IM NewsWatch, October 15, 2014 - ‘Google Warns of Design Vulnerability in SSL 3.0 – Mashable' and much more...

October 15th, 2014 at 8:50 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

‘Holiday marketing secrets from your marketing peers’ – ‘Experian Marketing Forward’ Blog

Amanda Brief says, “Marketers today know that the key to a successful holiday campaign begins with a cross-channel marketing plan. The combination of channels and tactics you should use are as unique as your customers, but the findings from Experian Marketing Services’ holiday survey can help illuminate your marketing campaigns. Email may be... [Read more]

‘Get Cake and Experience the Sweet Future of Affiliate Marketing’ – ‘Website Magazine’ Article

Pete Prestipino says, “Digital marketing software Cake has announced a new release of Cake for Networks, an SaaS-based affiliate data tracking and analytics solution with some much improved reporting and attribution capabilities. The updated system offers much improved network management, enabling the use of one tool to manage an entire affiliate... [Read more]

‘It Takes A Village To Make Your Marketing Technology Investments Thrive’ – Forrester

Sheryl Pattek says, “Having its root as an Igbo and Yoruba Nigerian proverb, “It takes a village” has come to mean that the responsibility for raising children is shared across the larger family and community. But it hasn’t stopped there. Hillary Clinton adopted this proverb as her own when she published a book on children and family values... [Read more]

SEO Recovery: How to recover from Google Penalties #ad

John Pearce has released a report on the problems that can come from SEO. IM NewsWatch has obtained a copy, ad with Pearce’s approval, we have posted it (at no charge) so you can discover things to watch out for (and if you have already gone to far, he gives you suggestions for overcoming the penalty Google assessed.) Overcoming a Google penalty... [Read more]

‘7 Resources to Help You Advance Your Inbound Marketing Knowledge Online’ – HubSpot

Jonathan Pavoni says, “The marketing landscape has evolved so dramatically in the last 15 years that it almost feels like a different discipline. The strategies to grow your business, and the tactics to promote your products and services have completely shifted. Marketers now need to be able to attract strangers from the search engines, educate... [Read more]

‘Content Marketing Strategy: Are You Generating Content Variety?’ – ‘Business 2 Community’ Article

Angela Hausman says, “Crafting valuable content is crucial with recent changes to the Google Search Algorithm — Penguin, Panda, Hummingbird, and Pigeon. A content marketing strategy revolves around several key elements. I crafted several helpful posts detailing how you can succeed across these elements, including the importance of consistency in... [Read more]

‘Google Warns of Design Vulnerability in SSL 3.0’ – ‘Mashable’

Christina Warren says, “Google on Tuesday announced that it has discovered a “vulnerability in the design of SSL version 3.0″ The vulnerability, which Google announced on its security blog and detailed in a security advisory [PDF link], “allows the plaintext of secure connections to be calculated by a network attacker.” Google’s... [Read more]

TTS Video Studio: The best Text to Speech software ever? #ad

Jimmy Mancini just announced his latest generation of text-to-speech software, his TTS Video Studio. This is a video creator and editor that does the “voice-over” automatically using natural-sounding computer-generated voices. But it doesn’t sound computer-generated. It’s surprisingly natural sounding. And it comes with both... [Read more]

‘Six Ways to Uncover What’s Confusing Your Website Visitors and Dragging Conversions Down’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

Morgan Brown says, “If you’re responsible for generating sales and leads from your company’s website, you probably spend a ton of time deep in analytics reports and spreadsheets looking for insights and ways to optimize your site to improve your conversion rates. One of the biggest culprits hurting conversion rates is visitor confusion. Visitors... [Read more]

‘25 Ideas to Transform Ho-Hum Infographics into Something Extraordinary’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

Barry Feldman says, “A few weeks ago here on Copyblogger, Demian Farnworth presented theinfographic as the Salvador Dalí of content marketing — the most interesting person at the cocktail party. More than just a superficial presence, an infographic is a significant asset pillar with diverse possibilities that help you grow your media empire. Today,... [Read more]

‘Why Some Friction in Sales Copy is Good’ by Michel Fortin

Fortin says, “Using italics, bolds, highlights, etc to add emphasis in copy is a powerful tool. But use too much, and you are actually creating the opposite effect — everything looks the same and nothing is emphasized. So you must emphasize judiciously and strategically. However, some have suggested that emphasis should be avoided completely.... [Read more]

Beginner’s Guide to Building a Website #ad

Dean Olmstead has just released a short, quick course on building a website. It includes the critical steps: • How to register a domain name • How to set up a hosting account • How to upload your website to the Internet. These easy video lessons take you from knowing nothing to getting your site running in short order. And he includes... [Read more]

‘How five top UK ecommerce sites handle online returns’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Christopher Ratcliff says, “Back in the distant past of 2012, our illustrious editor shared his 14 best practice tips for how ecommerce sites should handle online returns. Upon reading the above linked article you’ll notice that very little in terms of best practice has changed in the intervening years. The benefits of nailing customer returns... [Read more]

‘Email Marketing: 67% open rate for Canadian Opera Company’s real-time sends’ – MarketingSherpa Case Study

Erin Hogg says, “Sending the right message to the right person at the right time is the key to success for many email programs. The Canadian Opera Company, the largest opera company in Canada, sought to implement real-time email messaging to subscribers and send promotional emails during performance intermissions to encourage additional ticket... [Read more]

‘Facebook Passes YouTube, Delivers A Billion More Desktop Video Views In August’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Amy Gesenhues says, “In an interview with, comScore’s co-founder and executive chairman Emeritus Gian Fulgoni confirmed that Facebook delivered nearly a billion more desktop video views than YouTube in August. Fulgoni commented that the numbers are “pretty amazing,” while noting Facebook’s auto-play advantage over YouTube’s... [Read more]

Publish and Profit: Publish a book to build your business #ad

Mike Koenigs and Pam Hendrickson just announced their latest product late on Monday, 'Publish and Profit'.But, before checking out the product details, take advantage of 3 free training videos they have produced on 'Writing a book in 30 days'... [Read more]

Reminder- ‘Social Analytics: Stop, Look, and Go Beyond Listening’ MarketingProfs Webinar 1.00 pm ET

MarketingProfs team says, “Organizations are taking notice of the incredible amount of sentiment and opinion data that exists online, and capitalizing on it has become an industry in itself—known as social analytics. Using that data to engage customers and understand their preferences is known as social listening. It is the most prevalent form... [Read more]

‘The Next Big Trend For Social Media Advertisers?’ – ‘Business 2 Community’ Article

Tristan Minall says, “Last month Twitter announced the release of a surprisingly familiar feature to its advertisers – look-alike-only targeting. Those who are well versed in the inner workings of Facebook advertising will know of Lookalike Audiences already and will see this more as a “finally…” moment than anything else. However, with both... [Read more]

‘Google’s ‘Rivalry’ With Amazon? It’s Complicated’ – ‘Mashable’

Seth Fiegerman says, “”Many people think our main competition is Bing or Yahoo,” Eric Schmidt, Google’s executive chairman, said this week in Berlin. “But, really, our biggest search competitor is Amazon.” Schmidt likely intended to persuade a skeptical European audience that Google is not all powerful and faces more... [Read more]

"Video Alchemy" lets anyone make a video with no skills, no stress #ad

This fascinating new software, 'Video Alchemy', lets you turn any article, your own, PLR or curated from the internet, into a video... [Read more]

‘What’s happening in cross-border ecommerce?’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Ben Davis says, “Ecommerce continues to grow, increasing by around 10%, 2013 to 2014. Part of this growth is due to the continuing emergence of APAC, specifically China. This has created what PayPal calls ‘new spice routes’ with countries trading cross-border when it comes to ecommerce. I’ve done a bit of a literature review to... [Read more]

‘SEO in 30 Minutes a Day – Optimizing Your Website’ – ‘Website Magazine’ Article

Travis Bliffen says, “Last weeks’ post covered some ideas for quick content creation and the week prior gave you the knowledge to quickly find keywords that could be used as a starting point for content and ultimately, greater online visibility. Today you are going to learn how to implement keywords and content into your site along with a proper... [Read more]

‘Blinded By The Dream Of Having A Single Marketing Services Partner?’ – Forrester

Carlton Doty says, “The Greek philosopher Heraclitus said “the only thing that is constant is change.” Well, the CI services landscape seems to live and breath this saying. Today’s market demands are leading traditional database marketing service providers (MSPs) to deliver broader digital marketing capabilities, either through... [Read more]

Commission Kaboom: Make big, consistent commissions daily #ad

Three online marketers well-known to readers of IM NewsWatch, (Tom Yevsikov, Gaurab Borah and Venkata Ramana), have combined their knowledge to produce a handbook for building your commissions for your online affiliate sales, called 'Commission Kaboom'... [Read more]

‘Twitter Gives Australian Small & Medium Businesses Self-Service Ad Access’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Martin Beck says, “Twitter today announced that its self-service ad platform is now available in Australia. The feature, targeted at small and medium businesses, enables advertisers to target specific business goals, such as leads, sales, videos views and website traffic, and is now available in 21 countries. In a blog post announcing the launch,... [Read more]

‘The DiSC Assessment: How to Bring Out the Best in Your Management Style’ – HubSpot

Tony Alessandra says, “If you’re a manager, you should be very aware of your management style and how it can affect others. Being conscious of the extremes of your behavioral type will allow you to work moreeffectively with your direct reports, and transform from just a boss into a true leader. But before you do that, you’ll need to identify your... [Read more]

‘11 Simple Changes That Would Improve This Email: Gentle Critique’ – ClickZ Blog

Jeanne Jennings says, “This small business is attempting email marketing, but it has a lot of room for improvement. Can you apply any of these tips to your strategy? I love email marketing. It makes me really sad when I see a small business trying to leverage the power of the channel making small mistakes which could be the difference between success... [Read more]

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