IM NewsWatch, October 12, 2015 - 'Remarketing to People That Have Already Visited Your Website – MOZ' and much more...

October 12th, 2015 at 9:13 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

Monday, October 12, 2015

‘Does The New Facebook Reactions Get A ‘Like’?’ – Forrester

Anjali Lai says, “This week Facebook released “Reactions” for two pilot markets: Ireland and Spain. The new reactions available for posts? Love, haha, yay, wow, sad, and angry. Myself and Forrester analysts Jennifer Wise, Samantha Ngo, Brigitte Majewski across mobile, social, and advertising pow-wowed on this new addition. Here are our... [Read more]

‘3 Easy Facebook Store Options for Ecommerce’ – HubSpot

John Dukes says, “One of your goals as an ecommerce store owner is to remove as much friction as possible, right? When you know where your customers are hanging out, you should be able to set up shop right there. That’s why the Facebook store option is such an important opportunity. Rather than crossing your fingers that your Facebook fans... [Read more]

‘How Popular Are Web Ad Blockers Worldwide?’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

Ayaz Nanji says, “More than a quarter of Internet users worldwide say they have used ad blocking software on their personal computer in the past month, according to a recent report from GlobalWebIndex. The report was based on data from an ongoing survey of thousands of Internet users around the world age 16-64. Some 28% of Internet users in North... [Read more]

Azon Review Hero: Better product reviews for more sales #ad

Until now, building review sites for Amazon products was a painfully slow process. First you need to find the right keywords and the you need to choose the right products to review for these keywords. OJ James has released a new WordPress plugin called Azon Review Hero that removes the pain, leaving only the gain. Azon Review Hero allows you to... [Read more]

‘Pew Survey: Nearly Two-Thirds Of All Americans Use Social Media’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Martin Beck says, “It’s a social media landslide. The Pew Research Center is out with a new social media survey this week and it finds that 65 percent of American adults are social media users. While previous Pew studies have focused on the social media penetration among US Internet users, this one tracked use among the full US population,... [Read more]

‘Should You Ditch Social Media and Focus on Becoming a Niche Expert?’ – ‘’ Blog

Pete Walter says, “Noel Gallagher is a famous devotee (and by his own admission sometimes larcenist) of the 60s and 70s, and therefore very analogue, music. In a recent interview the sometime Oasis singer-songwriter concluded a story about his bemusement with his 15-year-old daughter’s lack of awareness of the pre-digital era with the exasperation... [Read more]

‘11 Marketing Wizards Share Their Best Tricks’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Eric Samson says, “There are no silver bullets in marketing. What makes businesses successful are scaleable and repeatable processes. A solid approach to generating consumer interest and promoting your brand will go a long way in building a profitable and sustainable company. Here, 11 of the world’s most talented marketers share their best... [Read more]

Your ninja affiliate marketing Blueprint #ad

Jason Mangrum has been marketing online for about 10 years. He has been on the team with well-known big-ticket marketers, such as Mike Filsaime... [Read more]

‘3 Resources to Help You Get Smart about Your Social Media Content Strategy’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

Stefanie Flaxman says, “The other night, when I was standing in line for a comedy show, the guy behind me glanced up from staring at his phone and said, “So many people these days are making a living off of social media.” “Oh? Is that right?” I played dumb, hoping he would elaborate. Social Media Guy continued to explain the “possibilities”... [Read more]

‘How to Book More Sales Meetings Using a Simple Psychology Trick’ – HubSpot

Emma Snider says, ““Hi there! Do you have time for a half hour meeting tomorrow?” Whoa, that’s direct. What do you think the odds are of a salesperson booking a meeting using this approach? If I’m being generous, I’d go with a 1% success rate. And that single person out of 100 probably misheard the question. Or maybe they... [Read more]

‘Google’s Accelerated Mobile Pages Project: What publishers need to know’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Patricio Robles says, “With Mobilegeddon, Google threatened publishers who refused to pay attention to mobile experience. Now, the search giant is trying to help publishers by unveiling the Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) Project, which, if successful, could drastically change the way publishers build mobile webpages. Here’s what publishers... [Read more]

Peter Garety's P1 Targeting App; Enterprise version wins #ad

As we reported Tuesday, Peter Garety released his new keyword research tool, his 'P1 Targeting App'. He made 3 licenses available: 1. The Get it Started license, which lets you do 5 searches per day with results capped at 3000 keywords... [Read more]

‘Remarketing to People That Have Already Visited Your Website’ – MOZ Blog

MOZ team says, “This week we’re chatting about remarketing to people who’ve already visited your website and then left, or already interacted with your niche, your service, your community, and then gone off somewhere else. In today’s Whiteboard Friday, Rand discusses how to get back in front of folks who have visited your site... [Read more]

‘Amazon Web Services Pushes Enterprise And Hybrid Messages At re:Invent’ – Forrester

Paul Miller says, “The hordes gathered in Las Vegas this week, for Amazon’s latest re:Invent show. Over 18,000 individuals queued to get into sessions, jostled to reach the Oreo Cookie Popcorn (yes, really), and dodged casino-goers to hear from AWS, its partners and its customers. Las Vegas may figure nowhere on my list of favourite places,... [Read more]

‘Mail-to-Order Marketing Takeaways: 5 lessons to be learned from subscription boxes’ – MarketingSherpa Blog

Shelby Dorsey says, “Who doesn’t love the feeling of seeing a package on their doorstep? While the mailbox is reserved for bills and sales flyers, a box on the front porch usually means a present. The popularity of subscription boxes has allowed for millions of customers to enjoy this consumerism bliss bi-weekly, monthly or even quarterly. Subscription... [Read more]

WordPress theme & plugin build profitable video sites in minutes #ad

If you are looking for an elegant theme for building video sites,  Yoedi Wahyudi has a new theme that can simplify your work and improve your monetization... [Read more]

‘How to Make Both Spontaneity and Planned Posts Work on Social Media’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Brian Honigman says, “Social media marketing is a tough discipline to master because it makes two demands of marketers that seem to contradict each other. On the one hand, the data-driven nature of social lends itself to a bottom line-oriented mode of thinking. In addition, consistency is likely the most important factor when it comes to succeeding... [Read more]

‘Five E-Commerce Upsell and Cross-Sell Tactics’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

Marina Iermolaieva says, “Upselling and cross-selling are popular approaches to increasing average order size and total revenue. Customers, too, are amenable to such tactics because they discover products they need or will need in the near future. The market is full of similar products, with many brands offering the same products; recommendations... [Read more]

‘Improve your mobile search ranking in three simple ways’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Jack Simpson says, “Part of my job at Econsultancy is collating digital marketing stats from across the web each week, and one of the most frequently cited points is that a rapidly increasing share of total online activity is happening on mobile devices. This trend towards mobile is set to continue in the coming years, so it is vital that marketers... [Read more]

Two-Step Squeeze Pages inside WordPress; Video tells all #ad

If you are using an expensive service to collect leads, there's now an alternative that can match the performance of the expensive solutions without the high price tag... [Read more]

‘Apple Removes Apps That Block Ads In Apps Over Privacy Concerns’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Ginny Marvin says, “That did not last long. Apple has pulled ad-blocking apps like Been Choice that we wrote about earlier in the week over privacy concerns. As other have said, it was curious that Apple allowed these kinds of apps to get into the App Store in the first place. IMore reported last night that apps that install root certificates... [Read more]

‘How to Craft a Sales One-Liner That Stops Buyers in Their Tracks’ – HubSpot

Leslie Ye says, “Value, value, value. It’s the key to modern selling and one of the only thing buyers care about when making a purchasing decision. But conveying value isn’t always easy. It can be confusing to separate what a product is from what it does and what that means for buyers. The important thing is to think about form, function,... [Read more]

‘Amazon’s Kinesis Firehose Aims To Prevent IoT Overload’ – ‘ReadWrite’

David Nield says, “Once our homes are kitted out with all manner of smart devices and sensors, where does the growing mass of collected data go to? Enter Kinesis Firehose, one of several services announced by Amazon at its AWS Re:Invent conference in Las Vegas this week. The Firehose lets device makers stream data straight to the cloud—the Amazon... [Read more]

‘17 Free Online Tools to Help You Grow Your Blog to 1 Million Visitors’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Walter Chen says, “”Free” is the most awesome price of all. “Free” gets you started when you have nothing. “Free” took me from 0 to the first 1,000,000 visitors to my blog. “Free” is also the price that most people gravitate to when they are first starting out. But, the trouble is, most of... [Read more]

‘The future of mobile ad blocking: The experts’ view’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Jack Simpson says, “Earlier this week we asked four digital marketing experts whether they were concerned about the rise of mobile ad blocking and what publishers can do to tackle the issue. In this follow-up Q&A we asked the same four people how they see the issue developing and what action publishers will need to take if ad blocking continues... [Read more]

‘Is Your Business Social Enough To Create Great Customer Experiences?’ – Forrester

T J Keitt says, “Your customer experience (CX) is the product of the interactions between your employees, partners, and customers within your operating environment. Forrester has labeled this as a customer experience ecosystem. It’s important to understand CX ecosystems’ two components — the people and the operating environment... [Read more]

‘5 Reasons Businesses Should Focus on Creating Video Content’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Rebekah Iliff says, “In the past decade, perhaps the biggest shift in Internet technology has been the rise of video content. From commercially produced material to the explosion of self-directed content via smartphones, video is everywhere. New technology will continue to drive this further, both in terms of accessibility to quality video hardware... [Read more]

‘Twitter Testing YouTube-Like Video Advertising Model With New Amplify Offering’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Martin Beck says, “No one likes filling out forms on mobile devices. But Facebook is aiming to make that clunky process easier — and more likely to help businesses pull in the customer information they crave — with a new ad product that automatically fills out forms based on Facebook user data. Called “lead ads” and in testing since June,... [Read more]

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