IM NewsWatch, October 2, 2015 - 'It’s Time to Diversify Your Online Sales Strategy – Entrepreneur' and much more...

October 2nd, 2015 at 8:55 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

Friday, October 2, 2015

‘Facebook News Feed Benchmarks for Marketers’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

Ayaz Nanji says, “Which types of content are brands sharing most often on Facebook? Do engagement levels vary by post type? How many posts are businesses creating on average per month? Has the number of video posts increased significantly this year? To find out, Quintly examined more than 80 million Facebook posts (photo, video, link, status,... [Read more]

‘Google Display Network Will Charge Only For Ads That Are Viewed’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Martin Beck says, “Google today announced a commitment to only charge for display ads that are viewed. Speaking during a keynote discussion at SMX East in New York, Brad Bender, vice president of product management of the Google Display Network, said: “I’m pleased to announce that GDN is moving to 100% viewable. We’re going to migrate all... [Read more]

’13 Email Workflows You Should Be Using in Your Marketing Automation’ – HubSpot

Pamela Vaughan says, “Are your contacts going with the flow, or are they just sitting dormant in your marketing database? If you don’t have any automated email workflows set up, your answer is probably the latter — which means you’re missing out on some major opportunities to nurture and engage your existing contacts. Did... [Read more]

Two-Step Squeeze Pages inside WordPress; Video tells all #ad

If you are using an expensive service to collect leads, there’s now an alternative that can match the performance of the expensive solutions without the high price tag. Matthew McDonald has just released DIY Squeeze Pages, software that can build your squeeze pages with drag-and-drop ease. McDonald has created a Squeeze Page Video that shows... [Read more]

‘Get Ready for the Races: Black Friday is Closer than You Think’ – ‘’ Blog staff says, “Now that pumpkin spice is everywhere, it is definitely time to prepare for Black Friday—the big dance arriving on the heels of Thanksgiving. Even if you’re not a brick-and-mortar retailer, this huge day and its cousins, Cyber Monday and Small Business Saturday, likely drive a lot of sales for your business. It’s... [Read more]

‘It’s Time to Diversify Your Online Sales Strategy’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Derek Newton says, “Taking something to market used to mean literally taking it to the market. Now, the market exists everywhere online all at once. And the number of places your product needs to be in order to be on the market is expanding and many individual marketplaces are growing. With more and more places to be, it makes less and less sense... [Read more]

‘8 Free Tools to Boost Your Blog’ – Content Marketing Institute

Dave Schneider says, “While the old adage, “You get what you pay for,” usually rings true, sometimes what you can get for free is pretty good. Luckily, many people sympathize with bloggers who don’t have the investment to buy tools to help improve their effort. They have created some awesome free tools that can take your blog to the next... [Read more]

Azon Store Builder builds Amazon affiliate stores, push-button ease #ad

Sam Robinson and his partners have spent the last 9 months developing new software for  Amazon affiliates.  It's a WordPress plugin called 'Azon Store Builder', and it's the most advanced Amazon affiliate store builder software available... [Read more]

‘Testing and Optimization: Welcome send test results in 46% open rate for CNET’ – ‘MarketingExperiments’ Blog

Kyla Cobb says, “One of the most discussed sends in email marketing is the welcome email — and for good reason. This first email often acts as the first point of direct contact a customer has with your brand, so the pressure to make it as perfect as possible is there. That’s where testing comes into play. In her session at MarketingSherpa... [Read more]

‘Why the Ad Blocking Panic Shouldn’t Scare Smart Publishers’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

Demian Farnworth says, “Let’s do a little thought experiment for a minute. Imagine a life without The Awl, The Huffington Post, the New York Times, Drudge Report, The Onion, The Toast, The Verge, or Vox. Without Brain Pickings, Slate, FiveThirtyEight, Pitchfork, The Paris Review, Mental Floss, Vice, xoJane, ProPublica, Quartz, Marc and Angel,... [Read more]

‘Affiliate marketing’s cross-device challenge’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Anthony Clements says, “The challenge of tracking cross-device transactions is a critical one for all digital marketers, but for a channel premised on paid for conversions, it takes on a heightened importance. Cross device tracking first came on the radar in 2011, when it became obvious that online users were regularly accessing links and content... [Read more]

Video Lead Studio makes makes your videos magnetic #ad

This is the last day for the special launch price for 'Video Lead System'. This is 3 step software that adds professional actors straight into your videos... [Read more]

‘The Problem With Google Analytics E-Commerce Tracking’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Patrick Stox says, “Many companies don’t understand why visitor data and e-commerce sales are underreported in Google Analytics, and this tends to cause confusion. In this article, I’ll explain why what you see in Google Analytics doesn’t jibe with what you view in server logs and sales data. Google Analytics doesn’t have access to the... [Read more]

‘Capture, Engage and Convert Customers With Visual Branding’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Peter Gasca says, “In the time it will take you to read this article, there will be over 900,000 tweets on Twitter and 7.5 million posts on Facebook. With that much content generated, how does a business get noticed and stay relevant? The answer: visual elements. Human beings are wired to react to pictures much more so than text alone. We did,... [Read more]

‘Tracking and Increasing Audience Engagement’ – HubSpot

Sarah Cobb says, “We all know that improving conversion rates on lead generation campaigns translates to more leads for advertisers. Yet most publishers don’t have a strategy in place for improving these numbers. Easier said than done, right? The way people consume content has changed. Invasive tactics have simply lost effectiveness with the... [Read more]

Snap Affiliate Profits; how to be an effective affiliate #ad

It's been a little over a month since Stephen Gilbert released 'Snap Affiliate Profits'. In these weeks over 3000 marketers have invested in this training. If you want more details about this training in effective affiliate marketing, you can check the earlier notice on IM NewsWatch here... [Read more]

‘Sales Enablement Sense Of Urgency Applies To Buyers And Vendors Alike’ – Forrester

Peter O’Neill says, “My report “Develop Your Sales Enablement Charter Or Run Into A Perfect Storm” for Forrester clients, and the associated blog for all, has prompted many inquiries — from business decision-makers in B2B marketing or sales management; from technology decision-makers; and, of course, from the sales enablement vendors... [Read more]

’20 Email Marketing Tips to Boost Engagement and Readership’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

Julia McCoy says, “Email keeps people connected. It’s a modern marvel, a wonder of our time. Based solely on how many times a day people check their emails (especially those in their 20s and 30s), email marketing should be a huge deal. So what’s the problem? Mainly because of the practice of sending out mass emails with little or... [Read more]

‘Holiday marketing begins in October’ – ‘Experian Marketing Forward’ Blog

Katie Oakes says, “It’s October, and you know what that means; leaves are changing, sweaters are being pulled out of the closet, pumpkin-flavored items are taking over coffee shops. For many marketers, this is the most exciting (and stressful) part of the year. Holiday marketing is ramping up, and it will only increase in intensity as the weeks... [Read more]

Cross Sell Slider Pro: simple software to spice up sales #ad

There's a new tool that online marketers will find helpful.  It's a lot like the tool Amazon uses to suggest other products based on the product you are already looking at. Whenever a visitor comes to a page where you are advertising a product... [Read more]

‘Content Marketing Done Right: What Works And What Doesn’t’ – ‘’ Blog

Jimmy Rodela says, “Just like in most things, there is the “right way” of doing content marketing, and there is the wrong way that will have you spending thousands of dollars, while getting you very little to no results at all. Of course, we want to make sure that you don’t experience the latter, right? Allow me to share with you some of... [Read more]

‘Twitter’s ‘Buy Now’ button: will it work?’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Ben Davis says, “Twitter has announced more platform partners to enable its ‘Buy’ button within shared or promoted posts. Demandware, Bigcommerce and Shopify will both be offering clients the option of adding commerce functionality to their tweets, but are users really that interested in buying directly from Twitter? China presents... [Read more]

‘Google’s Sridhar Ramaswamy: Ad Blocking Is A Rallying Cry For The Industry’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Ginny Marvin says, “Sridhar Ramaswamy,Google’s SVP of ads and commerce, spoke about ad blocking for the first time publicly during Advertising Week in New York City this week, saying it’s a rallying cry for the industry to coordinate and agree on advertising practice standards. [Read more]

‘The Tyranny of Facebook’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

Rainmaker team says, “It’s no secret that Brian Clark is not a fan of Facebook when it comes to so-called “social media marketing.” He’s even less of a fan of those who think of it as a “website substitute.” That said, Facebook groups are popular for their apparent ease of use. But is it a good idea to build a valuable business community... [Read more]

‘How Ad Blocking Works: Everything You Need to Know’ – HubSpot

Lindsay Kolowich says, “When Apple unveiled its new iPhone and iOS 9 operating system two weeks ago, it dropped a proverbial wet blanket on marketers everywhere: A new feature in the operating system called Content Blockers will now allow iOS 9 users to install ad blocking applications from the App Store. These ad blocking applications... [Read more]

‘The 10 Essential Tips for B2B Marketing Success in a Digital Economy’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Dan newman says, “If you’re a small- to midsize-sized business (SMB) and in the business-to-business (B2B) space, you know how messy the digital revolution has been for marketing and sales. Not long ago, a sale needed some sort of human interaction — even with the web. Now, from fact-finding to brand-relationship building, your customers... [Read more]

‘What Effective B2B Content Marketing Looks Like’ – Content Marketing Institute

Joe Pulizzi says, “It’s that time of year again when we release the findings of our annual content marketing survey. Over the years, we’ve talked a lot about effectiveness. But this year, while our team was discussing new questions for the survey, we stepped back and wondered – how many companies even know what effectiveness looks like? The... [Read more]

‘Twitter Rolling Out Buy Now Buttons Widely With Shopify, Demandware & Bigcommerce Partnerships’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Martin Beck says, “It’s a buyer’s market for Twitter Buy Now buttons. Twitter announced a big rollout of its e-commerce effort today, partnering with Bigcommerce, Demandware and Shopify in integrations that will greatly increase the number of merchants who can sell directly within user timelines. Twitter has been testing its Buy button for... [Read more]

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