IM NewsWatch, October 15, 2015 - 'Have We Been Wrong About Panda All Along? – MOZ' and much more...

October 15th, 2015 at 9:14 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

Thursday, October 15, 2015

‘The 7-Step, Data-Driven Way to Get More Traffic' by Jay Baer

Baer says, “If you’re blogging, sharing your content on social media just makes sense. But how can you really find the optimal blog and social media schedule that’s perfect for growing your audience? That was the question a friend of mine asked me to answer at a recent Meetup—and a super-interesting one, too. Since CoSchedule is an editorial... [Read more]

‘The Data Digest: Window Shopping: Now A Popular Activity On Tablets’ – Forrester

Nicole Dvorak says, “If you’ve noticed fewer window shoppers on the streets lately, it may be because they’re at home window shopping from their couches; that is, they’re discovering and exploring products without necessarily intending to purchase. For our 2015 US Mobile Landscape report*, Forrester analyzed mobile audience data from our... [Read more]

‘The Anatomy of a Terrible Cold Sales Email’ – HubSpot

Leslie Ye says, “Sending cold sales emails is a tricky business. On one hand, they can be a more efficient way to reach out to prospects — after all, it’s faster to send 100 emails than to make 100 calls. On the other, if you don’t immediately capture your buyer’s attention, they’ll just delete or ignore your email. It’s far easier... [Read more]

Have you given up on finding a good animation solution? #ad

Animation is not a task for amateurs. It takes some technical skills as well as some artistic talent to do good animation. We can be glad that Agus Skati, a skilled animator, is making 70 of his animated characters available in his new collection called Fresh Animate. And, so that you can use them in whatever video software you are familiar with, he... [Read more]

‘The Best You: Tactics to Build Up Your Personal Branding Online’ – ‘’ Blog

Tamar Weinberg says, “Your online reputation can make or break you not only personally but professionally. Thanks to the ease of use of search engines and social media, your triumphs, successes, and failures are in the public eye. Can you imagine hiring someone for a job without trying to find out what they’re up to in the public search results... [Read more]

‘5 Ways to Create Engaging Content Your Audience Will Share’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Peter Daisyme says, “Content comes in all shapes, sizes, and topics. The best content is interesting, informative and awe inspiring, the rest you wonder how it ever got published. It’s easy to look at the work others have done and judge it, saying, “that’s great,” or “that’s horrible,” but, it’s another thing to... [Read more]

‘A marketer’s guide to Instagram video’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Jack Simpson says, “Each month we publish a round-up of the best branded Instagram videos we’ve seen in the past 30 days or so. These posts always seem to go down well, so I thought I’d put together a list of all the things I’ve learnt about Instagram branded videos from the countless hours I’ve spent trawling the site for examples. So,... [Read more]

TrafficShield stops hackers in their tracks #ad

You never want to have your website hacked. It's even worse than having your PC hacked. The problem is that some hackers are very clever, and probe any weakness in your defenses in your site that they can find... [Read more]

‘4 Ways to Turn a Mature Membership Site into a Treasured Resource Your Members Will Love’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

Debbie Hodge says, “As your membership site matures, its library of resources grows — and even balloons. Tired and proud, you look through your catalog of lessons, ebooks, slide decks, swipe files, worksheets, audio, and video. You think of all the years you’ve kept your head down and done the work. Now, with this big, evergreen content library,... [Read more]

‘Have We Been Wrong About Panda All Along?’ – MOZ Blog

Marie Haynes says, “Thin content! Duplicate content! Everyone knows that these are huge Panda factors. But are they really? In this article, I will explore the possibility that Panda is about so much more than thin and duplicate content. I don’t have a list of ten steps to follow to cure your Panda problems. But, I do hope that this article... [Read more]

‘Facebook is working on its own real-time news notification app’ – ‘Mashable’

Adario Strange says, “Facebook is preparing to launch its own real-time news notification app in a bid to lure people away from Twitter. A source familiar with the matter confirmed to Mashable that the app is indeed in development, although a specific launch date has not been revealed. Rumors surrounding the app surfaced earlier this week on... [Read more]

Build your own professional WP sites in minutes with Mega Builder #ad

Fachrul Stream is a WordPress product developer, focusing on products that help marketers present their business online in a favorable light so their offers get the best possible response. His latest marketing tool is his new 'Mega Builder Wordpress Theme' package... [Read more]

‘Four ways to encourage more positive online customer reviews’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Patricio Robles says, “It’s not surprising that what people are saying about your business online can dramatically affect its prospects. But despite the importance of customer reviews, many businesses still struggle to get their customers to say nice things about them and their products or services. While some companies turn to shady tactics that... [Read more]

‘Find Out And Remember Who Your Buyers Are At Each Stage’ – Forrester

Peter O’Neill says, “Last month, I enjoyed working with my colleague TJ Keitt as he prepared his report “B2B CX Professionals: Find The Full Range Of B2B Customers”, now published for customer experience professionals who are Forrester clients. As he writes, “Despite the clear benefits of improving B2B customer experience, there’s... [Read more]

‘Compulsively checking Facebook will now include impulse shopping’ – ‘Mashable’

Patrick Kulp says, “Facebook will soon start looking more and more like an online shopping mall. The social network said Monday that it is adding a new mobile “shopping” tab where you can buy clothes, electronics and other items without ever leaving Facebook’s confines. The company is also rolling out new ad formats that let... [Read more]

Azon Review Hero: Better product reviews for more sales #ad

Until now, building review sites for Amazon products was a painfully slow process. First you need to find the right keywords and the you need to choose the right products to review for these keywords... [Read more]

‘4 Steps For Creating Happy Customer Experiences’ – ‘ReadWrite’

Doron Reveni says, “When the topic of customer service comes up, names like Amazon, Zappos and American Express often spring to mind. They should—these companies invest deeply in customer service, listening to their patrons, asking what makes them happy, and truly listening when to the answers. They treat their customers like gold, because they... [Read more]

‘How to Use Envy (Ethically) in Your Sales Copy’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

Rainmaker team says, “Using envy is a powerful copywriting technique to help your customer find the motivation to accept your offer. But some marketers have overused and abused this approach (pictures of ridiculous speedboats, anyone?) Don’t be put off, not only can you use envy to make your copy more persuasive, you owe it to your customer... [Read more]

‘5 Ways GIFs Can Increase Your PR and Marketing Efforts’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Beki Winchel says, “GIFs aren’t only for powerhouse social media users anymore. Employing looping visuals lets PR pros and marketers say a thousand words — or more –in shorthand. When used wisely, GIFs are a great way to connect with your audience, increase views and make your brand more relatable to consumers. Here are five ways... [Read more]

Peter Garety's P1 Targeting App; Enterprise version is top seller #ad

As we reported Tuesday, Peter Garety released his new keyword research tool, his 'P1 Targeting App'. So far, the Enterprise version has sold about 10 times as many as the other two versions combined. People are looking for a "no limits" approach. And it's only a few dollars more... [Read more]

‘Mobile App Marketing: How Apps Contribute to the Consumer Journey’ – ‘’ Blog

John Meyer says, “Ecommerce is a way of life for countless millions of individuals across the globe. Attribute its meteoric rise to technological advancements, society’s obsession with consumerism, or simply mankind’s aversion to do anything these days not controlled by a handheld device. Taken individually or as a trio of causative factors,... [Read more]

‘Want a Promotion? Get Your Sales Forecast Right ASAP’ – HubSpot

Peter Ostrow says, “A small dose of arrogance may indeed be desirable in the quota-carriers we employ. However, this confidence gene can negatively impact enterprise performance if it is allowed to inform formal sales forecasting and corporate planning. A quick query on LinkedIn shows that there are approximately 4,500 chief revenue officers... [Read more]

‘11 ways to track online to offline conversions (and vice versa)’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Ben Davis says, “Marketers can feel pressured, by blogs like this, into believing they are lagging in the race to master omnichannel attribution. In the real world, what marketers need are discrete ways to track discrete actions. That’s why I thought a roundup of some methods of tracking online to offline conversions (and back again) might... [Read more]

‘Differentiate Your Customer Experience with “Signature Moments”‘ – Forrester

Ryan Hart says, “Every March, children run around, eagerly filling baskets with Easter eggs. The eggs come in all sorts of colors and sizes, some hard to find, some more easily discovered. The ritual continues every year with the Easter Bunny (or parents in rarer cases) hiding eggs to impart joy and wonder in innocent children. One can analogize... [Read more]

‘Introducing Twitter Moments: How to Navigate the Social Network’s Newest Feature’ – HubSpot

Lindsay Kolowich says, “Tweets, by nature, have very short lifespans. Every time you post a new tweet, it has only minutes in the spotlight before getting drowned out by newer tweets. In fact, every second, 9,100 new tweets are posted by Twitter users around the globe. That’s a lot of content you never get to see. How do you find the... [Read more]

‘Why Instagram should be the channel of choice for marketers’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Stephanie Carr says, “It’s hard to believe that, just five years ago, two twenty-somethings launched a simple iPhone app called Instagram. Five years and a $1bn acquisition later, Instagram is now a booming success as part of Facebook, imagining a world more connected through photos. Are digital marketers witnessing a watershed moment for Instagram?... [Read more]


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