IM NewsWatch, October 17, 2014 - ‘B2B Content Marketing Trends for 2015 – Business 2 Community' and much more...

October 17th, 2014 at 8:08 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

Friday, October 17, 2014

‘Google Misses Earnings Expectations on Weak Ad Market’ – Re/code

Liz Gannes says, “Google missed expectations for the September quarter despite a slowdown in the decline of online ad rates. The search giant reported adjusted profit of $6.35 per share. The Street was looking for $6.54. The Mountain View, Calif.-based company had $16.52 billion in sales for $13.17 billion in net income. It basically looks like... [Read more]

‘2 Winners & 2 Losers of Big Brand Web Design’ – ‘Website Magazine’ Article

Amberly Dressler says, “mobile and omnichannel features to advanced on-site search and filtering. Web designers – and even everyday shoppers – however, know this isn’t always the case. In honor of the upcoming holiday shopping season, Website Magazine put together a quick list of some winners and losers of big brand Web design“. 2... [Read more]

‘Enterprises’ Top Digital Marketing Priorities for 2015′ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

Ayaz Nanji says, “Some 69% of senior marketers at enterprise companies anticipate an increase in digital spend beyond inflation in 2015, and only 6% foresee a decrease, according to a recent report from Teradata and Econsultancy. On the other hand, only 48% expect increases beyond inflation in traditional marketing budgets in 2015, and 29% who... [Read more]

Deadline: Mike Koenig’s Grand Finale Publish and Profit Webcast #ad

IM NewsWatch invites you to be on Mike Koenigs’s grand finale “livecast” training tomorrow afternoon. (I’m sure you have plenty to do, but this is training that can change your life and business forever. Being a successful published author gives you authority that nothing else can match.) No matter how many books you’ve written... [Read more]

‘Facebook Ad Controls Get Big Upgrade With Ad Set Targeting & Bidding’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Greg Finn says, “One of the goofiest elements to Facebook advertising has finally been extinguished. A new campaign structure update that impacts all Facebook ad campaigns gives thenewer “ad sets” the ability to feature targeting, placements and bidding. Earlier this year, Facebook announced the new “ad set” groupings which ended up... [Read more]

‘Digital Analytics Pros: Wait Before Diving Into The Salesforce Wave’ – Forrester

James McCormick says, “Salesforce’s proclaimed “Web and Mobile Analytics” capability of the newly launchedWave, the Salesforce Analytics Cloud may initially excite us digital analytics geeks. After all – disruptions by large vendors in the name of “Web Analytics” are few and far between now days. However before placing... [Read more]

‘B2B Content Marketing Trends for 2015 [Infographic]’ – ‘Business 2 Community’ Article

Braveen Kumar says, “MarketingProfs and the Content Marketing Institute have come together once more to conduct the 5th annual industry-wide survey of B2B content marketing. Comprised of 1,820 North American B2B marketers, these results present benchmarks, budgets, insights and trends for 2015. Here are a few of the key takeaways from the report If... [Read more]

iPocket Video: Make pro video on the go with iPhone #ad

You may be surprised to hear that you really can create top-quality, high-converting sales/promo videos on your iPhone. Joey Xoto, who may fairly be called a video-guru, is sharing some of his best video tips about how to avoid low-quality, ugly videos when using your iPhone. He just released his new iPocket Video training that shows you how to maximize... [Read more]

‘5 Tired Marketing Trends to Lay to Rest in 2014′ – HubSpot

Amber Cebull says, “As the year comes closer to an end and we reassess our business budgets, we are, with any luck, tailoring our approach to what is most effective for our brand. If it didn’t yielded sales, it’s likely time to say goodbye to some of the less successful campaigns and strategies. If you haven’t taken the time to explore... [Read more]

‘What a 173% Increase in Clickthrough Can Teach You About Subscribers’ – ‘MarketingExperiments’ Blog

John Tackett says, “At MarketingExperiments, we define friction in a conversion process as a psychological resistance to a given element in a sales process. If you’ve ever waited in a long line at a theme park in July, that’s friction personified. It’s the hot and sweaty agony that makes a customer ask themselves, “Why am I doing this?” I... [Read more]

‘How branded search and ads affect organic CTR’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Graham Charlton says, “A new study underlines the importance of organic search rankings, and the value of a page one ranking. Put simply, If you’re not on page one of Google’s search results, you’re almost nowhere, with pages two and three picking up just 5.59% of the clicks. The study also has some interesting insights into the... [Read more]

Group Theft Auto: funny name, serious software #ad

There is a lot of talk about Facebook groups, but Yahoo groups are alive and well. Yahoo has bee doing group support for more years than Facebook has been alive. They have a good platform for “birds of a feather” to get together and talk about their mutual interests. Cliff Carrigan has created software he calls Group Theft Auto- Yahoo Edition... [Read more]

‘5 Ways to Prevent Business Burnout When Your Inspiration Starts to Flicker’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

Amy Harrison says, “In a space as fast-paced as the Internet, you know there are many tasks you “should” perform to reach more people with your story. You’re well-aware of other businesses with meteoric rises to fame and companies thrown into the spotlight seemingly overnight. In order to seize opportunities, you know you have to stay ahead... [Read more]

‘Search and Social Advertising Continue to Thrive (INFOGRAPHIC)’ – ‘Website Magazine’ Article

Allison Howen says, “Search and social advertising are continuing to trend upward, as new Kenshoo data reveals an increase in investments and click-through rates in both of these advertising channels. In fact, Kenshoo’s Search and Social Snapchat: Q3 2014 found that paid search generated 19 percent year-over-year (YoY) spending growth and a... [Read more]

‘How Empathy Can Get People to Respond to More of Your Sales Emails’ – HubSpot

Ritika Puri says, “As an entrepreneur, sales emails are my arch nemesis. I was never formally trained as a salesperson and, to be honest, I don’t like to pitch people via email — particularly when I know people these days feel more bombarded than ever in their inboxes. Some salespeople, understanding this fact, have developed tactics... [Read more]

1-Click Video Ranker WordPress Plugin: Boost your site ranking #ad

For nearly 6 years,George Katsoudas has been getting traffic from Google Images, a site many marketers have never heard of. But, Google Images receives over 10 Billion page views each day. That traffic is something marketers should pay attention to... [Read more]

‘16 most important email marketing KPIs for your business’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Christopher Ratcliff says, “Email is one of the most effective marketing channels, consistently able to drive high levels of traffic and conversion. However if you’ve been running various campaigns, with different content, subject line variations and goals how do you know whether they’re successful or not? Can you be sure that any uplift is directly... [Read more]

‘Google Q3: Earnings, Revenues Miss, Paid Clicks Up, CPCs Down 2 Pct.’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Greg Sterling says, “Google announced Q3 2014 earnings this afternoon. The company reported $16.52 billion in “consolidated revenues.” This represented a 20 percent increase over Q3 2013. However earnings per share and revenues were below Wall Street expectations. The stock is off in after-hours trading“. Google Q3: Earnings, Revenues... [Read more]

‘Marketing Accountability Is the Horse, Automation Is the Cart. Put Accountability First’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

Laura Patterson says, “During a recent conversation, the VP of marketing at a well-established B2B company told me they couldn’t address marketing measurement accountability now because they needed to address marketing automation first. Multiple questions immediately ran through my mind: “Will the leadership team accept the inevitable... [Read more]

Big Click Subject Lines Master List; Good while it lasts (till Sunday) #ad

Jason Parker and Charles Kirkland have just released a master list of proven subject lines that have worked for them, called 'Big Click Subject Lines Master List'... [Read more]

‘Overall Ad Spend at Google Dips as Bing Shows Growth’ – ‘Website Magazine’ Article

Pete Prestipino says, “Google still dominates the digital ad space, but Bing (yes, Bing) has experienced some dramatic growth of late. Online marketing firm The Search Agency published its State of Paid Search Report for Q3 2014 and the data it contains will most definitely surprise ‘Net professionals. Bing saw a 55 percent increase in... [Read more]

Are Marketers abandoning YouTube for Facebook?

A new study, reported in Inside Facebook, reveals that ” the number of videos Facebook admins directly upload to the site could soon surpass videos linked from YouTube.” The study was originally conducted by a group called Socialbakers, shows a growing trend of videos being posted on Facebook, while the number of videos being posted on YouTube... [Read more]

‘3 Things Marketers Should Be Testing (But Probably Aren’t)’ – Silverpop Blog

Adam Steinberg says, “With the rise of big data, the most effective marketers are constantly testing their assumptions and using a data driven-approach to optimize their marketing programs. For many marketers, being data-driven starts with A/B testing. While A/B testing isn’t as sophisticated as multivariate analytics, it’s a simple way for marketers... [Read more]

SEO Recovery: How to recover from Google Penalties #ad

John Pearce has released a report on the problems that can come from SEO. IM NewsWatch has obtained a copy, ad with Pearce's approval, we have posted it (at no charge) so you can discover things to watch out for... [Read more]

‘Trends marketers need to know right this minute’ – ‘Experian Marketing Forward’ Blog

Pamela Robertson says, “Crowdsourcing, Programmatic Buying, The Internet of Things … these are all concepts that today’s savvy marketer needs to be thinking about. We can’t emphasize it enough: the marketing landscape changes almost daily, sometimes without us even realizing it. The three concepts I just mentioned weren’t even part of... [Read more]

‘Google Enables Local Calls from PPC Ads’ – ‘Website Magazine’ Article

Derek S. says, “With 50 percent of searches with local intent leading the user to visit the store, it is imperative that businesses optimize their mobile presence. While the effectiveness of pay-per-click ads still divides search marketers, those that use the advertising format must take every opportunity to make their ads as effective as possible,... [Read more]

1-Click Video Ranker WordPress Plugin: boost your site ranking #ad

For nearly 6 years,George Katsoudas has been getting traffic from Google Images, a site many marketers have never heard of. But, Google Images receives over 10 Billion page views each day. That traffic is something marketers should pay attention to. If you have been doing much “googling” lately, you have probably noticed that Google often... [Read more]

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