IM NewsWatch, November 6, 2014 - ‘How Blogging Gets You Customers – HubSpot' and much more...

November 6th, 2014 at 8:31 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

Thursday, November 6, 2014

‘How to Incorporate SEO and Influencer Content’ – TopRank Blog

Lee Odden says, “Make no mistake, discovery of content through search engines is more important than ever. But the practice of optimizing content for search visibilty has changed substantially. As search engines look for signals of credibility amongst content and links, humans do the same thing. In the way that links alone used to drive the search... [Read more]

‘Key Marketing Trends for 2015′ Silverpop Webinar December 4

Silverpop team says, “More channels, more technologies and more demanding customers. With marketing shifting to keep up with the ever-evolving buyer journey, it’s challenging for marketers to stay on top of the latest trends and tactics you need to enhance the customer experience. In this webinar, Hood will outline key marketing trends for 2015... [Read more]

‘How to Measure Email Marketing Performance in a Mobile-Obsessed World’ – Silverpop Blog

Adam Steinberg says, “An email open isn’t worth what it once was. Savvy marketers have long known that clicks are a more telling indicator of engagement, and in today’s always-on mobile world, this is truer than ever. People are constantly scanning through their inboxes, swiping open emails to quickly skim email content. What happens when an... [Read more]

PLR Reviews of some of the hottest toys of the year #ad

Getting ready for the Christmas rush is no small matter for an online marketer. This is when most merchants do the majority of their business. But it’s also no small amount of work. Jennifer Scott has the perfect solution for you if you are in the toy niche, 66 Reviews of the Hottest Toys. [Read more]

‘Native Apps to Drive 2014 Holiday Sales’ – ‘Website Magazine’ Article

Allison Howen says, “Ninety-one percent of consumers intend to make a purchase through a mobile or tablet app this holiday season according to new data from Artisan Mobile. The data comes from a survey of 500 consumers, which also found 94 percent of respondents agreed or strongly agreed that they are purchasing and browsing products on apps... [Read more]

‘Misconceptions About Sponsored Posts’ by John Chow

Chow says, “It goes without saying that the Internet is supported by advertising. The reason why you are able to upload and stream all of those videos on YouTube is because Google populates the site with various forms of advertising. The reason why you are able to socialize with your friends on Facebook is because that social network has advertising... [Read more]

‘How to Create Visual Content That Gets Shared and Drives Traffic’ MarketingProfs Webinar November 6

MarketingProfs team says, “Getting your content noticed online can be hard enough, but trying to inspire people to take action on it and share it with others can seem impossible. With visual content rapidly growing in popularity, it is key to know how to use attention-grabbing visuals to drive traffic and get results. This shift to visual social... [Read more]

Breakthrough Membership Site System for Recurring Income #ad

Long-term income should be the goal of every online marketer. One sale may feed you for a day; recurring income can feed you for life. One of the best way s to earn recurring income is through establishing a site that attracts people to sign up as members. Choose a topic that has a lot of interested peole create your membership “club” and... [Read more]

‘How One Marketing Blog Tripled Its Email Subscribers With 3 Simple Strategies’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

Noah Kagan says, “You’ve probably heard how important email marketing is for your business, but do you know how it can specifically save you time and increase revenue? When I started, it took me three months to get a special deal with a company to promote one of our sales. Then on the day of the sale, I’d ask everyone I know to... [Read more]

‘How to Perform the Ultimate Local SEO Audit’ – MOZ Blog

Casey Meraz says, “Every business that competes in a local market and who competes for the display of localized results in SERPs will likely find the need to conduct a local SEO audit at some point. Whether you’ve hired an SEO in the past or not, the best way to beat the competition is to know where you stand and what you need to fix,... [Read more]

‘Twitter’s Adam Bain On “Buy Now” Tweets: “What We Do Is Monetize Emotions”’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Matt McGee says, “Adam Bain, Twitter’s President of Global Revenue, promised new advertising products and explained how Twitter plans to make money with its new “Buy Now” e-commerce button at the Web Summit conference today in Dublin, Ireland. In a conversation with Richard Eyre of the Interactive Advertising Bureau, Bain recapped some... [Read more]

iPhone Informer: How to get into the iPhone accessories business #ad

The new Apple iPhones are big hits (they are physically big, too, and that’s part of what made them hits.) Apple has trouble keeping up with the demand. Savvy marketers can see the potential for riding on Apple’s coattails by offering accessories that iPhone users will need. That can be big business, too. Barb Ling has created a free WSO... [Read more]

‘Inbox Comes Close to Mastering Email’ – Re/code

Katherine Boehrat says, “We can now text, tweet, iMessage, Facebook message, Skype and even leave one another disappearing messages. But old-fashioned email isn’t going away. It’s still a vital part of how we communicate. That’s not to say email is flawless — far from it. We mark items as “unread” so we will remember to deal with... [Read more]

‘Q&A: Jakob Nielsen on RWD, Google and the best ways to test your website’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Graham Charlton says, “Jakob Nielsen has been dubbed the ‘king of usability’ and has been helping to make the web easier to use for more than a decade. I had the pleasure of speaking to him yesterday, and we discussed the progress of usability, the challenges of providing a great experience across different devices, and the best methods... [Read more]

‘How Blogging Gets You Customers’ – HubSpot

Sarah Carnes says, “You have to give to receive. These 6 words sum up “How Blogging Gets You Customers”. You need to give and be present online toreceive confidence and business from customers and the way that is done is through blogging. Here are 5 reasons why blogging will net you customers through your Internet marketing efforts. 1) It... [Read more]

Write, Publish and Profit from the Hottest, Hidden Non-Fiction Niche #ad

Amy Harrop is an experienced online marketer and an author of non-fiction books. Now, she is helping you get into the Kindle authorship business, too... [Read more]

‘How Presentations Could Save Your Social Media Strategy’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

Scott Schwertly says, “More and more, we are becoming a visual society. Social media posts that contain visuals outperform text-only posts, and visual aids make presentations much more effective—43% more in persuading audiences to take a course of action the presenter desires. So harness this power of images in your social media strategy by... [Read more]

Reminder- ‘The Multiscreen, Multitasking Consumer’ eMarketer Webinar 1.00 pm ET

eMarketer team says, “The webinar will address these key questions: How are marketers addressing multiscreen usage patterns? How important is mobile in driving simultaneous media use? What is the impact of the proliferation of digital screens on traditional media? What are the demographics of simultaneous media use?”. Webinar Details Organizer:... [Read more]

‘Retargeting Marketing: 278% conversion rate lift in 60 days’ – MarketingSherpa Case Study

David Kirkpatrick says, “Retargeting, also called remarketing, can be a very powerful tactic, particularly in the complex B2B sale. This MarketingSherpa case study takes a look at a straightforward retargeting campaign that led to a 278% increase in conversion for a requested demo over the first 60 days of the effort“. Retargeting Marketing:... [Read more]


Fresh plots available for romance authors #ad

Sometimes you need a little push to get past writer's block.  Getting your book on the virtual bookstand (such as the Kindle publishing site) as quickly as possible means you start earning royalties sooner:... [Read more]

‘Twitter Expands Self-Service Ad Platform To Nordic Countries, Singapore & New Zealand’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Martin Beck says, “Twitter extended access to its self-service advertising platform to six new countries — Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, New Zealand and Singapore — today. Twitter has been making a strong international advertising push this year, expanding its full-service ad targeting network to 35 markets in Europe, the Middle East... [Read more]

‘The Secrets to Building a High-Growth Marketing Team’ – HubSpot

J. D. Peterson says, “Congratulations on that budget approval! It’s time to start hiring and building your marketing team. While there are many moving parts when it comes to executing a high-growth marketing operation, the people on your team should be high on your list of priorities. No matter whatbrilliant strategies and technology you... [Read more]

‘17 highly informative personalisation blog posts and reports’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

David Moth says, “In a week’s time we’ll all be basking in the reflected glow of some of the world’s biggest brands at our Festival of Marketing. The likes of LEGO, Tesco, M&S and Barclays are set to share their marketing wisdom, and we’ve also booked Tulisa and Bradley Wiggins to add some random celebrity glitz to the mix. One of the... [Read more]

WP Abundant Content Loader: for prolific bloggers #ad

If you you create a lot of articles for your site, and particularly if you outsource a lot of your content creation, you have a challenge to get all your content onto your site easily. It's time-consuming and sometimes it's frustrating to make all the fields just right so your articles will look the way you want them. But now, there's an easier way.. [Read more]


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