s most famous website, and it gets over 30,000 visitors daily. Shoemaker has become a media personality because of his successful books, websites and, face it, his personality. This was a turn-around in his life. He started from no money, no job, almost no education, and... [Read more]

‘The Beginner’s Guide to YouTube’ – ‘Mashable’

The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled “The Beginner’s Guide to YouTube”. Eric Larson says, “YouTube‘s been around for a while — you’ve probably heard of it.The video-sharing site went live in 2005, and has since become the go-to medium for uploading footage on the web. More than one hour of video is uploaded to... [Read more]

‘Lego: building a customer community, brick-by-brick’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

The latest ‘Econsultancy’ blog post is titled “Lego: building a customer community, brick-by-brick”. Christopher Ratcliff says, “Everybody loves Lego. It’s possibly the most warmly regarded brand on the planet. I can hear that unmistakable rummaging of a thousand pieces of plastic as I write this sentence. Ah, bliss. Lego’s... [Read more]

‘Why Google’s Hummingbird Algorithm Is Perfect for Inbound Marketers’ – HubSpot

The latest article on HubSpot blog is titled ”Why Google’s Hummingbird Algorithm Is Perfect for Inbound Marketers”. Steve Haase says, “You may have heard the news by now: Google has rolled out a new algorithm for all search results. The algorithm, named Hummingbird, has been live for about a month now and is meant to improve... [Read more]

‘Finally! Google Glass Will Get An App Store Soon’ – ‘ReadWrite’

The latest post on ‘ReadWrite’ is titled “Finally! Google Glass Will Get An App Store Soon”. Taylor Hatmaker says, “In contrast to an otherwise surprisingly refined Google Glass beta experience, the experience of finding apps for Glass has only managed to evolve from from “nonexistent” to “barely there” over... [Read more]

‘One Simple CAN-SPAM Addition That Could Transform Your Email Marketing’ – HubSpot

The latest article on HubSpot blog is titled ”One Simple CAN-SPAM Addition That Could Transform Your Email Marketing”. Ginny Soskey says, “Have you ever gotten an email from a company that surprised you? You see it hit your inbox, but you don’t recognize the sender. You decide to open it anyway — maybe you signed up to receive... [Read more]

‘5 Things We Didn’t Know About Twitter That It Just Revealed In Its IPO’ – ‘ReadWrite’

The latest post on ‘ReadWrite’ is titled “5 Things We Didn’t Know About Twitter That It Just Revealed In Its IPO”. Selena Larson says, “Twitter’s initial public offering filing went public today, detailing its plans to raise $1 billion and trade its shares under the symble TWTR. But it also laid out a bunch of details... [Read more]

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