IM NewsWatch, October 16, 2014 - ‘Top Holiday Social Media Trends for 2014 – HubSpot' and much more...

October 16th, 2014 at 8:44 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

Thursday, October 16, 2014

‘3 Things Marketers Should Be Testing (But Probably Aren’t)’ – Silverpop Blog

Adam Steinberg says, “With the rise of big data, the most effective marketers are constantly testing their assumptions and using a data driven-approach to optimize their marketing programs. For many marketers, being data-driven starts with A/B testing. While A/B testing isn’t as sophisticated as multivariate analytics, it’s a simple way for marketers... [Read more]

‘Trends marketers need to know right this minute’ – ‘Experian Marketing Forward’ Blog

Pamela Robertson says, “Crowdsourcing, Programmatic Buying, The Internet of Things … these are all concepts that today’s savvy marketer needs to be thinking about. We can’t emphasize it enough: the marketing landscape changes almost daily, sometimes without us even realizing it. The three concepts I just mentioned weren’t even part of... [Read more]

‘Google Enables Local Calls from PPC Ads’ – ‘Website Magazine’ Article

Derek S. says, “With 50 percent of searches with local intent leading the user to visit the store, it is imperative that businesses optimize their mobile presence. While the effectiveness of pay-per-click ads still divides search marketers, those that use the advertising format must take every opportunity to make their ads as effective as possible,... [Read more]

1-Click Video Ranker WordPress Plugin: boost your site ranking #ad

For nearly 6 years,George Katsoudas has been getting traffic from Google Images, a site many marketers have never heard of. But, Google Images receives over 10 Billion page views each day. That traffic is something marketers should pay attention to. If you have been doing much “googling” lately, you have probably noticed that Google often... [Read more]

‘2015 B2C Content Marketing Benchmarks, Budgets, and Trends’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

Vahe Habeshian says, “Marketers have a problem with measuring content marketing. Business-to-consumer (B2C) content marketers struggle with effectively tracking their content marketing return on investment (ROI), according to the findings of the fifth annual content marketing study by MarketingProfs and the Content Marketing Institute. (That’s... [Read more]

‘Report: Facebook Dominates Social Sharing Of Major Events, But Twitter & Reddit React Quicker’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Martin Beck says, “Facebook is for ice bucket challenges. Twitter is for Ferguson, Mo. That’s been theconventional wisdom in the past few months; that conversation about breaking news is happening mostly on Twitter, while people are using Facebook to share less timely — some would say less newsworthy — topics. The evidence for this conclusion... [Read more]

‘Here’s A Video Showing What Happens When Malware Infects Your Computer And Creates Thousands Of Fake Clicks On Ads’ – Business Insider

Lara O’Reilly says, “Online ad fraud costs advertisers more than $7 million every month, as they pay for digital ads that were never actually seen by humans. Much of this online ad fraud is created by botnets: armies of PCs infected with malware that generates thousands of fake clicks on ads. The botnet controllers tend to be unethical... [Read more]

Big Click Subject Lines Master List; Good while it lasts (till Sunday) #ad

Jason Parker and Charles Kirkland have just released a master list of proven subject lines that have worked for them, called Big Click Subject Lines Master List. Now, you can copy these powerful email subject lines (which are essentially headlines for your eamil) to use in your own marketing. They don’t want you to waste time testing subject lines... [Read more]

‘Most Important Technical On-Page SEO Elements (Infographic)’ – ‘Business 2 Community’ Article

Jomer Gregorio says, “Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is one of the most fundamental digital marketing strategies any business with an online presence should have. SEO is geared towards generating natural or organic traffic, which is basically the top source of traffic for most websites. This fact is established by many studies, including the recent... [Read more]

‘Want to Increase Your Blog’s Conversion Rates by 87%? Try Focusing on Keywords’ – HubSpot

Pamela Vaughan says, “We’re on a historical blog optimization kick over here on the HubSpot blogging team. “What in the Sam Hill is ‘historical blog optimization,'” you ask? Basically, it means optimizing our “old” blog content to generate more traffic and leads. And by “old,” I just mean posts... [Read more]

‘Report: YouTube Videos on Facebook Are Getting Rarer’ – ‘Mashable’

Todd Wasserman says, “YouTube is losing a key distribution platform as Facebook’s home-grown videos become more popular, according to a report from Socialbakers. Facebook is now poised to overtake YouTube in video posts in the News Feed, according tothe researcher. The analysis was based on 20,000 Facebook Pages from brands, media, celebrities... [Read more]

Publish and Profit: Publish a book to build your business #ad

Mike Koenigs and Pam Hendrickson just announced their latest product late on Monday, 'Publish and Profit'. But, before checking out the product details, take advantage of 3 free training videos they have produced on 'Writing a book in 30 days'... [Read more]

‘4 Ways to Build Trust and Humanize Your Brand’ – MOZ Blog

Mackenzie Fogelson says, “In 1999, AdAge released its list of most influential advertising campaigns of all time. At the top of the list was ‘Think Small,’ a campaign that introduced the Volkswagen Beetle to America. It was given top honors not because of its graphical juxtaposition, or its catchy copy, but rather its honest approach.... [Read more]

‘What Can Google Analytics Really Do?’ by John Chow

Chow says, “Google Analytics allows bloggers to see almost every statistic under the sun in regards to their site. The benefit of seeing these statistics is the opportunity it provides to watch growth, see mistakes, and make adjustments accordingly. It is important for bloggers to understand Google Analytics and what it has to offer. Here we will... [Read more]

‘20 Ways to Improve Your Small Business Writing Skills’ – Aweber Blog

Kristen Dunleavy says, “If you’re serious about growing your business, you need amazing content. The great news about writing for your business? You’re already the expert! While writing engaging content isn’t easy (most business owners aren’t professional writers, after all), it’s one skill worth developing. Here are 20 ways you can begin... [Read more]

SEO Recovery: How to recover from Google Penalties #ad

John Pearce has released a report on the problems that can come from SEO. IM NewsWatch has obtained a copy, ad with Pearce's approval, we have posted it (at no charge) so you can discover things to watch out for... [Read more]

‘Want to Hook Your Readers? Apply These 10 Principles to Create Captivating News Stories’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

Julia Odgen says, “Writing well-structured articles that inform, educate, and entertain is not as easy as it looks. There are billions of webpages out there that contain poorly written, unimaginative, boring content. But those aren’t the descriptions you want associated with the media you produce, right? As all content marketers who want to grow... [Read more]

‘B2B Content Marketing: 100% increase in lead gen for customer service software company’ – MarketingSherpa Case Study

Erin Hogg says, “With new and emerging technology, the key is to articulate its benefits to potential clients. IntelliResponse offers a solution for customer service that allows consumers to search for frequently asked questions on a company’s website with ease, freeing up time and resources for call centers to handle more complex questions... [Read more]

Reminder- ‘The Future of Search: Drive Big Profits with Competitive Intelligence’ Business 2 Community Webinar 2.00 pm ET

This is a reminder for Business 2 Community’ webinar on future of search. The ‘Business 2 Community’ team says, “Join SEMrush and Startup Marketing Conference on Thursday, Oct. 16 at 2:00 pm for the webinar, Your Future in Search. In this webinar, search marketing experts Michael Stricker and Jamie Smith will present the essential... [Read more]

TTS Video Studio: Best text-to-speech software ever? #ad

Jimmy Mancini just announced his latest generation of text-to-speech software, his 'TTS Video Studio'. This is a video creator and editor that does the "voice-over" automatically using natural-sounding computer-generated voices... [Read more]

‘Google Analytics Launches New Set Of Tools For Tag Manager Users’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Amy Gesenhues says, “Google analytics rolled out new updates to its Tag Manager today, including new APIs, additional third party templates, and an updated interface. Google says its new Tag Manager API has, “All the power of the web interface.” The new full-featured Google Tag Manager API lets you customize the infrastructure to suit your... [Read more]

‘Top Holiday Social Media Trends for 2014 [Infographic]‘ – HubSpot

Lindsay Kolowich says, “All right, so most of us haven’t even picked out our Halloween costumes yet. But for marketers everywhere, it’s just about that time where we need to start sipping the proverbial egg nog and thinking about our holiday marketing strategies. The good news is that the days of plenty are coming: Last year, in... [Read more]

‘43 Inbound Markeitng Statistic That Will Blow Your Mind’ – ‘Business 2 Community’ Article

Carly Murphy says, “The 2015 planning season is upon us. Like many marketers out there, you’re probably trying to figure out how to allocate your marketing budget for the upcoming year. Let’s face it, you wouldn’t be reading this blog post if you didn’t have some sort of interest in inbound marketing, so whether you just want to learn more... [Read more]

Beginner's Guide to Building a Website #ad

Dean Olmstead has just released a short, quick course on building a website. It includes the critical steps: How to register a domain name... [Read more]

‘Open Site Explorer’s New Link Building Opportunities Section (and a Slight Redesign)’ – MOZ Blog

Rand Fishkin says, “Why hello there! You’re looking marvelous today, you really are. And, in other good news, Open Site Explorer has a bit of a new look—and an entirely new section called “Link Opportunities” to help make some link prospecting tasks easier and more automated. Come with me and I’ll show you; it’ll... [Read more]

‘8 Tips to Earn Money through Free Apps’ – ‘Website Magazine’ Article

Chirag Leuva says, “Mobile app development involves several critical tasks, but what happens after is equally important. Once the app is developed and uploaded to the marketplace successfully, companies need to think about app monetization. Since free apps earn better than paid apps, here are some useful tips for you to earn money through the... [Read more]

‘Holiday marketing secrets from your marketing peers’ – ‘Experian Marketing Forward’ Blog

Amanda Brief says, “Marketers today know that the key to a successful holiday campaign begins with a cross-channel marketing plan. The combination of channels and tactics you should use are as unique as your customers, but the findings from Experian Marketing Services’ holiday survey can help illuminate your marketing campaigns. Email may be... [Read more]

‘Get Cake and Experience the Sweet Future of Affiliate Marketing’ – ‘Website Magazine’ Article

Pete Prestipino says, “Digital marketing software Cake has announced a new release of Cake for Networks, an SaaS-based affiliate data tracking and analytics solution with some much improved reporting and attribution capabilities. The updated system offers much improved network management, enabling the use of one tool to manage an entire affiliate... [Read more]

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