IM NewsWatch, October 13, 2014 - ‘Blogging Metrics: What to Measure, How to Measure It, and How Often – HubSpot' and much more...

October 13th, 2014 at 8:55 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

Monday, October 13, 2014

‘Do-it-yourself SEO: Understanding Anchor Text, Link Profiles’ – ‘Web Marketing Today’ Article

Andy Curry says, “In “Do-it-yourself SEO: Dos and Dont’s for Backlinks,” my article last month, I discussed “anchor text,” which is the text that is a clickable link from one web page to another. Anchor text can be anything, really. For a link to a Realtor’s website in Charlottesville, Virginia, anchor text could be, for example:... [Read more]

‘Blogging Metrics: What to Measure, How to Measure It, and How Often’ – HubSpot

John Bonini says, “Blogging can feel a bit like a self-fulfilling prophecy at times, am I right? Think about whether this sounds like you: “I know this topic will do well.” Sure it does. Sounds like me, too. Following intuition like this is fine — it’s only when it isn’tfollowed up with analysis that we find ourselves in trouble. It’s... [Read more]

‘A Day in the Life of a Marketer [Infographic]‘ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

Verónica Maria Jarski says, “Does the ringing of your morning alarm clock sound like the firing of a starting gun? For most marketers, it does. Marketers often find themselves rushing from task to task and fighting the numerous distractions and lack of structure that affect their productivity. The following infographic by AtTask shows the highlights... [Read more]

The HTML 5 Video Player that breaks all the rules #ad

Matt McDonald has become an expert in online video. Over the last 2-3 years he has created several online video players, and they have earned him a reputation for quality work. Technology changes over time, and now the foundational technology for new websites is HTML 5, and this latest technology is very compatible with playing videos directly. No longer... [Read more]

‘Marketers, You’re Thinking About Loyalty Programs All Wrong, And Other Consumer Disconnects [Study]‘ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Ginny Marvin says, “It’s a common refrain that consumers are moving faster and changing habits more quickly than marketers can keep pace with. We’ve seen it happening in mobile and a new study underscores how businsses are missing out on key connections throughout the so-called “customer journey”. With devices at our fingertips, we want... [Read more]

‘Facebook, Twitter And Google Are Banding Together To Steal Ad Money From Broadcast TV’ – Business Insider

Lara O’Reilly says, “Facebook, Twitter, Google, Yahoo, Microsoft, AOL and five other big names in digital media in the UK are rallying together next week as they bid to steal share of advertising dollars from TV broadcasters – by replicating the same tactic TV broadcasters use to sign huge “upfront” deals with advertisers. They’re... [Read more]

‘How To Schedule Tweets With Images Using Twitter’ – ‘Business 2 Community’ Article

Jacob Curtis says, “This week’s #SocialMediaMinute will cover how to schedule tweets with images using Twitter. If you’ve ever tried to schedule tweets with images using a service like Hootsuite you probably know that the photo is included as a URL instead of within Twitter’s stream. This can drastically decrease the engagement your tweets... [Read more]

Solo Ad Professor: how to double or even triple your solo ad profits #ad

There are many people who have web sites in your niche. The smart ones have mailing lists of people interested in their site, and many times those people have already bought something from their site. To build your own mailing list, a typical technique is to make a deal with one of these site owners to send your add as a “solo” (that is,... [Read more]

‘Security & Risk Analyst Spotlight Podcast With Heidi Shey’ – Forrester

Stephanie Balaouras says, “October has arrived and it’s time for what is becoming a fan-favorite series here at Forrester: the Security & Risk Analyst Spotlight Podcast featured in our bimonthly newsletter. This month, we’re featuring 8-year Forrester veteran and analyst Heidi Shey, one of our leading analysts on data security... [Read more]

‘The Ultimate Guide to Hiring Effective Marketers’ – HubSpot

Eric Siu says, “Let’s play a game, you and I. You’ll be the CEO of your business, I’ll be a person with magical powers. I’ll use these powers to grant you a look at the life of one of your employees. Let’s say his name is Malcolm Marketer. Pretend that you’re now observing what he does. On any given day, you’ll see Malcolm do a... [Read more]

‘Open-Source Projects Need More Than Good Code—They Need Marketing’ – ‘ReadWrite’

Matt Asay says, “Most open source developers focus on writing great code and don’t bother marketing their project. Which is why most open-source projects fail. Utterly. While it’s a convenient fiction to believe that open source is a meritocracy where the best code wins, it’s just that: fiction. As Apache Storm founder Nathan Marz... [Read more]

Exit Splash Generation Software; Free software for more sales #ad

Barry Rodgers is giving away his Exit Splash Generation Software as a “getting to know you” gesture. He wants you to know him and appreciate the quality of his products. He assumes that if you like this one, you will eventually buy more from him. Rodgers has been mentioned in IM NewsWatch many times, most recently in the ad for his product... [Read more]

‘How to Acquire Anchor Text-Rich Links Without Resorting to Spam or Manipulation’ – MOZ Blog

Rand Fishkin says, “All signs point to links with exact match anchor text retaining the huge value we’ve seen throughout the years, but many of the techniques for acquiring those links are spammy. There are a few, though, that not even Google would frown upon, and in today’s Whiteboard Friday, Rand shows you what they are”. How to Acquire... [Read more]

‘Three ways most marketers screw up email subject line split tests’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Parry Malm says, “You know what one of my favourite feelings in the world is? Just to clarify, I mean at work. More specifically, one of the best feelings you can get when doing email marketing. I love the feeling I get when one of my subject line tests teaches me something about my audience. What can I say? I’m a super cool dude who gets excited... [Read more]

‘Your guide to competing in the age of social proof’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Jan Vels Jensen says, “In the world of social media, social networking and instant access to information, people have become more talkative than ever. So it comes as no surprise that when making a decision online, consumers look to the readily accessible experiences of others and have done so since the dawn of the internet. With 70% of people trusting... [Read more]

Ultimate Mobile-Ready Landing Pages (for CPA and more) #ad

At Midnight, Reed Floren closes the door on his sale, and 'How to Find Profitable Affiliate Programs to Promote' will go back to normal pricing... [Read more]

‘AdSense Text Ads On Mobile Devices Get New Treatment’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Ginny Marvin says, “To make ads copy easier to read, Google is rejiggering how AdSense text ads display on mobile devices. In the new look, shown above, the headline (in blue) and description are bigger than in former iterations. That’s a good thing for users, no doubt. The next step Google’s taken here in the name of a “more interactive... [Read more]

‘5 Sales Problems Marketers Get Blamed For’ – HubSpot

Eric Salerno says, “There are two types of companies: those that have a sales process operating smoothly, and those that have well, let’s just call them “sales problems.” And let’s face it; if you have a “sales problem,” it’s probably the same one everyone else has: there are not enough deals getting done or enough products getting... [Read more]

‘10 online marketing stats we’ve seen this week’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Ben Davis says, “How many three to four year olds own a tablet? Read on to find out, along with other stats on party political conference buzz, digital ad spend, B2B procurement habits and much more. For more online marketing statistical insight, download the Econsultancy Internet Statistics Compendium. Fewer TVs in children’s bedrooms, much... [Read more]

Super Whiteboard Graphics Toolkit, your path to better videos #ad

SuperGoodProduct.Com has just released a large package of marketing graphics called the 'Super Whiteboard Graphics Toolkit'... [Read more]

‘Google Adds The Ability To Post Polls On Google+’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Martin Beck says, “What does Google+ have that Facebook doesn’t? Starting today, Google’s social network is giving pages and profiles the ability to create and post polls. That’s a feature that Facebook took away from users in 2012 and Pages last year. The Facebook “Ask Question” polling feature is still available on Facebook Groups... [Read more]

‘Why Content Marketing Is So Valuable For Small Business Owners’ – ‘Business 2 Community’ Article

Susan Tucker says, “While not a new concept, content marketing is a fairly new term and there is a reason it is all the rage these days. It is incredibly valuable for small business owners and, with a little creativity, can level the playing field between small businesses and big name brands. Content marketing can include articles, blog posts, videos,... [Read more]

‘How To Get Started In Open Source’ – ‘ReadWrite’

Selena Larson says, “Say you’re a software developer and you want to give back to an open-source project you’ve relied on yourself. Or perhaps you just want to build up experience in open source because, well, open-source projects are the future. But you’re hesitant because open source communities can be unfriendly—sometimes... [Read more]

Last day to get Reed Floren's affiliate training #ad

At Midnight, Reed Floren closes the door on his sale, and 'How to Find Profitable Affiliate Programs to Promote' will go back to normal pricing... [Read more]

‘The Future of Search: Drive Big Profits with Competitive Intelligence’ Business 2 Community Webinar October 16

The ‘Business 2 Community’ team says, “Join SEMrush and Startup Marketing Conference on Thursday, Oct. 16 at 2:00 pm for the webinar, Your Future in Search. In this webinar, search marketing experts Michael Stricker and Jamie Smith will present the essential steps for startup success using organic and paid search engine marketing. Entrepreneurs... [Read more]

‘Snapchat’s New Ads Will Allow Marketers To Purchase Untargeted, Vanishing Placements’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Greg Finn says, “The insanely popular temporary photo and video sharing network Snapchat is on the verge of monetizing the service according to CEO Evan Spiegel. Since turning down Facebook’s roughly $3 billion dollar offer, the social network has been valued near $10 billion dollars, but has yet to capitalize through advertising. According... [Read more]

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