IM NewsWatch, October 2, 2012 - Latest IM News including ‘Conversion Rate Optimization: 2 takeaways from a 42% increase in conversion – MarketingExperiments’ and much more...

October 2nd, 2012 at 3:50 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

‘How to Start from Zero and Make $10,000 a Month’ Joel Peterson & Mike Filsaime’s Webinar October 3

Joel Peterson & Mike Filsaime are hosting a webinar on Wednesday, October 3 at 9.00 pm EST. The topic of the webinar is “How to Start from Zero and Make $10,000 a Month”. Filsaime says, “Come join me as I host a content-packed webinar about one of the hottest business models of 2012. Joel Peterson will be showing us how in 2009 he... [Read more]

‘How to consistently make $500 to $1,000 and more with minimal effort’ Chuck Mullaney’s Webinar October 4

Chuck Mullaney is hosting a webinar on Thursday, October 4 at 3.00 pm EDT. The topic of the webinar is “How to consistently make $500 to $1,000 and more with minimal effort”. Mullaney says, “Imagine a Social Media offer so powerful that once put into the hands of any business professional, avon lady, multi-level-marketer or small business... [Read more]

Citrix Online Releases ‘Twitter marketing best practices’ White Paper

Citrix Online has released a white paper titled “Twitter marketing best practices”. Citrix Online team says, “With 175 million Tweets being sent every day, and 11 new accounts being created every second, Twitter is increasingly becoming a necessary part of every marketer’s armoury. This best practice Q&A for marketers, from... [Read more]

WP Affiliate Ultimate Pro Plugin: Make more afiliate sales on your blog #ad

With WP Affiliate Ultimate Pro plugin, you can place affiliate links within your blog content, where they will be seen and clicked on. Google heat maps show people notice ads in the heart of your content more than they notice them in the right sidebar. This plugin makes it easy to put affiliate links on every page of your blog. Systematically add affiliate... [Read more]

‘Is Your Social Media Policy Against the Law?? by Jay Baer

Jay Baer ‘s latest ‘Convince & Convert’ blog post is titled “Is Your Social Media Policy Against the Law??. Baer says, “Social media policies can be unlawful. In 1935, Congress enacted the National Labor Relations Act to protect the rights of employees, encourage collective bargaining and curtail dangerous workplace policies. Today,... [Read more]

‘Does creativity kill or compliment your cash flow?’ by Troy White

Troy White’s latest blog post is titled “Does creativity kill or compliment your cash flow?”. White Says, “Does creativity kill or compliment your cash flow? It’s a fine line that separates winning marketing campaigns from losing ones. One teeny tiny difference in a headline, subject line or offer can destroy your response… …in some cases... [Read more]

‘Last Call for Affiliate Summit West 2013 Speaker Proposals’ by Shawn Collins

Shawn Collins’ latest blog post is titled “Last Call for Affiliate Summit West 2013 Speaker Proposals”. Collins Says, “The speaker proposal period for Affiliate Summit West 2013, taking place January 13-15, 2013 at Caesars Palace Las Vegas, is about to end. The submission deadline is October 5, 2012. Accepted speakers will be notified no later... [Read more]

Twitter Tapper+ turns Twitter into an autopilot sales tool #ad

If you aren’t using social media, like Twitter, in your marketing you could be missing out on a significant number of sales. Twitter helps to validate your website and is another channel through which your offers can be presented. Most important, you can use Twitter to build your brand. Or, if you segment the market as explained in Twitter Tapper+,... [Read more]

‘Is Microsoft Rising to the Challenge(s)? – Notes from the Asia Pacific Analyst Summit’ – ‘The Forrester Blog’

The latest article on ‘The Forrester Blog’ is titled “Is Microsoft Rising to the Challenge(s)? – Notes from the Asia Pacific Analyst Summit”. Dane Anderson says, “Forrester attended Microsoft’s Asia Pacific Analyst Summit in Singapore last week for a comprehensive and very timely strategy update with less than a month to go before... [Read more]

‘Facebook to Marketers: Clicks Don’t Matter, But Reach and Frequency Do’ – ‘Mashable’

The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled “Facebook to Marketers: Clicks Don’t Matter, But Reach and Frequency Do”. Todd Wasserman says, “Facebook on Monday continued its mission to convince the world’s top marketers that the standard means of measuring an online ad’s performance — the click-through rate — doesn’t matter. The... [Read more]

‘A Better Brand Awaits at NameFind’ – ‘Website Magazine’ Article

The latest article on ‘Website Magazine’ is titled “A Better Brand Awaits at NameFind”. Pete Prestipino says, “Creating a company name and “brand” is of supreme importance to the success of any enterprise – not just digital ones. If you’re in the process of researching and collaborating, check out the new NameFindservice... [Read more]

MemeJacker Pro builds “funny image blogs” you can monetize #ad

Brennen Noble has just announced MemeJacker Pro WordPress plugin, which finds funny images (on autopilot) that you can place in your blog to attract viewers. And funny images are viral; people love sharing them with their friends. Tell it which sources to explore for images and turn it loose. It does the rest. Noble shows an example blog, in which MemeJacker... [Read more]

‘How – And Why – Startups Should Hire Millennials’ – ‘ReadWriteWeb’

The latest post on ‘ReadWriteWeb’ is titled “How – And Why – Startups Should Hire Millennials”. Rieva Lesonsky says, “ It’s like a harmonic convergence. Startups need workers, and the largest generation ever born in America — the Millennials — is desperately searching for work. But as every startup knows, it’s never... [Read more]

‘How to Become an Exceptional Writer’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

The latest post on ‘Copyblogger’ Blog is titled “How to Become an Exceptional Writer”. Demian Farnworth says, “A man and boy sit in an old house crowded with furniture, sunlight and dust. The man stomps his foot on the hard-wood floor. He’s wearing a white shirt, black jacket and black derby hat. The boy is wearing the identical outfit.... [Read more]

‘The Anatomy of a Link Building Hack Day’ – ‘SEOmoz’ Blog

The latest ‘SEOmoz’ blog post is titled “The Anatomy of a Link Building Hack Day”. Rob Toledo says, “The “hack day” is a popular and effective practice used by developers and designers alike to quickly ship new products with minimal administrative overhead. In this post, I’ll walk you through the steps we take at Distilled when hosting... [Read more]

Buyer Arbitrage 1.0: save time, make more sales, make more money #ad

James Renouf just announced Buyer Arbitrage 1.0, software that lets you find eager customers looking for solutions. You provide their solution using outsourcing. Ken Reno says, “A guy/gal could make a FULL-TIME business using JUST this piece of software.” That’s an indication of the power of outsourcing combined with a good source... [Read more]

‘Win an all expense paid trip to @blogworld (New Media Expo)’ – ShoeMoney Blog

Jeremy Schoemaker’s latest blog post is titled “Win an all expense paid trip to @blogworld (New Media Expo)”. Schoemaker says, “I have done many contests in the past to send people to conferences who don’t otherwise have the means to do so themselves. Its been a really rewarding experience and a big oppourtunity for people to make contacts.... [Read more]

‘Profit from Your Passion’ by Rosalind Gardner

Rosalind Gardner’s latest blog post is titled “Profit from Your Passion”. Gardner says, “I’ve always believed that following your passion is the best way to succeed in business. There’s no doubt in my mind that being passionate about what I do is the primary reason my online business”. Profit from Your Passion Net Profits Today... [Read more]

‘Understanding Google Analytics, Part 3: Conversions, Outcomes’ – Web Marketing Today

The latest ‘Web Marketing Today’ blog post is titled “Understanding Google Analytics, Part 3: Conversions, Outcomes”. Feras Alhlou says, “This is “Part 3? of a 4-part series on getting the most out of Google Analytics. In this series, I’ll address the following areas. “Part 1: Traffic Sources” “Part 2: Content, User Actions”... [Read more]

WP Social Traffic Piranha Plugin: get Viral Traffic from Social Networks #ad

Gerry Lacuarta just announced WP Social Traffic Piranha Plugin (an updated version of his Google Share X3 plugin) which lets you: • Generate traffic from Facebook, Google+, Twitter, LinkedIn and more • Generate viral traffic from Pinterest • Use the Google Share button to get viral traffic from Google • Use Call to Action graphics... [Read more]

‘Persuasion Optimization’ – ‘SEO Book’ Blog

The latest ‘SEO Book’ blog post is titled “Persuasion Optimization”. Peterd says, “There are many ways to optimize. We optimize to align a site with search engine algorithms in order to gain higher rankings, which, in turn, leads to visitor traffic. Other forms of optimization occur after the visitor has landed on our pages. One such optimization... [Read more]

‘Microsoft Building a Special Version of for Windows 8 [HANDS ON]’ – ‘Mashable’

The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled “Microsoft Building a Special Version of for Windows 8 [HANDS ON]“. Peter Pachal says, “When Windows 8 launches on Friday, Oct. 26, so will the new — the home of MSN News, a new Microsoft-owned and operated news organization. The new MSN will also serve up a special version... [Read more]

‘Facing Today’s Online Marketing Challenges’ – ‘Website Magazine’ Article

The latest article on ‘Website Magazine’ is titled “Facing Today’s Online Marketing Challenges”. Michael Garrity says, “As the world becomes more connected, so do consumers. For small businesses, this presents an era of unique challenges. And, although the world of online marketing may appear cumbersome, small businesses should not... [Read more]

“Max Productivity Mastery” for folks who know they can do better #ad

If you’re feeling stressed and unproductive, Alex Goodall has a solution. His new Max Productivity Mastery is a course that show you how to become productive while also becoming relaxed. Goodall (who’s something of a systems fanatic) can help you get to a business process (embedded in a life process) in which you’re as productive as... [Read more]

‘US Tech Market Growth Slows As Election And Political Uncertainties Dampen Economic ’ – ‘The Forrester Blog’

The latest article on ‘The Forrester Blog’ is titled “US Tech Market Growth Slows As Election And Political Uncertainties Dampen Economic ”. Gene Leganza says, “Today’s organizations must manage the explosive growth of all types of information while addressing greater-than-ever business demand for insights into customer needs and the... [Read more]

‘Google Passes Microsoft’s Market Value for First Time Ever’ – ‘Mashable’

The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled “Google Passes Microsoft’s Market Value for First Time Ever”. Seth Fiegerman says, “Google‘s market cap passed Microsoft’s in early trading on Monday, making the search engine giant the second most valuable technology company in the world behind Apple. Microsoft’s stock dropped by about... [Read more]

‘September ShoeMoney Blog Archive’ – ShoeMoney Blog

Jeremy Schoemaker’s latest blog post is titled “September ShoeMoney Blog Archive”. Schoemaker says, “September seems like it came and went so fast. Sept was the most traffic we have had since April. That seems to be a trend very year… People read more internet stuff when its cold out. Or who knows… Here is the archive for September:... [Read more]

Animated Powerpoint Video Templates: create stunning videos without talent, hard work or expensive software #ad

With Animated Powerpoint Video Templates, you can create stunning animated videos using just PowerPoint 2010. This group of 5 professionally designed animated PowerPoint templates, ready to customize and sell, can give your videos a professional finish. These Animated Powerpoint Video Templates , complete with background music, are ready for you to... [Read more]

‘Email Marketing and the Brand at Affiliate Summit West 2011’ by Shawn Collins

Shawn Collins’ latest blog post is titled “Email Marketing and the Brand at Affiliate Summit West 2011”. Collins Says, “This was a conference session titled Email Marketing and the Brand from Affiliate Summit West 2011, which took place January 9-11, 2011 at Wynn Las Vegas. Speaker: Megan Conahan, VP of Advertising Sales, Direct Agents Session... [Read more]

‘5 Reasons Your Boss Should Send You to the Mashable Media Summit’ – ‘Mashable’

The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled “5 Reasons Your Boss Should Send You to the Mashable Media Summit”. Tania Kasongo says, “The media has evolved from pamphlets to podcasts in order to deliver news to customers. In rare instances, some of thebest minds in media and advertising come together and share where media is going next.... [Read more]

‘Join Me At Inspiration 2020’ by John Chow

John Chow’s latest blog post is titled “Join Me At Inspiration 2020”. Chow says, “The Inspiration 2020 Global Success Conference is coming to Los Angeles November 9 to 10. I will be speaking there, and I would like to invite you to join me. In addition to me, you will be introduced to some”. Join Me At Inspiration 2020 John Chow’s Blog  [Read more]

Video Marketing Debunked: Use YouTube for its best purpose, driving traffic #ad

Mark Thompson and Todd Gross just released Video Marketing Debunked to clear up misunderstandings about how marketers can take advantage of all the power of YouTube in driving traffic to offers. For example, whenever someone watches a YouTube video, YouTube displays a list of related videos on the sidebar. Thompson and Gross show how you can have your... [Read more]

‘The Biggest Lie in Email Marketing (Why Most Email is Junk Mail)’ – Aweber Blog

The latest ‘Aweber’ blog post is titled “The Biggest Lie in Email Marketing (Why Most Email is Junk Mail)”. Amanda Gagnon says, “This post is from Danny Iny, who markets naked and on firepoles. Email is the third rail of online marketing. Sure, Twitter, Facebook and RSS can be nice, but there’s just no comparing them to the raw power that... [Read more]

‘Email Awards 2013: Enter your top email campaigns to win a trip to Email Summit’ – MarketingSherpa

The latest article on MarketingSherpa is titled “Email Awards 2013: Enter your top email campaigns to win a trip to Email Summit”. David Kirkpatrick says, “MarketingSherpa is excited to launch its 8th Annual Email Awards. One successful B2B team and one successful B2C team will win a trip to Email Summit 2013 in Las Vegas. Plus, unlike... [Read more]

‘Conversion Rate Optimization: 2 takeaways from a 42% increase in conversion’ – ‘MarketingExperiments’ Blog

The latest ‘MarketingExperiments’ blog post is titled “Conversion Rate Optimization: 2 takeaways from a 42% increase in conversion”. Daniel Burstein says, “One of my favorite trials of a premium service was in the golden era of cable television, when the Internet as a whole was still in its infancy and premium cable channels, like HBO, would... [Read more]

Two-Way SMS WordPress Plugin: Send and receive client messages #ad

Some businesses need quick communication with individual clients. Think of pizza restaurants taking orders, auto repair shops telling a client their car is ready. Any business scheduling an appointment. offers the ability to exchange SMS messages, but an easy-to-use WordPress interface into Twilio would help to actually get the conversation... [Read more]

Reminder- ‘The Social Habit 2012—How Americans Really Use Social Media’ MarketingProfs Seminar October 11

MarketingProfs is hosting a seminar with Tom Webster on Thursday, October 11 at 12.00 pm ET. The topic of the seminar is “The Social Habit 2012—How Americans Really Use Social Media”. MarketingProfs team says, “What Will You Learn? How people are collectively using social media today How to apply the understanding of today’s... [Read more]

Final Reminder- Drayton Bird & Howie Jacobson’s ‘Google AdWords and Beyond’ Workshop, London, October 3

Drayton Bird & Howie Jacobson are hosting the “Google AdWords and Beyond” workshop in Southwark Cathedral, London on Wednesday, October 3. Bird & Jacobson say, “The Google AdWords and Beyond workshop is three hours long, and gives you all this: What AdWords really is and how you can use it more effectively than your competitors Keywords... [Read more]

Reminder- ‘Mashable Media Summit 2012′, NY, November 2

Mashable is hosting the ’Mashable Media Summit 2012′ at The TimesCenter, 242 West 41st Street, New York, NY on Friday, November from 9:00 am to 7:00 pm EDT. About Mashable Media Summit 2012 The Mashable team says, “New forms of technology and innovative business models are transforming the media landscape every year. From new ways... [Read more]

Offline HD Video Pack to sell your services to offline clients #ad

Three videos explain online services that local businesses need to get started with: • Google Places and other SEO services • Website design • Marketing to mobile phones Offline HD Video Pack presents your services in these areas so the businesses first understand the importance of the topic and then are urged to contact you for more... [Read more]

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