IM NewsWatch, November 6, 2015 - '4 Big Marketing Takeaways From Facebook’s Earnings Call – Marketing Land' and much more...

November 6th, 2015 at 9:07 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

Friday, November 6, 2015

‘The Top Social Media Tools for Working Smarter, Not Harder’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Cynthia Johnson says, “Many businesses are struggling with social media, because it takes up so much time. This is understandable considering that most businesses not only have their digital marketing to manage, but also have to keep up with all other aspects of their business. We need to stop wasting time on social media and use tools that can... [Read more]

‘4 Big Marketing Takeaways From Facebook’s Earnings Call’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Martin BEck says, “Facebook’s well-oiled social media machine continues to hum along, yesterday reporting another blockbuster quarter. The focus, naturally, was on how well Facebook is doing as a business, with its $4.5 billion in third quarter revenue, more than one billion daily users and eight billion daily video views attracting most of... [Read more]

‘Lead Nurturing: Content-focused strategy leads to 74% lift in leads for Precor’ – ‘MarketingExperiments’ Blog

Kyla Cobb says, “One of the most useful tools in the marketer’s workshop is content marketing. If utilized well, this strategy can turn even casual site visitors into potential prospects. However, how do you ensure that the right content makes its way in front of the right audience? That was one of the challenges Stephen Bruner, Marketing Manager,... [Read more]

Warrior+Plus Ready Set Go: Get started selling IM products #ad

In the internet marketing training arena, the Warrior Forum is a major source of information, some of it free and some for sale. People wanting to build an online business, including IM NewsWatch readers, often go there seeking training. This is a ready market for all kinds of products helping people to build their online business. So, it’s an... [Read more]

‘Deliverability impacts more than inability to communicate with subscribers’ – ‘Experian Marketing Forward’ Blog

Lauren McKinney says, “We recently completed our 2015 email data quality trends research with 200+ research participants who came from a variety of company sizes and industries. The research study to took a comprehensive look at what poor email deliverability costs an organization, the challenges associated with email collection and email database... [Read more]

‘Like a Boss: Stellar Marketing Advice from Top Business Writers’ – ‘’ Blog

Mike Hanski says, “Writing can bring a tidy profit, especially when a writer is a prosperous businessman who doesn’t mind sharing the experience with startup entrepreneurs and coaching them on a way to success. That’s what most of the well-known entrepreneurs do. Becoming business writers, they can kill two birds with one stone: build... [Read more]

‘The Anatomy of a Successful Marketing Campaign’ – HubSpot

Lindsay Kolowich says, “Have you ever seen a particularly genius marketing campaign and thought to yourself, “Wow, why didn’t I think of that?” When Oreo shipped that timely Super Bowl blackout tweet, you could practically hear the collective sigh of envious marketers everywhere. Other great marketing campaigns — like... [Read more]

Powerful toolkit for local marketing consultants #ad

What kind of services do you offer to local merchants to help them take advantage of online marketing? Whatever you offer, there’s something in this new Marketing Consultant Business Kit for you. It contains hundreds of videos, giveaway reports, articles and more. Basically, it’s a combination of two of Drew Laughlin‘s popular products... [Read more]

‘Buzzfeed: The art and science of social video’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Jack Simpson says, “On Tuesday I ventured into Google’s London office to hear a number of talks aboutonline video and its increasing importance as a digital marketing tool (while stuffing my face with sushi). One of the talks was from Digby Lewis, Buzzfeed’s director of brand strategy for Europe, in which he discussed ‘the art and science... [Read more]

‘What’s the Difference Between Content Marketing and Digital Commerce?’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

Pamela Wilson says, “Last week was a big one for all of us at Rainmaker Digital. We launched Digital Commerce Institute. Plus, we announced a new educational program, Digital Commerce Academy. And, as if that wasn’t enough, we announced next year’s live event, Digital Commerce Summit. Since a few questions have come up repeatedly, today’s... [Read more]

‘The Roadmap for Creating Share-Worthy Content with Massive Distribution’ – MOZ Blog

Kelsey Libert says, “Some content is designed to “go viral,” while other times a piece of content intended to stay among friends takes the Internet by storm. But whether planned or unplanned, rapidly-shared content has several commonalities. One of the key factors is that the content creates a strong emotional response in viewers. Through... [Read more]

How Much Cash Have You Been Leaving On The Table? #ad

Pinterest is offering marketers living in the USA a new marketing tool that has the potential to increase sales. It's called Promoted Pins. You have seen something similar on other social sites, and now Pinterest is getting in on this strategy as well.... [Read more]

‘Three Tips for Successful User-Generated Content Campaigns’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

Amish Tolia says, “Facebook warned brands late last year that beginning in January 2015 people would see fewer promotional page posts in their News Feed and that brands posting that type of content would see “a significant decrease in distribution.” Essentially, Facebook made it much more difficult for organic content from brand pages... [Read more]

‘Facebook Is Now Serving 8 Billion Video Views A Day’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Martin Beck says, “Facebook’s video views continue to accelerate. As in pedal to the metal. Facebook now sees an average of eight billion video views a day from 500 million people, CEO Mark Zuckerberg said during the company’s quarterly earnings call today. That’s double the four billion daily views Facebook announced in April and a good... [Read more]

’11 Personalized Email Examples You Can’t Help but Click’ – HubSpot

Carly Stec says, “If you’re anything like most people, you can probably rattle off 100 different things you’d rather do than dig through your inbox. It starts to feel like a chore because what’s in there isn’t very interesting. In fact, only 21% of consumers reported that they’ve received a memorable promotional... [Read more]

Is your business evolving to meet the new business climate? #ad

Yanik Silver has kept a low profile for the last couple of years. Before that, he had created a number of training products for small business people. While he has been out of the public eye, he has focused his energy in building a mastermind group he calls The Maverick Network. He has also been honing his vision for how to change the way business is played... [Read more]

‘10 Ways to Get Into Your Customers’ Heads Beyond Creating Buyer Personas’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Aaron Agius says, “Exceptional insights create exceptional businesses. How exceptional? Let’s look at a real case study about what happens when you can read your customer’s minds: Let’s talk about Steve Jobs. Jobs knew his customers well. He could anticipate their needs, exceed their expectations and secure their loyalty. But he didn’t... [Read more]

‘Everything You Need to Know About LinkedIn Company Pages’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

Rainmaker team says, “The LinkedIn Expert Viveka Von Rosen shares why you need to have a Company Page on LinkedIn. It’s easier (and more important) than you think. On this episode of The Missing Link, guest Viveka Von Rosen shares all you need to know to get Company Pages working for you. You’ll learn how a small time investment can create... [Read more]

‘Is it time to trade your CMS for a static website generator?’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Patricio Robles says, “Thanks in large part to WordPress, one of the world’s most popular open-source applications, the use of content management systems has exploded. This has been a positive trend, enabling companies to cost-effectively build and maintain dynamic, content-rich websites that are easily updated by non-technical staff. But... [Read more]

Ultimate Snapshot: Automated WordPress backups #ad

Offsite is important. Don't entrust your backup to the same server that holds you site. In a disaster, you would lose any backups on your server. The hacker corrupts them; the server loses them; the hosting company can't or won't supply them once the problem occurs... [Read more]

‘Targeting On Google’s Display Network (GDN): The Lowdown On Layering’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Mona Elesseily says, “Historically, the Google Display Network (GDN) had limited features, and it was impossible to fine-tune and narrowly target segments/users/customers. Today, there are more ways advertisers can target people/users interested in buying products or services. Furthermore, we’re better able to layer products so they work in... [Read more]

’10 Time-Saving Tools for Managing Your Social Media Following’ – HubSpot

Evan Seto says, “Keeping up with emerging social media networks is challenging. It’s easy to feel like you’re spreading yourself thin. That said, maintaining a healthy social media following on all of your networks is even morechallenging. You can’t help but want more followers, but if you’re going to extreme lengths just... [Read more]

‘4 Reasons You Should Gather Employee Feedback to Boost Your Marketing’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Sam Bahreini says, “It’s a sad reality that most employees don’t feel connected to their companies. One Gallup survey found that engaged workers compriseless than one-third of the workforce. Related: 5 Ways to Strengthen Your Bond With Your Team And a 2015 survey of nearly 900 employees found that 61 percent of them had considered looking... [Read more]

‘How to Use Google Analytics to Create an AWesome Welcome Email’ – Aweber Blog

Tom Tate says, “You can deliver a wealth of value to your new subscribers in your welcome email without reinventing the wheel. How? With Google Analytics! If you’re not using Google Analytics to track the traffic on your blog or website, stop reading this post now and get to trackin’. (Then come back to this post when you have some data,... [Read more]

‘The State of Digital Video Advertising’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

Ayaz Nanji says, “Marketers are reprioritizing video advertising budgets, shifting their spend from traditional to digital video, according to a recent report from Aol. The report was based on data from an annual survey of nearly 300 brands, agencies, and publishers. Nine in ten ad buyers say they are are shifting spend from linear TV to digital... [Read more]


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