IM NewsWatch, November 7, 2014 - ‘Six paid search tips for a very merry Christmas – Econsultancy' and much more...

November 7th, 2014 at 8:39 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

Friday, November 7, 2014

‘Tablet Traffic: Samsung, Microsoft Gain, iPad Remains Dominant’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Greg Sterling says, “Ahead of the holiday shopping frenzy, ad network Chitika is releasing its semi-regular report on the tablet usage in North America. The iPad remains far and away the traffic leader, though Samsung and Microsoft have seen year over year usage gains. Market share figures from Gartner and IDC show the iPad losing share to Android... [Read more]

‘5 Types of Content That Will Dramatically Increase Traffic to Your Website’ – ‘Business 2 Community’ Article

Dan Scalco says, “Many people believe that content marketing is just writing blog posts filled with paragraphs of text. That could not be further from the truth. The “content” in content marketing is defined by anything that can be consumed by the end user. This means all types of media are content – blog posts, videos, graphics. In order to... [Read more]

‘What Will – And Won’t – Happen In US eCommerce In 2015’ – Forrester

Sucharita Mulpuru says, “2015 is upon us: in Forrester’s just-released “Predictions 2015: US B2C And B2B eCommerce Players Will Struggle To Keep Up With Customers” report, we predict a number of key issues will challenge B2C eBusiness & Channel Strategy professionals in the coming year, while a number of new and exciting—but not pressing—topics... [Read more]

Jimmy Reilly: Make Fast Cash Without Any Selling #ad

Every local business needs a constant stream of new leads that can become customers. They do everything they can to find these leads, Yellow Pages, Newspaper ads, cooperative mailings, and more. And these methods still work, but they are no longer as cost-effective as they once were. If you can provide better leads, more leads and less expensive leads,... [Read more]

HubSpot Releases ‘How to Create Email Newsletters That Don’t Suck’ Ebook

HubSpot has released ‘How to Create Email Newsletters That Don’t Suck’ free ebook. Brittany Leaning says, “To help you get a better sense of all the email newsletter do’s and don’ts, take a look at our guide: How to Create Email Newsletters That Don’t Suck. In this comprehensive ebook, you’ll discover: What a great... [Read more]

‘Twitter tries to make it easier to tweet, looks more like Facebook’ – ‘Mashable’

Chris Taylor says, “Twitter’s question changed in 2009, prior to which the status box asked: “What are you doing?” CEO Dick Costolo has pointed out many times that users tended to respond: “Well, I’m looking at Twitter.” The company didn’t think the change worth a blog post, and hasn’t returned our request... [Read more]

‘The Crucial Starting Point For Building a Digital Commerce Business’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

Robert Bruce says, “In the latest episode of Rainmaker FM, Brian Clark and I talk about the big picture of digital commerce. Many of us are now familiar with platforms like Udemy and Skillshare, but in 2007 Copyblogger launched its first product, one that was aimed directly at the myth that people wouldn’t pay for digital content. A lot has... [Read more]

Ultra Domain Source for your domain networks #ad

Jason Duke has been buying domain names and then building sites for quite a while, now. He uses them for other purposes, but primarily he turns them into Private Blog Networks. He finds these available domain names for PBNs at what he calls his Ultra Domain Source for PBNs. The reason he likes this source is two-fold: 1. There’s no competition... [Read more]

‘When Is a Blog the Right Form of Content Marketing?’ – MOZ Blog

Isla McKetta says, “You’ve heard the wisdom: “Your business should have a blog.” “Blogging helps your SEO.” “Why aren’t you blogging yet?” According to the experts, a blog will solve all your Internet woes. Blogging will increase your traffic, expand your audience, improve your engagement, position... [Read more]

‘How does Google judge quality content?’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Marcus Tober says, “Everybody talks about the need to provide quality content on your site if you want to rank well in searches. But how do search engines identify quality content? Successive Google algorithm updates (culminating in the recent Panda 4.1) aim to refine results so that they match the intent of the search query and deliver the most... [Read more]

‘Testing and Optimization: 4 inspirational examples of experimentation and success’ – ‘MarketingExperiments’ Blog

David Kirkpatrick says, “At our sister publication, MarketingSherpa, we publish four case study beats – B2B, B2C, Email and Inbound – with stories covering actual marketing efforts from your peers each week. Not every case study features a testing and optimization element, but many do. For this MarketingExperiments Blog post, I wanted to share... [Read more]

FREE WSO: How to Write Articles That Get Clicked #ad

Reed Floren is giving away another of his training videos, this one on writing useful articles, articles that bring marketing results. This video, How to Write Articles That Get Clicked, is completely free; there isn’t even an OTO. He hasn’t written a sales letter for it. He doesn’t need to; the title says all you need to know. If... [Read more]

‘Content Marketing: How Tim Ferriss turned his blog into a successful email program’ – MarketingSherpa Case Study

Courtney Eckerle says, “When author, angel investor and self-described “email-phobe” Tim Ferriss realized he had collected hundreds of thousands of email addresses over seven years of posting to his blog — without ever sending an email — he knew he had to act. From this base, Ferriss decided to create an email program that would... [Read more]

‘Six paid search tips for a very merry Christmas’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Matthew Whitehead says, “Paid search is a key element of marketing campaigns during the festive shopping season. What should advertisers be focusing on to succeed this year? Here are six key tips to inform your search advertising campaigns this festive season: 1. Analyse past performance and forecast for the future Reference historical data when planning... [Read more]

‘Leverage Web Analytics to Determine Lead Generation Goals’ – ‘Business 2 Community’ Article

Kevin Page says, “How many monthly leads does your business need to generate to achieve monthly revenue goals? I highly encourage you to attempt to answer the question above. If you don’t have an exact numerical value as to the number of leads that need to be generated on a monthly basis to achieve revenue goals, you aren’t fulfilling the benefits... [Read more]

PLR Reviews of some of the hottest toys of the year #ad

Getting ready for the Christmas rush is no small matter for an online marketer. This is when most merchants do the majority of their business. But it's also no small amount of work... [Read more]

‘How to Develop a Strong Visual Brand on Social Media’ – HubSpot

Melanie Perkins says, “The new world of marketing is increasingly visual. It’s no coincidence that the newest and fastest-growing social networks on the web — like Pinterest, Instagram, and Snapchat — are focused primarily on visual content. So, how can marketers adapt to and leverage an increasingly visual social atmosphere? Byimplementing... [Read more]

‘5 trends up for discussion at the 2014 Media Summit’ – ‘Mashable’

Casey Brown says, “At Mashable’s Media Summit 2014, we’re excited to host fresh discussions about the latest trends affecting the media industry. The event will focus on the future of storytelling, and the impact of new digital tools. At the Media Summit, you can expect conversations on: New formats of creativity. How has creativity... [Read more]

‘International SEO: A beginner’s skills guide’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Christopher Ratcliff says, “Or… how to attract the attention of global search audiences in territories that aren’t your own? So you’ve successfully adopted a brilliant tactical SEO strategy, your business is achieving high organic rankings for all your most desired search terms, traffic is flooding in and life is good. You’ve also triumphed... [Read more]

iPhone Informer: How to get into the iPhone accessories business #ad

The new Apple iPhones are big hits (they are physically big, too, and that's part of what made them hits.) Apple has trouble keeping up with the demand... [Read more]

‘US Digital Marketing Will Pass TV In Two Years, Topping $100B by 2019’ – Forrester

Shar VanBoskirk says, “I am happy to announce the latest release of Forrester’s five-year digital marketing forecast, a data-rich tool for budgeting, benchmarking, and identifying key trends to watch as you set your 2015 strategic plan. What you need to know: US Digital marketing spend will top $100 billion in five years. Just think... [Read more]

‘Salespeople, Do Not Send Me This Email’ – HubSpot

Trish Bertuzzi says, “Here’s an email I got the other day: Hey Trish, I’m sorry to trouble you. Would you be so kind to tell me who is responsible for marketing competitive intelligence and how I might get in touch with them? I wish I could say that was the only time I’ve gotten such a message. But it’s not. I get three to five... [Read more]

‘How to Incorporate SEO and Influencer Content’ – TopRank Blog

Lee Odden says, “Make no mistake, discovery of content through search engines is more important than ever. But the practice of optimizing content for search visibilty has changed substantially. As search engines look for signals of credibility amongst content and links, humans do the same thing. In the way that links alone used to drive the search... [Read more]

Breakthrough Membership Site System for Recurring Income #ad

Long-term income should be the goal of every online marketer. One sale may feed you for a day; recurring income can feed you for life... [Read more]

‘Key Marketing Trends for 2015′ Silverpop Webinar December 4

Silverpop team says, “More channels, more technologies and more demanding customers. With marketing shifting to keep up with the ever-evolving buyer journey, it’s challenging for marketers to stay on top of the latest trends and tactics you need to enhance the customer experience. In this webinar, Hood will outline key marketing trends for 2015... [Read more]

‘How to Measure Email Marketing Performance in a Mobile-Obsessed World’ – Silverpop Blog

Adam Steinberg says, “An email open isn’t worth what it once was. Savvy marketers have long known that clicks are a more telling indicator of engagement, and in today’s always-on mobile world, this is truer than ever. People are constantly scanning through their inboxes, swiping open emails to quickly skim email content. What happens when an... [Read more]


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